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Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Mikkel wrote:It sounds alot like you're "judging" even though you say yourself that your in no position to judge MEH !

Btw it doesnt favor spammers right now. I'd say it favors both boxers and spammers

Paul Dion


Joined: 22/11/2006 14:30:30
Messages: 963
Location: Manchester, England, UK

Mikkel wrote:
Mikkel wrote:It sounds alot like you're "judging" even though you say yourself that your in no position to judge MEH !

Btw it doesnt favor spammers right now. I'd say it favors both boxers and spammers

Maybe one day you can set the stamina so the fighters gas out really quicky...just to see what it's like...would be interesting to see who becomes the best fighters in the game! African Assassin would be super champ maybe!


- Paul Dion Junior: W320 L165 (KO319)
- Join Date: 2006
- Status: Active

- 7 time OBW World Champion
- 3 time OBC World Champion
- 1 time OBF World Champion
- 1 time Tournament World Champion

- Style: Elusive Defence and Counter Punch
- Signature Punch: The Dion Double Hook
- Signature Taunt: The Dion Crouch and Point

- Paul Dion Promotions record: 5-7


Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

A funny mode would be "streetfighter mode" where fights are only one round and your energy doesn't go up.



Joined: 26/02/2007 02:43:49
Messages: 595
Location: Canada

Mikkel wrote:A funny mode would be "streetfighter mode" where fights are only one round and your energy doesn't go up.

LMAO! Seriously do that, that would be awesome.


OB NAME: catfish

Wins:2707 Losses:1369 Draws:21 KO's:2660
KO RATIO: 64.92%

Titles Won: 12
Defences: 3

Best KO Ratio Based On 2000+ Wins:
1 Nigel Benn 80.26%
2 Mike Tyson 79.96%
3 Fatny 77.78%
4 Black Bear 72.43
5 john/Demonjabber/James A. Braddock 70.51
6 Here To FIght/Newguy 68.93%
7 Unstoppable 68.85%
8 Red Viper 69.78%
9 catfish 64.92% <------Sexiness prevails.
10 Reaper 64.86%

Started playing: November 15th, 2005

i eat little white boys
"i got a fever, and the only prescription, is more cowbell"
"rofl dofl with springles on top" -words of Reaper

Don't ever forget me.

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Joined: 06/10/2006 18:19:47
Messages: 685
Location: Earth's Cousin

Mikkel wrote:
Mikkel wrote:It sounds alot like you're "judging" even though you say yourself that your in no position to judge MEH !

Btw it doesnt favor spammers right now. I'd say it favors both boxers and spammers

Rocky explained it already. CHANGE IT BACK NAO! mehhh

OBID: ProfsBack
Status: Active

Multiple OB champ
I took Fatny's streak. 7/1/2008

Offensive Style: Power Puncher/ KO Artist
Defensive Style: Lean Spam
OB Master of Styles

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