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Did Nigel Benn really earn the title "Superchamp"?  XML
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Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Fatny wrote:Viper is the charlie zelenoff of ob, a lot of people get frustrated listening to him and some laugh at him, but in reality it was all planned since the beginning, it's a character. In his room he reads the agressive replies and laughs his ass off telling to himself "how can they be so gullible". The "is a fraud"/"no one respects me" posts, signatures, color of text, grammatical errors etc are all planned.

Even if he's laughing at how 'gullible' we are, it doesn't stop his essays being a waste of time. It doesn't change the fact that he is letting his life slip through his fingers while he thinks he is winning the game. It's SAD and, if he IS laughing, it's a fuck load sadder.
Red Viper


Joined: 19/04/2006 14:08:34
Messages: 603

Dark Destroyer wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
Dark Destroyer wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
?uestion Mark wrote:Did Nigel Benn really earn or win all four of these belts or was he given two of those titles by Mikkel to make his "Superchamp" status a fraud?

Everyone in the entire OB Community gets to share thier own opinion and answer this question.

I'll answer this one, Nigel did not earn the title "Super Champ". The reason was because he was given TWO of those belts by Mikkel and he only won two of those titles by defeating John. He has to win, all four titles, none given to be a super champ and Nigel Benn did not do that. So therefore, Nigel never was a super champ in the first place. His so called super champ status was actually a fraud. His superchamp reign was fake and it does not exist. Then he lost some of this titles to lesser competition and YES it does hurt his reputation. In conclusion, his "Super Champ" status should be revoked and let Nigel prove himself of actually winning all the titles without given the belts.
67 time Onlineboxing Champion- all my accounts combined.
54 time champion with the "Red Viper" Account Alone
111 title defences
22- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
12- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Have a 4300+ win differential
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
One of the greatest Sluggers in OB History
The most hardworking fighter in OB
Another OB Legend
A die hard martial arts films fan
The Quest for 10,000 KO's for one account
OB Name- Red Viper

Wrong move bitching at me Mr Viper. Like I have said many times before but no one seems to grasp this, I lost 3 TITLES and won 3 BACK against top opposition aka Rocky marciano and Boon, so even if you don't want to count The wins I had against John then fine, I lost and won them back the hard way!, but let's not forget even against John I only had two titles and had to earn the other two, Does Unstops situation where he had two title and won the other two off me is a fraud aswell?.. Your unified status was a fraud. You did it when stamina changed to benefit you, why even post here?, your not one to judge you are just another top 10 player who sometimes gets a title for a few minutes that's it. I will listen to proper vets and HOFers not some emotional prick who thinks life on here is the real life of a pro boxer, get real weirdo!.

You have had 10,000 fights make a thread about busts yet you have NEVER managed even undisputed status. Now take your diaper wearing unstable mind out of this thread...and try not to kill yourself over this post.

And onto the thread creator, nice to make a alt to get your bitchy point across, hiding like a school girl, I have an idea who you are, just makes me laugh that you are that jealous you feel the need to make a new name and post seomthing that occured like a month ago, sad.

PFFFF, LOL. I don't give a dam what you did in the past. Wrong move to fuck with you, yeah right. Being an Internet thug on the net makes you look like a retard, a low life and a bum. Oh did I hurt your feelings by this post, you fucking cry baby. Your one of the biggest crybabies I ever witnessed and last night was a prime example. There is a lot of good fighter that never managed of undisputed status, but I came close. It's still good enough, so quit your god dam whining.

Trash talking is part of the game and its pure entertainment and I am having fun doing it. If you don't like it I don't want to hear your crying. I am laughing my ass off when you make excuses when you lose a fight, its hilarious. Like for example, when Reaper KO'ed your ass, you cried like a faggot and it was so funny that he made you his bitch. Even you made a topic about it, how embarrising. Next, you cried about Boon when he beat you in 1 round and blamed it in on a freeze KO. I bet you cried like a three year old gay queer. when you got beaten by Profsback, it was so funny. Then you blame your losses on the new stamina system, pfff, you were losing before the new stamina was set up, so whats the difference. Learn not to make excuses or shut the fuck up, you big fucking cry baby. Your massive ego illistrates that.

So I am average and a fraud. If I am fraud and average, than how come I kicked your ass last night. You can't even get my title, when I was champ and schooled you then, 5 knockouts to 2 and ended that fight in four rounds. Then last night, I beat you 4-2, half of them I whooped you completely. I would post the fights, but I am not going to because most them are going to laugh at you because you'll feel so embarrassed, after the beating I gave you. I've improved before the new stamina system was made. If this was the old stamina system, you'll get beaten worse because you'll lose a ton of stamina. Learn to adjust to the new stamina system, or shut the fuck up.

Oh remember, I called you washed up on that "Hall of Fame" thread, well guess what I was right. You sure proved that to me last night, when you got flatly embarrassed by me. Thats not when your downfall began, your downward spiral began when you lost all of your titles and then ducked me and Vargas, because you will so lose if you faught either one of us. No wonder your a paper champion. I gave everyone shots, you don't. That's why your a coward, and I had the balls to confront you last night and I proved you wrong. The Question Mark alt was just for fun, nothing personal. If you want to take this way too personal, than fine. You take this game way too serious anyway. So basically the fraud is you, Nigel Has-Benn.

If I am average and a fraud, than your washed up, plain and simple. I bet you can't ignore my post and reply something stupid. It was stupid to underestimate me, guess what happens you underestimate me, you'll fucking lose, and it exactly happpend just like that. I bet your too afraid that you admit that everything that I just told you in this post. So go cry and bitch some more, you washed up has-been and that was a message to others that think I am fraud.
67 time Onlineboxing Champion- all my accounts combined.
54 time champion with the "Red Viper" Account Alone
111 title defences
22- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
12- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Have a 4300+ win differential
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
One of the greatest Sluggers in OB History
The most hardworking fighter in OB
Another OB Legend
A die hard martial arts films fan
The Quest for 10,000 KO's for one account
OB Name- Red Viper

Crying?, why because you made a thread targetting me and you expect me to just let it slide?. Like another has said the irony of you calling anyone a cry baby is beyond me. I also find it ironic that you say no one cares about my past, yet you obviously did enough to bring up my reign that happened well over a month ago. Also ironic that you call me a whiner and cry baby yet you made this thread to whine and cry over my superchamp status. Your endless posts about no one respecting you and people thinking your underated prove you are OB's biggest whiner.

On to our fights. You won 4-2 and like I pointed out, they were all close fights and you take away your flash knockdowns you was getting beat up in all fights. Like I also pointed out to you, I play the game maybe twice a day if it all, last night you fought 28 times, so you will be sharper and more on the ball, it's a fact, I also said look at my recent rec, I have lost 17 of the last 28, I am losing to everybody since this stamina and connection change, so beating me at the moment when just about every Tom Dick and Harry is winning is no achievement.

You can make posts all you want but it will not make me respect you, You are and always will and have been Mr A (Mr Average), all the fights you have had and you have achieved fuck all, except embarrase yourself and give people endless belly laughs at your weird attitude to life. I am better, I have beaten better and done more in 600 fights than what you will do in 20,000. You slag off vargas but seriouslty what have you done better than him?. he may not have more wins, or "the best Ko artist" to brag about, but I sure as hell beat more top names than you. You get owned by practically every vet, your shit.

You didn't make this thread to trash talk, you used a name to get your jealous insecure point across, which is fine, it actually gives me satisfacation that I managed to piss off an unstable little prick in Texas.

One last thing I will clear something up. Tyrant's and most people's definition of someone who holds superchamp status is someone who holds 4 titles at once. I did that, but as usual when someone does something and others don't like them they move the goalposts (change the criteria) to suit them. I held all four and did it the way you criticised but your stupid mind forgets I also beat very good vets and future HOfers to get the titles back, so shut the fuck up move on and go back to your life which is of course OB. Prick.

Yeah you are a crybaby and a whiner, you dumbshit. I saw you do it, so don't lie to me you sorry washed up piece of shit. What is the fucking difference on how much I play, you think I imrproved because of that. I will still fight good, regardless the amount of fights.

Mr. Average, if I am average, how come you got knocked the fuck out by me, explain that. Your washed up, plain and simple. Who gives a fuck what you did in the past, because I don't. Who cares the fights were close, you lost most of the time anyway. If I am shit, than you really fucking suck. You haven't done jack shit after you lost your so called titles.

You think your the only one that beat very good fighters and HOF's, fuck no. I beat very good fighter and HOF's, also, so your wrong. Also, I don't lose to every vet. What kind of a dumb comment is that. A matter of fact, I beat most of them but I don't brag about it like you do. I beat Larry Holmes for the title today, did I brag, NO. So don't brag about it, faggot. So stop living in the past and shut the fuck up. So I brag about that I am the best KO artist, prff. I am thas and I sure proven that in the ring.

This is topic is not about me wanting respect, this topic is all about to show a washed up fraud you really are. This thread is also about me proving your sorry ass wrong, and I sure proved that in the ring.

So you basically said that "I am better". Your a fucking idiot to think that because your talking about the present, not the past. So no, your not better at all and the last time proved that. God dam you have a massive ego. If your so god dam good, than how come you can't TKO me in one round, faggot. You can't even the last the whole fight against me, why because your garbage. My offence can tear you apart. I had your ass in the corner and you were done, you fucking has-been. Compared to Larry and Rocky, your weak. You haven't proven jack shit to me and everyone else, you god dam fraud. You didn't piss me off, I started this thread to piss you off.

I'm done talking to you fucking queer. In the present, I am better you and that is a dam fact. So next time you underestmate me, you better you think twice, bitch or you'll get the knocked the fuck out again. I bet you cry like a bitch of what I am posting right now. OB is not my life, I got more important things to worry about. Yeah I fight a lot more as usual because I am on spring break, dumbshit. So anymore stupid and egotistical comments, you washed up faggot.

As for you Gay Johnson, stop kissing Nigel's dam ass. I already know how much I destroyed you over the years. No wonder why your not playing anymore, because your shit. Now back to Nigel, I am done with this thread, go ahead and cry and bitch some more, you washed up pussy. So burn in hell.
68 time Onlineboxing Champion- all my accounts combined.
55 time champion with the "Red Viper" Account Alone
111 title defences
22- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
13- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Have a 4300+ win differential
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
One of the greatest Sluggers in OB History
The most hardworking fighter in OB
Another OB Legend
A die hard martial arts films fan
The Quest for 10,000 KO's for one account
OB Name- Red Viper

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 06/03/2009 05:57:32

Active as of right now

Was one of the minority that broke Rocky Marciano's defense in half.

Won a title by KO'ing the opponent with only Uppercuts

The Greatest KO Artist in OB History

120x Online Boxing World Champion

More than 270 defenses.

Multiple time undisputed champion

Real close of becoming superchamp

I am the punishment of God…
If you had not committed great sins,
God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you- Genghis Khan

Respect yourself and others will respect you- Confucius
To see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or of principle- Confucius

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Dark Destroyer


Joined: 19/04/2006 16:15:33
Messages: 440
Location: London, England

Red Viper wrote:
Dark Destroyer wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
Dark Destroyer wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
?uestion Mark wrote:Did Nigel Benn really earn or win all four of these belts or was he given two of those titles by Mikkel to make his "Superchamp" status a fraud?

Everyone in the entire OB Community gets to share thier own opinion and answer this question.

I'll answer this one, Nigel did not earn the title "Super Champ". The reason was because he was given TWO of those belts by Mikkel and he only won two of those titles by defeating John. He has to win, all four titles, none given to be a super champ and Nigel Benn did not do that. So therefore, Nigel never was a super champ in the first place. His so called super champ status was actually a fraud. His superchamp reign was fake and it does not exist. Then he lost some of this titles to lesser competition and YES it does hurt his reputation. In conclusion, his "Super Champ" status should be revoked and let Nigel prove himself of actually winning all the titles without given the belts.
67 time Onlineboxing Champion- all my accounts combined.
54 time champion with the "Red Viper" Account Alone
111 title defences
22- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
12- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Have a 4300+ win differential
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
One of the greatest Sluggers in OB History
The most hardworking fighter in OB
Another OB Legend
A die hard martial arts films fan
The Quest for 10,000 KO's for one account
OB Name- Red Viper

Wrong move bitching at me Mr Viper. Like I have said many times before but no one seems to grasp this, I lost 3 TITLES and won 3 BACK against top opposition aka Rocky marciano and Boon, so even if you don't want to count The wins I had against John then fine, I lost and won them back the hard way!, but let's not forget even against John I only had two titles and had to earn the other two, Does Unstops situation where he had two title and won the other two off me is a fraud aswell?.. Your unified status was a fraud. You did it when stamina changed to benefit you, why even post here?, your not one to judge you are just another top 10 player who sometimes gets a title for a few minutes that's it. I will listen to proper vets and HOFers not some emotional prick who thinks life on here is the real life of a pro boxer, get real weirdo!.

You have had 10,000 fights make a thread about busts yet you have NEVER managed even undisputed status. Now take your diaper wearing unstable mind out of this thread...and try not to kill yourself over this post.

And onto the thread creator, nice to make a alt to get your bitchy point across, hiding like a school girl, I have an idea who you are, just makes me laugh that you are that jealous you feel the need to make a new name and post seomthing that occured like a month ago, sad.

PFFFF, LOL. I don't give a dam what you did in the past. Wrong move to fuck with you, yeah right. Being an Internet thug on the net makes you look like a retard, a low life and a bum. Oh did I hurt your feelings by this post, you fucking cry baby. Your one of the biggest crybabies I ever witnessed and last night was a prime example. There is a lot of good fighter that never managed of undisputed status, but I came close. It's still good enough, so quit your god dam whining.

Trash talking is part of the game and its pure entertainment and I am having fun doing it. If you don't like it I don't want to hear your crying. I am laughing my ass off when you make excuses when you lose a fight, its hilarious. Like for example, when Reaper KO'ed your ass, you cried like a faggot and it was so funny that he made you his bitch. Even you made a topic about it, how embarrising. Next, you cried about Boon when he beat you in 1 round and blamed it in on a freeze KO. I bet you cried like a three year old gay queer. when you got beaten by Profsback, it was so funny. Then you blame your losses on the new stamina system, pfff, you were losing before the new stamina was set up, so whats the difference. Learn not to make excuses or shut the fuck up, you big fucking cry baby. Your massive ego illistrates that.

So I am average and a fraud. If I am fraud and average, than how come I kicked your ass last night. You can't even get my title, when I was champ and schooled you then, 5 knockouts to 2 and ended that fight in four rounds. Then last night, I beat you 4-2, half of them I whooped you completely. I would post the fights, but I am not going to because most them are going to laugh at you because you'll feel so embarrassed, after the beating I gave you. I've improved before the new stamina system was made. If this was the old stamina system, you'll get beaten worse because you'll lose a ton of stamina. Learn to adjust to the new stamina system, or shut the fuck up.

Oh remember, I called you washed up on that "Hall of Fame" thread, well guess what I was right. You sure proved that to me last night, when you got flatly embarrassed by me. Thats not when your downfall began, your downward spiral began when you lost all of your titles and then ducked me and Vargas, because you will so lose if you faught either one of us. No wonder your a paper champion. I gave everyone shots, you don't. That's why your a coward, and I had the balls to confront you last night and I proved you wrong. The Question Mark alt was just for fun, nothing personal. If you want to take this way too personal, than fine. You take this game way too serious anyway. So basically the fraud is you, Nigel Has-Benn.

If I am average and a fraud, than your washed up, plain and simple. I bet you can't ignore my post and reply something stupid. It was stupid to underestimate me, guess what happens you underestimate me, you'll fucking lose, and it exactly happpend just like that. I bet your too afraid that you admit that everything that I just told you in this post. So go cry and bitch some more, you washed up has-been and that was a message to others that think I am fraud.
67 time Onlineboxing Champion- all my accounts combined.
54 time champion with the "Red Viper" Account Alone
111 title defences
22- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
12- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Have a 4300+ win differential
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
One of the greatest Sluggers in OB History
The most hardworking fighter in OB
Another OB Legend
A die hard martial arts films fan
The Quest for 10,000 KO's for one account
OB Name- Red Viper

Crying?, why because you made a thread targetting me and you expect me to just let it slide?. Like another has said the irony of you calling anyone a cry baby is beyond me. I also find it ironic that you say no one cares about my past, yet you obviously did enough to bring up my reign that happened well over a month ago. Also ironic that you call me a whiner and cry baby yet you made this thread to whine and cry over my superchamp status. Your endless posts about no one respecting you and people thinking your underated prove you are OB's biggest whiner.

On to our fights. You won 4-2 and like I pointed out, they were all close fights and you take away your flash knockdowns you was getting beat up in all fights. Like I also pointed out to you, I play the game maybe twice a day if it all, last night you fought 28 times, so you will be sharper and more on the ball, it's a fact, I also said look at my recent rec, I have lost 17 of the last 28, I am losing to everybody since this stamina and connection change, so beating me at the moment when just about every Tom Dick and Harry is winning is no achievement.

You can make posts all you want but it will not make me respect you, You are and always will and have been Mr A (Mr Average), all the fights you have had and you have achieved fuck all, except embarrase yourself and give people endless belly laughs at your weird attitude to life. I am better, I have beaten better and done more in 600 fights than what you will do in 20,000. You slag off vargas but seriouslty what have you done better than him?. he may not have more wins, or "the best Ko artist" to brag about, but I sure as hell beat more top names than you. You get owned by practically every vet, your shit.

You didn't make this thread to trash talk, you used a name to get your jealous insecure point across, which is fine, it actually gives me satisfacation that I managed to piss off an unstable little prick in Texas.

One last thing I will clear something up. Tyrant's and most people's definition of someone who holds superchamp status is someone who holds 4 titles at once. I did that, but as usual when someone does something and others don't like them they move the goalposts (change the criteria) to suit them. I held all four and did it the way you criticised but your stupid mind forgets I also beat very good vets and future HOfers to get the titles back, so shut the fuck up move on and go back to your life which is of course OB. Prick.

Yeah you are a crybaby and a whiner, you dumbshit. I saw you do it, so don't lie to me you sorry washed up piece of shit. What is the fucking difference on how much I play, you think I imrproved because of that. I will still fight good, regardless the amount of fights.

Mr. Average, if I am average, how come you got knocked the fuck out by me, explain that. Your washed up, plain and simple. Who gives a fuck what you did in the past, because I don't. Who cares the fights were close, you lost most of the time anyway. If I am shit, than you really fucking suck. You haven't done jack shit after you lost your so called titles.

You think your the only one that beat very good fighters and HOF's, fuck no. I beat very good fighter and HOF's, also, so your wrong. Also, I don't lose to every vet. What kind of a dumb comment is that. A matter of fact, I beat most of them but I don't brag about it like you do. I beat Larry Holmes for the title today, did I brag, NO. So don't brag about it, faggot. So stop living in the past and shut the fuck up. So I brag about that I am the best KO artist, prff. I am thas and I sure proven that in the ring.

This is topic is not about me wanting respect, this topic is all about to show a washed up fraud you really are. This thread is also about me proving your sorry ass wrong, and I sure proved that in the ring.

So you basically said that "I am better". Your a fucking idiot to think that because your talking about the present, not the past. So no, your not better at all and the last time proved that. God dam you have a massive ego. If your so god dam good, than how come you can't TKO me in one round, faggot. You can't even the last the whole fight against me, why because your garbage. My offence can tear you apart. I had your ass in the corner and you were done, you fucking has-been. Compared to Larry and Rocky, your weak. You haven't proven jack shit to me and everyone else, you god dam fraud. You didn't piss me off, I started this thread to piss you off.

I'm done talking to you fucking queer. In the present, I am better you and that is a dam fact. So next time you underestmate me, you better you think twice, bitch or you'll get the knocked the fuck out again. I bet you cry like a bitch of what I am posting right now. OB is not my life, I got more important things to worry about. Yeah I fight a lot more as usual because I am on spring break, dumbshit. So anymore stupid and egotistical comments, you washed up faggot.

As for you Gay Johnson, stop kissing Nigel's dam ass. I already know how much I destroyed you over the years. No wonder why your not playing anymore, because your shit. Now back to Nigel, I am done with this thread, go ahead and cry and bitch some more, you washed up pussy. So burn in hell.
68 time Onlineboxing Champion- all my accounts combined.
55 time champion with the "Red Viper" Account Alone
111 title defences
22- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
13- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Have a 4300+ win differential
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
One of the greatest Sluggers in OB History
The most hardworking fighter in OB
Another OB Legend
A die hard martial arts films fan
The Quest for 10,000 KO's for one account
OB Name- Red Viper

Wow, I must have really pissed off cry baby Psycho MR A.



"Dark Destroyer" Nigel Benn

Rocky Marciano

Joined: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Messages: 698


- OB Accounts: Rocky Marciano plus too many alts

- Join Date: 2007

- Status: Retired for now. Logs on every now and then just to troll.

- OB Class: A+++++ Elite and yes you got it right a FIVE STAR Elite.

- Goals: Been there, seen that, done it all so none other than reaching 1000 fights (on an alt) with above 90% win percentage I have been hunting after ever since joining OB2D.

- Titles won: too many to remember

- Title defenses: too many to remember

- Best win streak 132 wins in a row in total.

- Style: Very technical when needed to. Other than that force ko for the win!

- Signature Punch: The Rocky Marciano combo (now also available without french fries).

- Signature Taunt: Letting opponent recover back to full healt before KOing him for good.

- Weakness: Fatny, the king of OB2D

- Career highlights: Been there and done it all but yes there is one little thing that rises above all titles and such: making Reaper quit after I tkoed him 16 times in a row all inside first two rounds. We were supposed to box 100 times

- Quotes: "I just TKoed you 16 times in a row Reaper. What's the matter? Can not make is past first two rounds? Did I make you quit? Why so silent all of sudden? Oh I just made you STFU "

- Stupid nickname given by other players: Mini Fatny.

- Words of wisdom: Styles make fights. Sometimes even HOF caliber fighters lose to inferior boxers due to this fact. Everyone has their rythm and once you get inside that rythm, you will make life hell for that person (in the ring).

- PS. All signatures are stupid.
Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

Ray Johnson wrote:
Fatny wrote:Viper is the charlie zelenoff of ob, a lot of people get frustrated listening to him and some laugh at him, but in reality it was all planned since the beginning, it's a character. In his room he reads the agressive replies and laughs his ass off telling to himself "how can they be so gullible". The "is a fraud"/"no one respects me" posts, signatures, color of text, grammatical errors etc are all planned.

Even if he's laughing at how 'gullible' we are, it doesn't stop his essays being a waste of time. It doesn't change the fact that he is letting his life slip through his fingers while he thinks he is winning the game. It's SAD and, if he IS laughing, it's a fuck load sadder.

Every time you post something its about how sad and dumb people are.
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Larry Holmes wrote:Every time you post something its about how sad and dumb people are.

Yep, i'm quite the hypocrite.


I'm generally a depressing person to talk to and I apologize if I bring it to the forum Not really. I don't apologize. You can go and fuck yourself if you don't like me. Or don't. It's your choice really.


Joined: 20/04/2006 19:48:23
Messages: 489
Location: Danbury, CT

You guys should be professional journalists.

RECORD: 3761-1464-101 (3157 KOS)
EXPERIENCE = Throwing body jabs since 2003
STATUS = Officially Retired (2014)
TOUGHEST OPPOSITION: Larry Holmes, Sugarray, Here To Fight, Salvador-Sanchez/El Terrible Morales, Labratory, Mike Tyson, M.A.Barrera
FIGHTINGSTYLE = Defensive Counter Puncher
SIGNATURE COMBO = Lean back jab->long uppercut
OB CLASS = Maybe one day second ballot HOF'er

aim icon
Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

Ray Johnson wrote:
Larry Holmes wrote:Every time you post something its about how sad and dumb people are.

Yep, i'm quite the hypocrite.


I'm generally a depressing person to talk to and I apologize if I bring it to the forum Not really. I don't apologize. You can go and fuck yourself if you don't like me. Or don't. It's your choice really.

Well I never liked you, I dont think many does. I wouldnt' mind letting you know anytime.
You attempt to sound intelligent and superior is just..well.."sad".

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 06/03/2009 12:13:40

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Larry Holmes wrote:Well I never liked you, I dont think many does. I wouldnt' mind letting you know anytime.

Fine, fine. I'll excuse the typo.

Larry Holmes wrote:You attempt to sound intelligent and superior is just..well.."sad".

Lol, this is actually how I talk. Kinda, anyway. I can't help it really. I just pretend to be anyone online. So not even I know if I actually talk like this or like dis, as i wud 2 my m8s.. u c i dont rly give a shit ab8 wat u think. Funnily enough, that gibberish is accepted on Messenger.. n dat polite shit is fukin retarded 2.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 09/03/2009 05:05:04

BaRaCk ObAmA


Joined: 08/03/2009 19:35:52
Messages: 4
Location: San Diego, CA


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 09/03/2009 05:04:09


Joined: 12/08/2008 01:47:53
Messages: 42

nice pretend salvador there.... I think red viper is pretending to be sal.
BaRaCk ObAmA


Joined: 08/03/2009 19:35:52
Messages: 4
Location: San Diego, CA

rankings wrote:nice pretend salvador there.... I think red viper is pretending to be sal.

Yeah, but whats your point goldenboy.
Barrack Obama AKA Salvador Sanchez
Dark Destroyer


Joined: 19/04/2006 16:15:33
Messages: 440
Location: London, England


Ha Ha Ha, weirdo. Please continue Mr A, your entertaining me

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 09/03/2009 05:04:42



"Dark Destroyer" Nigel Benn

Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

Ray Johnson wrote:
Larry Holmes wrote:Well I never liked you, I dont think many does. I wouldnt' mind letting you know anytime.

Fine, fine. I'll excuse the typo.

Larry Holmes wrote:You attempt to sound intelligent and superior is just..well.."sad".

Lol, this is actually how I talk. Kinda, anyway. I can't help it really. I just pretend to be anyone online. So not even I know if I actually talk like this or like dis, as i wud 2 my m8s.. u c i dont rly give a shit ab8 wat u think. Funnily enough, that gibberish is accepted on Messenger.. n dat polite shit is fukin retarded 2.

I dont think its your spelling that pisses people off..its your attitude.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 09/03/2009 05:03:35



Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
Messages: 907
Location: Manchester , England

Ray play nice now kidda, I've not had to moderate a lot lately so lets keep it that way.

@Fake Barack: Sort your head out you nutter.

@All: I've removed some text and quotes just so you know.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 09/03/2009 05:06:26

/** Call this method when you want to play OB.*/
public void playOb() {
while(moreBeers()) {
if(sleepy) {
}else {
ONLINE BOXING NAME = don_king_promotions

menicaha behaniclo

/** Call this method when you are dealing with users.*/
stock HandleUsers()
for ( new i = 0, j = GetUsers(); i < j; i ++
if ( !IsUserConnected( i continue;
switch ( GetUserState( i
case USER_STATE_SPAMMER : RemoveUserPost( i;
case USER_STATE_IDIOT : WarnUser( i;
case USER_STATE_TOUGHGUY : LaughAtUser( i;
default : IgnoreUser( i;
return 1;
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