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Joined: 22/04/2006 14:36:42
Messages: 32

Just shoved a case of beer in the fridge and I'm back baby, do your homework early youngins so your mama let's you on EST for some pain.

I was on tonight and recognized only a couple names. You still around pap?


Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

come on tonight momo

Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

"Surj AKA The Sickness, has been here longer than you"

"Surj AKA The Sickness, is probably better than YOU."

Joined: 22/04/2006 14:36:42
Messages: 32

Guess I need to...umm..actually fight for it to be a comeback.

Oh well, tonight I was on and was surprised to find that I had a title? WTF? Somebody hack my account and win it for me? Thanks! Maybe that same person can defend it for me too....

It should be easy to take from me (easier than usual) since I'm a bit rusty.


Joined: 06/08/2006 00:43:03
Messages: 96

i dont doubt that it was floobie that hacked ur account, since he is known for doing that, just ask Quote aka Qtwat jajajajajajaja
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