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Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

After little thinking: its fatny ! I havent ever fought anybody whos like some kind of damn machine. But he is..its a mathematical certainty that you will lose. This guy is not human !.
So imho he is the goat of all time.
Squeezed (Lemon?) Head

Joined: 05/10/2007 16:22:32
Messages: 21

He doesn't play the game,
He's worked it out.

When he played, he was a good player but he was getting tough matches every other time against good players.

Then he worked the game out, and nobody could be arsed apart from you Larry.

He is running on technacalities and consistancy, eventually the other guys just go "can't be arsed"

Modify a few elements that are very A/B like and not open ended that style goes back to being free thinking.

Take for instance another game he likes, poker.
You can't "work" that game out, you have to play as yourself and the skill comes from real time instinct momentum and other varients and of course luck.
He knows this, that's why he maintained this game the way he did, fueled by probably caring about the game from liking proper boxing.

Squeezed (Lemon?) Head

Joined: 05/10/2007 16:22:32
Messages: 21

I remember HTF saying the field he fought was weak, and thinking, come off it you little whining shite. But he had a point, just not in the simplest of terms as he was stating them.
All other guys played on the moment, and because it wasn't built on technicality and consistency they all lost something when they got inducted into HOF.
Now if Fatny had met a lad that gave a shit as much as these guys did before HOF, he would of met someone that would of been bothered about being as consistant as him but with the want too. Played the exact same game and beat him.
Depending of course on who would of ended up being better at doing the exact same thing.
Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

I read what u said but it makes no sense at all.

Joined: 01/03/2007 14:35:55
Messages: 844
Location: United States, DC

Same here, all i got out of that is that fatny is a smart fighter.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 12/09/2008 22:51:49

M. A R A G O N

Joined: 16/06/2007 20:34:40
Messages: 478

ive said it since i fought him. i know fatnys secret. i dont know if i should tell but its unfair, so ill tell you all what happened.

ive noticed as i foguht fatny that he hits the body and head at the same time sometimes. i figured out that his keyboard has an added button with a move known to no one but him. he has this extra key which hits the head and body at the same time whilst taking up no energy. i confronted him after i watched a fight a couple months ago. he admitted to having this " extra key that nobody has but him. fatny your a cheater for using this key. =P sorry i had to reveal your secret.=P
Squeezed (Lemon?) Head

Joined: 05/10/2007 16:22:32
Messages: 21

hmm how can I bring it down to your level?

Fatny is like the guy that can't beat the boss at the end of a game and has now figured it out.

He's a rinse repeater.

He's shown how most areas of this game to be exploited for winning are about consistancy as opposed free thinking and playing each situation that comes.

Like with other games that have survived the test of time and are classic, like the poker example I gave.
A Good formula is going to take you through by about 20 percent, consistancy another 30 percent, but the rest of the 50 is all on a test of the individual at that particular moment in that unique situation.

With this game the way Fatny plays it, it's about 90 percent formual and consistancy.

Most people here equate the game to real boxing so play it like that, but Fatny just looks at it like a formula now.

No good player cropped up that was willing to just do exactly what he did and be living in boredom.

By the time he got round to say Unstoppable (who's skills declined drastically almost the second he was inducted) the guy wanted to beat Fatny more than he wanted to try for it.

If u want a simpler version i'll be up for explaining it again in an even more dumbed down version

Joined: 20/04/2006 01:14:40
Messages: 245

Squeezed (Lemon?) Head wrote:He doesn't play the game,
He's worked it out.

When he played, he was a good player but he was getting tough matches every other time against good players.

Then he worked the game out, and nobody could be arsed apart from you Larry.

He is running on technacalities and consistancy, eventually the other guys just go "can't be arsed"

Modify a few elements that are very A/B like and not open ended that style goes back to being free thinking.

Take for instance another game he likes, poker.
You can't "work" that game out, you have to play as yourself and the skill comes from real time instinct momentum and other varients and of course luck.
He knows this, that's why he maintained this game the way he did, fueled by probably caring about the game from liking proper boxing.

agreed. he understands the system. knows how it works, and understands that if he just fights this basic style he will win. HTF is still the best in my opinion. He could fight any style. Back to fatny, yes he is the greatest when it comes to this config, but remember back when a person could dominate a fight by leaning cause of the reach? Thats what lemon head is saying change the x or y factor that h.e's mastered and if he adapts after that then i'd say he is the greatest.

No offence Pappy...





Joined: 26/02/2007 02:43:49
Messages: 595
Location: Canada

Fatny is the best, period.


OB NAME: catfish

Wins:2707 Losses:1369 Draws:21 KO's:2660
KO RATIO: 64.92%

Titles Won: 12
Defences: 3

Best KO Ratio Based On 2000+ Wins:
1 Nigel Benn 80.26%
2 Mike Tyson 79.96%
3 Fatny 77.78%
4 Black Bear 72.43
5 john/Demonjabber/James A. Braddock 70.51
6 Here To FIght/Newguy 68.93%
7 Unstoppable 68.85%
8 Red Viper 69.78%
9 catfish 64.92% <------Sexiness prevails.
10 Reaper 64.86%

Started playing: November 15th, 2005

i eat little white boys
"i got a fever, and the only prescription, is more cowbell"
"rofl dofl with springles on top" -words of Reaper

Don't ever forget me.

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Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Squeezed (Lemon?) Head wrote:He doesn't play the game,
He's worked it out.

When he played, he was a good player but he was getting tough matches every other time against good players.

Then he worked the game out, and nobody could be arsed apart from you Larry.

He is running on technacalities and consistancy, eventually the other guys just go "can't be arsed"

Modify a few elements that are very A/B like and not open ended that style goes back to being free thinking.

Take for instance another game he likes, poker.
You can't "work" that game out, you have to play as yourself and the skill comes from real time instinct momentum and other varients and of course luck.
He knows this, that's why he maintained this game the way he did, fueled by probably caring about the game from liking proper boxing.

I get that. Smart, but why don't you do that?

Joined: 06/10/2006 18:19:47
Messages: 685
Location: Earth's Cousin

ITT: Idiots.

OBID: ProfsBack
Status: Active

Multiple OB champ
I took Fatny's streak. 7/1/2008

Offensive Style: Power Puncher/ KO Artist
Defensive Style: Lean Spam
OB Master of Styles

[WWW] [Yahoo!] aim icon [MSN] [ICQ]
Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

Squeezed (Lemon?) Head wrote:hmm how can I bring it down to your level?

I didnt read the rest. Not going to waste anymore time on you

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 13/09/2008 10:52:08



Joined: 06/02/2008 16:53:45
Messages: 375

Been playing this game for about 5 years now and Fatny is definitely the best, hands down. Dont know or care how he does it but he seems unvulnerable.

Semi retired
Joined: Somewhere back in 2003
History of ob:
Best Lag Ratio Based On 2+ Wins
2 Boon 99.16% - Theme from Boon

Squeezed (Lemon?) Head

Joined: 05/10/2007 16:22:32
Messages: 21

Alot of players that were good that played this game for the long haul.

Lab was another one. By the time I played him he couldn't be arsed.

Holmes for longevity and remaining alright no matter when he played. Sticking around too when his want to win didn't match his will, mostly because it wasn't fresh anymore.
Clearly you didn't have a fucking clue that this was what was happening.
Barrack Obama

Joined: 13/08/2008 19:11:13
Messages: 311

From my experience, HTF was the probably best all-around, but Fatny has been the most difficult to defeat. In their respective primes, the others were tough as well but weren't as unbeatable at their peaks. Then again back then there was more competition than there is now. Back when I began playing this game we had like 40-50 regular people playing consistently as opposed to the 15 or so that play now. You gotta factor it all in, but ultimately it most likely comes down to HTF and Fatny. I think a mistake many of us make is to go with the new flavor while forgetting just how great the old flavor was. In other words, it's common for many of us to put more emphasis on the present than the past. It's almost common nature for people to forget the past which is unfair IMO.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 13/09/2008 12:25:54

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