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Joined: 23/02/2008 17:33:27
Messages: 465

What kind of Style do you have and what do you try to accomplish using your style when your in the ring are you a type of fighter that goes for a quick ko or are you the type of fighter that wants to wear out the other fighter and win in point or are you in between?

Captain America (W)2623 (L)1325
Phenom (W)821 (L)290
Total (W)3444 (L)1615(Currently)

Titles Won=67(Currently)

Title Defenses=121(Currently)

"If I got a keyboard that works I'll play OB"

Pioneer of the kill-off "CA Combination" (Haymaker+small Hook)=RIP
Barrack Obama

Joined: 13/08/2008 19:11:13
Messages: 311

I always go for the KO within the first 2-3 rounds, but if I run into someone that is surviving the rounds, I start to box from the outside so that I don't run out of stamina. Sometimes if I'm winning a fight like 8-0 and I notice I'm running out of stamina, I will purposely give up a round or two just to accurately pace myself. It just really depends on the situation, quality of the opponent, etc.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 08/01/2009 16:13:03



Joined: 23/02/2008 17:33:27
Messages: 465

I try to incorporate past fighters like Larry Nigel Unstop and sal's and vargas's style into my own style with the traing from Catfish to smoothin me out into trying for the quick 1st round KO but if i dont get it take the fight slow and fight at my paste and not the other fighters make him feel uncomfortable and fight with a 3d type defence if you dont know what that means it means make it look as though were playing 3d from my footwork and doging ablity in the ring. And try to conserve as much stamina as i can without trying to give up rounds but if i have to than i will give up a round

Captain America (W)2623 (L)1325
Phenom (W)821 (L)290
Total (W)3444 (L)1615(Currently)

Titles Won=67(Currently)

Title Defenses=121(Currently)

"If I got a keyboard that works I'll play OB"

Pioneer of the kill-off "CA Combination" (Haymaker+small Hook)=RIP
Paul Dion


Joined: 22/11/2006 14:30:30
Messages: 963
Location: Manchester, England, UK

I always go for the KO...So I dont mind being jabbed a million times and losing on points...just as long as I get my KO I'm happy.
I always let my opponent beat up on me in the first half of the fight so their stamina is low... then I strike with very high pressure and explosive attacks!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 08/01/2009 18:13:19


- Paul Dion Junior: W320 L165 (KO319)
- Join Date: 2006
- Status: Active

- 7 time OBW World Champion
- 3 time OBC World Champion
- 1 time OBF World Champion
- 1 time Tournament World Champion

- Style: Elusive Defence and Counter Punch
- Signature Punch: The Dion Double Hook
- Signature Taunt: The Dion Crouch and Point

- Paul Dion Promotions record: 5-7



Joined: 18/08/2007 22:54:47
Messages: 440
Location: Merseyside , England

I try and jab alot for about 8 rounds. If they have low stamina I will try finish them off but if not I just keep jabbing away to get the decision.

But if somebody comes in toe 2 toe in the first round, I'll do the same back to them.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 08/01/2009 18:50:53

To be the best you gotta beat the best, don't be fooled by my record, no matter who you are... I will give you hell...

PDP Phenom - Mikkel Kessler: W442 L330 KO424

Paul Dion Promotions record: W7 - L3 - 4KO's

2x PDP Champion
2x OBW Champion
Earnie Shavers: W446 L432 (Retired)
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