One Champion - One title -

  • @Faker ahah you back now and you aint even defending you bum. You got time to come on the forums. Shut your mouth next time when you call me out.

  • @Faker What you gotta say now boy? am i still ducking boy!? what you gonna do? you little panzy

  • @faker comes on here and trolls @reaper but hasn't defended in 6 days himself and hides on alts. Good riddance. You've been exposed now faker. Even crank agrees. You are on your own, just like I told you before. And you have no one to blame but yourself. You spend more time insulting others and complaining than fighting. I can't believe you actually paid crank to come back. That sure as hell backfired on you. Go back to your league of legends. OB is a lot better without your antics. You've been called toxic by literally everyone who plays the game at this point.

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper Compulsive liar. Confirmed.

  • @Faker I don't have anything to prove to you. No one respects you, and I don't have time to try and reason with you. I tried to help you. If you can't see what's going on by now you never will. I'm done with this shit talk. It's gotten nowhere. You have also gotten nowhere with me and Reaper so I don't know why you keep starting new threads and fueling the fire.

    @Reaper for the record Faker says he wants to be stripped and won't defend anymore.

  • Honestly faker has got a point about the one belt.
    I think it would better the ob community having one champ instead of 3 if I had to choose I would pick one belt , but like I told faker I could care less because I am not as active as you guys are. So generally it’s up to you guys I would say it would help the toxic ness die down a lot actually. There’s not even a bunch of players to even have 3 belts my opinion. I would crown reaper obf champ and erase the other 2 because reaper is the man to beat at this moment He has everyone’s number so he deserves to be the champ if there was one belt. But as I read on forums it would help so you guys don’t have to worry about ducking you know clearly who the best is, and after 3-5 days if champ don’t defend mikkel could easily strip so you guys don’t have to complain about ducking and what not. And obviously rematching has been a big deal so there wouldn’t be no issues about getting a rematch after you lose because you have to because there is only one belt. So there would b less ducking. And it would b clear as day who ducks who with one belt. So “ in my opinion” I would prefer one belt and Reaper should have it because he is the man to beat he has everyone’s number in the ring atm. He’s on a roll!

  • @itzcrank There are a lot of ideas floating around but Mikkel has not made changes in years, I don't think he has the time to invest. But if he removes 2 belts there needs to be precautions in place for stripping those who disappear and don't defend. You can't make one change without the other - and without knowing what that takes Mikkel will have to chime in and talk about whether he wants to invest time in making that change at this stage in the games life.

  • Global Moderator

    @itzcrank I agree.

    @The-Sniper You're right but I don't think something like this is very time consuming. Maybe i'm wrong but we'll see.

  • Personally I think 2 titles is best because of different time zones. You guys are 8 hours ahead of the west coast. There used to be a "North America" title. BigWhite and Elmatador are USA based I think.

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper I strongly believe one title makes everyone fight each other more. And it really shows who's #1 (Assuming everyone rematches). Unless we want to make it so only Americans can fight for the North American belt lol, like an unspoken rule. (People who are in the USA)

  • @Faker said in One Champion - One title -:

    @The-Sniper I strongly believe one title makes everyone fight each other more. And it really shows who's #1 (Assuming everyone rematches)

    It also allows the champ to win a couple fights and disappear for 3-4 days. So I disagree. Unless the champion is very active, and at this stage, I don't know that any of us could live up to that.

  • @The-Sniper said in One Champion - One title -:

    @itzcrank There are a lot of ideas floating around but Mikkel has not made changes in years, I don't think he has the time to invest. But if he removes 2 belts there needs to be precautions in place for stripping those who disappear and don't defend. You can't make one change without the other - and without knowing what that takes Mikkel will have to chime in and talk about whether he wants to invest time in making that change at this stage in the games life.

    True true but remember back in 2010 in early 2011 there was only one obf belt at the time I was the reason why they added obc and oba because I constantly talked to mikkel about Adding more belts dude to how many players we had in ob. I gave him the run down and he agreed and he said he would t mind making changes if others agreed he asked fatny John unstoppable they also agreed so he added obc oba belts. I’m sure if we all are on board with the one belt he would gladly change it back to one belt I would say yes I’m sure you would agree and faker would be less toxic and reaper would agree because he’s the best at the moment he would have the champ I mean if we all are on board why not hey? This game is fun faker reaper and even yourself bigwhite are great competition no one is a walk in the park anymore we shouldn’t have all this bickering over titles so thats why I would think one title would be best but hey let’s ask mikel and see what he says?

  • @itzcrank said in One Champion - One title -:

    @The-Sniper said in One Champion - One title -:

    @itzcrank There are a lot of ideas floating around but Mikkel has not made changes in years, I don't think he has the time to invest. But if he removes 2 belts there needs to be precautions in place for stripping those who disappear and don't defend. You can't make one change without the other - and without knowing what that takes Mikkel will have to chime in and talk about whether he wants to invest time in making that change at this stage in the games life.

    True true but remember back in 2010 in early 2011 there was only one obf belt at the time I was the reason why they added obc and oba because I constantly talked to mikkel about Adding more belts dude to how many players we had in ob. I gave him the run down and he agreed and he said he would t mind making changes if others agreed he asked fatny John unstoppable they also agreed so he added obc oba belts. I’m sure if we all are on board with the one belt he would gladly change it back to one belt I would say yes I’m sure you would agree and faker would be less toxic and reaper would agree because he’s the best at the moment he would have the champ I mean if we all are on board why not hey? This game is fun faker reaper and even yourself bigwhite are great competition no one is a walk in the park anymore we shouldn’t have all this bickering over titles so thats why I would think one title would be best but hey let’s ask mikel and see what he says?

    Crank I'm honestly down either way. But based on past behaviors, I don't see how it doesn't turn into a mess. Faker has not defended in almost a week and said he wants to be stripped. If he decides to be active again and wins, and runs off again we are back at square one. It's a valid concern.

    I think the champion would be held to even higher standards and more forum bickering could happen. But hey, if ya wanna try it go for it. And you know what there pretty much has been one title for the last several months. Faker has been super champ forever until recently. So how does this change anything if Faker was champ?

    I think 2 titles is best. 3 is too many though I agree.

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper because people will actually fight. What if you somehow beat me or Reaper twice in a row for a belt? Now it's like you have all 3 belts? And then me and Reaper are #1 & #2 fighting each other without a belt involved. No bullshit about rematches, just straight up fighting.

  • @Faker said in One Champion - One title -:

    @The-Sniper because people will actually fight. What if you somehow beat me or Reaper twice in a row for a belt? Now it's like you have all 3 belts? And then me and Reaper are #1 & #2 fighting each other without a belt involved.

    We are all busy people on different time zones. So just saying it's not a perfect plan. But I don't know if there is one. My vote is remove one belt for now and leave two. But im willing to try one belt if everyone else is. I just foresee issues and more policing for Mikkel to do.

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper Reaper has been rematching everyone lately. So I don't think it's too much of a problem for Mikkel to strip someone every 7-10 days or whatever is agreed on. One belt is cool because everyone becomes a challenger again. The only time people should complain is when they don't get a rematch.

  • What sniper said I wouldn’t mind at least y’all agree about 3 belts is too toxic for our community lol but like I said it’s up to y’all niggas y’all the active ones for the past year so it would b for y’all 3 mainly and toos

  • Global Moderator

    @itzcrank If everyone's on board with it. We can give Reaper the main belt. OBF or OBW whatever we decide to make it lol and then everyone becomes a challenger again. Fighting each other. That's the best thing that can happen man

  • Man it really doesnt matter, most people dont care about the belts any more. I dont care about the belts, i just fight but i think people like faker just cant let go which is the issue. Based upon what Sniper is saying, he rather not lose his belt and be stripped (silly move), he even didnt defend yesterday and lost. He also wants the other belts removed so he can say "i was the last super champ". Honestly most people are fighting each other a part from Faker who started this thread.
    Like Sniper said, having multiple belts helps our friends in the US due to timezones.

    The last super champ was John and the last time belts were relevant was when John was playing. Now belts are just good for some trash talk and thats it.

  • BigWhite aka Maxie here.
    I don't think it is a good idea to have only one title. More titles create more action.

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