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Sup everyone long time no c  XML
Forum Index » General discussions
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Joined: 29/06/2006 18:52:38
Messages: 6

Hey peoples long time no c ok get right to the question will any of you Pay for an Old vet? been a while but dont feel like waiting to get back into OB someone be nice n pay for me hit me back thanx

Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

sup man wish i could pay for u bro but i cant


Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

"Surj AKA The Sickness, has been here longer than you"

"Surj AKA The Sickness, is probably better than YOU."

Joined: 03/09/2006 04:56:46
Messages: 188
Location: Usa, Newjersey

i wish i could pay for you man but i cant.. im still to young to pay!! i wish you the best luck you could get in trying 2 upgrade ur account!!

OB Names:Flash

Hopefully Making It To The Hall Of Fame!!!
Be Strong Weakness Is a disease in your body!!

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Shot at 2007-07-27

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