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Black Bear Overated?  XML
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Joined: 24/05/2007 11:16:36
Messages: 61

I personally don't think he is,

Boxa said that he is overated.

Does anyone else think he is?

The Reign Has Begun...


Joined: 18/04/2006 17:13:32
Messages: 904

I think well I know he is a former padder of this game. As far as overrated I dont think hes great infact hes far from great.

~*~oOo~*~ <--- You can look but you cant touch!!!!



Joined: 24/05/2007 11:16:36
Messages: 61

If he was a padder i'd be suprised, but i do think he is a decent fighter and can beat top fighters.

He would be in the top 10 easilly i think

The Reign Has Begun...
el capillo

Joined: 27/02/2007 17:06:16
Messages: 269

he was a padder when i met him early on

did alot of crude movements and techniques the 1-2 punches for ages. left hook from every angle.

but i think he has evolved his early record should be taken away...decent fighter top 10 interchangable but top 15 at least.

Ike Bungu

PDP record
edder- tech draw 6
trpche-win ko3
jigsaw-win ud
mikkel-win tko2
prof-win tko 7
viper-lose ko1

"ill taught them i'll teach em. after now i knock him out like i said before, i'll be the guy and after i beat him i'll show him his mistakes"
-oba champion
-world most overated fighter ever
-worst right hand in the game
-even worse still jab in the game
-horrible finisher
-blue cobra

Red Viper> El Capillo is your post name

Joined: 16/06/2007 07:36:39
Messages: 6

He's a very solid fighter - has one of the quickest jabs out there. Patience is the only way to beat him.

Eight-Time European Champ

Six-Time OBA Champ

One-Time OBF Champ

Fifteen-Time OBW Champ

Ten-Time OBC Champ

OB's First Ever Super Champ


Joined: 31/05/2006 17:11:31
Messages: 364

LennoxLewis wrote:I personally don't think he is,

Boxa said that he is overated.

Does anyone else think he is?

yeah i believe so,the record is deceptive for sure.

i do believe hes top 10 though, but that doesnt really say much right now i guess.

Joined: 21/04/2007 18:00:42
Messages: 118

wow, im a padder? i can't recall me being one.

HTF i think i have what it takes to beat you.

el capillo, i don't have a clue who you are.

thanks sugarray, we always have great fights.

Boxa im suprised, we've had some great fights back in the day, i do think your a better fighter than me but i can also get some victories against you.


Joined: 31/05/2006 17:11:31
Messages: 364

BlackBear wrote:wow, im a padder? i can't recall me being one.

HTF i think i have what it takes to beat you.

el capillo, i don't have a clue who you are.

thanks sugarray, we always have great fights.

Boxa im suprised, we've had some great fights back in the day, i do think your a better fighter than me but i can also get some victories against you.

dont feel offended. you're a good fighter, we are very equal. its just because of your record people tend to overate you. this isnt slating you as much as it is slating them.

Joined: 26/02/2007 00:55:20
Messages: 122

black bear HTF would destroy you.. considering I have beaten you and I am fairly new

10 obw champ with 6 defences
3 time obc champ with 10 defences
3 time obf champ with 9 defences
1 time tourny champ
2 time oba champ

PDP record: 4-0

edder1234 win ko 5
tkoknockout win ko 2
mikkel kessler win tko 3
African Assassin win tko 7

Joined: 21/04/2007 18:00:42
Messages: 118

ShockandAwe wrote:black bear HTF would destroy you.. considering I have beaten you and I am fairly new

Don't get too happy that you beat me.

He has beat me twice, i have beat him once.

We have only had 3 fights against eachother, that doesnt mean nothing.

We had them fights quite a while ago, but i have improved, i think i can beat him.


Joined: 19/04/2006 11:00:44
Messages: 1394
Location: Buffalo,NY

a rusty 167 year old HTF everybody sayin' yall can beat him but in reality he fights like once every 2 weeks! so dont get too happy cuz i dont really think u can beat me i'd say i'd win 2of3 now.

Title History
42xOB Champ

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

LennoxLewis wrote:I personally don't think he is,

Boxa said that he is overated.

Does anyone else think he is?

Nope, he rocks.
Paul Dion


Joined: 22/11/2006 14:30:30
Messages: 963
Location: Manchester, England, UK

He is good!


- Paul Dion Junior: W320 L165 (KO319)
- Join Date: 2006
- Status: Active

- 7 time OBW World Champion
- 3 time OBC World Champion
- 1 time OBF World Champion
- 1 time Tournament World Champion

- Style: Elusive Defence and Counter Punch
- Signature Punch: The Dion Double Hook
- Signature Taunt: The Dion Crouch and Point

- Paul Dion Promotions record: 5-7



Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

He's still a class boxer up with the top players in my opinion.

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842


Joined: 21/04/2007 18:00:42
Messages: 118

thanks guys,

I really appreciate it, and those who think im a padder, just step in the ring with me, and we will see.
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