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Profile for :: Guru Yacoob
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Registration date:  15/02/2007 23:55:50
Number of messages posted:  [4] Messages posted by Guru Yacoob
Created topics: [1] Topics created by Guru Yacoob
From:  EARTH
Occupation:  STUDENT
Biography: Yacoob began as any new boxer on online boxing. Quiet, Curious, and Innocent. But then once his skills began to increase so did his Strong Ego that tranformed him into The Great Yacoob an Arrogant, Obnoxious, Loud Mouth, Witty and Powerful Athlete without a care in the world for his opponents or anybody for that matter. Yacoob was the Pioneer of beefing in the Message Forum, the youngest OBW champion in Online Boxing History, and had some of the greatest battles with top fighters as a Rookie. After defeating Sugar Ray twice for the OBW championship he became more absorbed in maintaining his personality and overlooked his boxing skill which cost him. After having a rivalry with serious business that ended in a "NO CONTEST" Yacoob felt a change in his heart begin to take place and it was what he once learned as a child from his Grandfather Yanu. Peace, Power from Within, Faith, and Love. He humbled himself and traveled to the Tibetan Mountains to train under his Grandfather who promoted him into becoming a Spiritual Guru far more powerful than anything Yacoob used to be. So with the new spirit Yacoob became a Pleasant human being with more than just fighting skills but a love for the artform of boxing in mastering oneself.
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