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Who Do You Think Are The Top 10 Noob Fighters  XML
Forum Index » General discussions
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Aryeh Yaron

Joined: 12/06/2006 02:16:45
Messages: 8

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For me personally i only have one fighter i think is a great Noob and will be doing some big things in the future and that's
Sha Calcutta
that dudes a cold blooded fighter

Sha Calcutta

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 21/11/2006 21:47:08


Joined: 03/09/2006 04:56:46
Messages: 188
Location: Usa, Newjersey

Apocalypse is another noob..=]

OB Names:Flash

Hopefully Making It To The Hall Of Fame!!!
Be Strong Weakness Is a disease in your body!!

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Shot at 2007-07-27

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