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Profile for :: xuanhinh939
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Registration date:  17/12/2022 11:07:11
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Biography: Have you heard of the term: "The Fog of War?" Guess what? We're in "The Fog of Repression", or recession. I think it's repression because buying has not been "recessed" it's repressed! Your local Mall is dying. They are ready to cut a deal with you on a lease. All you need is the right thing, and you can make that mall cart sing - can you see the money flying out of it? What could possibly make the cash fly? Repair cell phones. Deal in used cell phones. Why? A revolution is under way in the cell business, and a window of opportunity has been created.

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The days of Verizon or AT&T roping a customer into a multi-year contract are fading fast! Another factor? The darn phones are rapidly reaching a point of functionality which satisfies a lot of people. They now are not so worried about being cool. If the phone works for what they need, they will hang on to that baby! Want proof? Try and buy an iPhone 3G in good condition, 16G unlocked and jail broke on say eBay. You'll be shocked at the price for a used phone! The price is holding up because the phone is well and elegantly made, and it's a legend of functionality. YET, the phone is OLD and getting older! Doesn't matter anymore. What was a, "If it breaks I'll toss it" world, has just turned into something like Swiss watches: "If it breaks, I'll either find someone to fix it, and if I can't, I'll put it in the drawer for now".

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This sea-change makes the highest quality smart phones a durable commodity. As things move forward, there will be more and more devices like the iPhone, iPod, and iPad with touch screens (that really work well). The glass will break on all of them (which is 90% of the iPhone repairs). This means you'll be starting a business at the base of a rocket ride of growth, which is exactly what you want. Find a school you like. Learn to repair cell phones. Find parts suppliers. Go to your Mall, and be absolutely BRUTAL on the lease! Even if you have to negotiate over a month or two, beat them up on the lease! Every dollar you beat them on the lease is the easiest money you'll ever make! Learn cell phone repair marketing and apply it. This is easily a $100K a Year business for you!

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