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Ray Johnson are you spamming again ?  XML
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Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

I thought we agreed that you wouldnt do that again.

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Nope. I'm going to guess Rocky said that..
The Contender

Joined: 29/07/2008 14:44:04
Messages: 55

Yeah you did not do it today but did it not too long ago. You know it I said it and you know I said other things too so drop the act Ray.

I suppose we could argue what exactly is "not too long ago" and what is not but whatever. It is not like you would come and admit it. In the end you should have not done anything like that in the first place.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 03/09/2008 14:16:06

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

The Contender wrote:Yeah you did not do it today but did it not too long ago. You know it I said it and you know I said other things too so drop the act Ray.

I suppose we could argue what exactly is "not too long ago" and what is not but whatever. It is not like you would come and admit it. In the end you should have not done anything like that in the first place.

I've spammed before. About 3 months ago when i really spammed. 2 days ago I spammed with eddie for like half a minute for fun, nobody took it seriously:
Ray Johnson> edder noob
edder1234> edder noob
Ray Johnson> edder noob
edder1234> edder noob
Ray Johnson> edder noob
edder1234> edder noob

That was funny.. but that's about it. Please stop accusing me of things, it's getting a little annoying. I promised to Mikkel that i would stop and I'm not exactly going to go back on my word just after being unbanned. Know that I still respect you as a person, but you have taken things too far. I would like to put this behind us and have fun like we used to.

The Contender

Joined: 29/07/2008 14:44:04
Messages: 55

There is no right or wrong in this Ray. I really think you should use your brain power to do little more constructive things.

This being said... sure let's put this behind us and have fun.
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

The Contender wrote:There is no right or wrong in this Ray. I really think you should use your brain power to do little more constructive things.

This being said... sure let's put this behind us and have fun.

Good to hear it. You'll also be glad to hear that modding the files only causes synchronization issues! So if someone mods their files and tries to stop running out of stamina, the other player will still see it as normal. So everything i've done is a waste!
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