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Registration date:  03/10/2023 06:19:14
Number of messages posted:  No posted messages available
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From:  799 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6G 1L8, Canada
Website:  http://
Occupation:  Improve Your Foot Health
Biography: Improve Your Foot Health Our chiropodist is ready to help you get back on your feet. During your appointment, you will receive a personalized management and treatment plan for your unique foot issue. You will be educated about your foot problem and will be given multiple treatment options to choose from. Experienced Chiropodist Clinical experience includes treating patients in Women's College Hospital, Toronto Rehab, Rexdale Community Health Centre, retirement residences, long-term care facilities and private practice. Located Near You Bloor Foot Care & Orthotics is located on Bloor St. between Ossington Station and Christie Station, across from Christie Pits Park, and easily accessible by TTC or car. Schedule your appointment today!
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