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about talking crap  XML
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Joined: 24/11/2009 19:05:08
Messages: 11

i never understood how people can get banned or kicked for talking crap in boxing wether its a game or real life, because there isnt enough people playing to ban people for talking crap, since its already at a very low amount of people and talking crap is a part of fighting, all the best fighters talk crap

mike tyson,muhammad ali,larry holmes,lenox lewis,rocky marciano,roy jones,benard hopkins,oscar de la hoya and the list goes on and on
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Shut up. Stop posting. You don't get banned for talking shit. What have I been doing the past week? I say delete this thread and all of madmans recent posts.

Joined: 24/11/2009 19:05:08
Messages: 11

im supose to know what you been doing this past week? i dont even know who you are, but by looking at the picture you leave behind on everyone of your posts says it all, your a professional what??? i rest my case
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

themadman wrote:im supose to know what you been doing this past week? i dont even know who you are, but by looking at the picture you leave behind on everyone of your posts says it all, your a professional what??? i rest my case

The belief that I am an asshole is subjective although it is a shared opinion. In my opinion, I am not an asshole. But, objectively, I am someone who shows how full of shit people really are. Look at yourself. You can't even understand a simple post.

However, I'll still help you.
Ray Johnson wrote:You don't get banned for talking shit. What have I been doing the past week

Perhaps I have been talking shit for the past week? Maybe you cannot interpret the emphasis I use on certain words. Even if you can't, shut the fuck up and stop fucking posting.
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