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Profile for :: ynghiabiensoxe
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Registration date:  02/06/2021 15:31:29
Number of messages posted:  No posted messages available
Created topics: No topic created
Biography: Trong phong thuy, bien so xe dep la y chi nhung con so sap xep logic va hop ly. Dac biet neu cong cac con so voi nhau ma cang cao thi cang may man. Mot bien so xe hop phong thuy can phai ket hop duoc 2 yeu to am duong va ngu hanh. Nhung bien so co duoi tien nghia la so sau cao hon so truoc thi mang y nghia ket thuc co hau, vien man va hanh phuc. Vay lam sau de biet duoc bien so xe dep hay xau? Y nghia bien so xe phong thuy va cach tinh xem bien so hop menh. Hay tham khao chi tiet tai Social:
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