Farewell my friends

  • I'm going to try and be active the next couple weeks when I'm able but life and priorities are changing. It's been one hell of a ride and I hope to pop in here and there to see what's up, but I've gotta hang up the gloves, certainly from an active standpoint. I've tried to login recently but usually no one is on due to me being one of the few on the west coast. I wish you all the best and I'm grateful for all the fights. Mikkel you made one hell of a game.

    130x champ
    4500 wins

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper You're very narcissistic to think you're the only one logging in to zero players online. It happens to everyone. No one is going to play around to your schedule. So why cry about it now just because you're leaving? You have bottled up frustrations or something? You're such a typical fucking sore loser. Always had something to say when someone kicked your ass. I won't miss you for a fucking second. All the best. ✌

  • @Faker said in Farewell my friends:

    @The-Sniper You're very narcissistic to think you're the only one logging in to zero players online. It happens to everyone. No one is going to play around to your schedule. So why cry about it now just because you're leaving? You have bottled up frustrations or something? You're such a typical fucking sore loser. Always had something to say when someone kicked your ass. I won't miss you for a fucking second. All the best. ✌

    Sorry you misinterpreted my post. I know others go through it. I'm not complaining about it. You're putting words in my mouth and making assumptions that are untrue. And that wasn't even the point of my post. Of course you have to make it all about you.

    You're right I used to be a sore loser. If you didn't have an excuse for not fighting me and others for the last several times I've challenged you maybe you'd have realized that I've made an attempt to change. You might try that sometime. But go ahead and focus on the past. I won't change your mind and I'm ok with that.

    If there was ever a guy that needed to look in the mirror it's always been you. Calling me a narcissist while making my post all about you (ironic). You're a self-centered hypocrite who takes zero accountability. For anyone reading this, this tactic is called gaslighting and Faker is really good at it. He has done it to all of us and there are examples all over the place.

    Youre one hell of a fighter but I think we both need to admit that we will just never like each other. And that's ok. Let me leave in peace.

    To everyone else, I'll miss ya and take care

  • @Reaper said in Farewell my friends:

    @The-Sniper going to miss you man respect, i have been a little inactive too.

    You too man. Great fights over the years! Hope to get a couple more in the next couple weeks before I dial it back.

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper Then don't grave dig on the forums to something that isn't even directed at you. 18 DAYS OLD. There's no 'let me leave in peace' no one has to let you, you just do it on your own accord. Leave a farewell post and leave in peace? Don't gravedig on the forums starting random bullshit. I fought everyone on a fair playing field. Followed the Official OB2D rule of thumb. The guy you get along with 'Reaper' doesn't follow the rule of thumb. And correction, you misinterpreted my post. I posted that after I whooped Reaper's ass how I wanted to and when I wanted to.

    And you bring up this whole chasing me around??? Are you crazy?? Sorry I can't fight you randomly at 3am in my time. Have a good day man but that is out of order posting on something 18 days old. Totally uncalled for when you have no idea of the context of that post.

  • @Faker said in Farewell my friends:

    @The-Sniper Then don't grave dig on the forums to something that isn't even directed at you. 18 DAYS OLD. There's no 'let me leave in peace' no one has to let you, you just do it on your own accord. Leave a farewell post and leave in peace? Don't gravedig on the forums starting random bullshit. I fought everyone on a fair playing field. Followed the Official OB2D rule of thumb. The guy you get along with 'Reaper' doesn't follow the rule of thumb. And correction, you misinterpreted my post. I posted that after I whooped Reaper's ass how I wanted to and when I wanted to.

    And you bring up this whole chasing me around??? Are you crazy?? Sorry I can't fight you randomly at 3am in my time. Have a good day man but that is out of order posting on something 18 days old. Totally uncalled for when you have no idea of the context of that post.

    Lol. Wow. I don't even know how to respond to that and I won't attempt to. You've got some serious psychological problems. Take care Faker I hope you find happiness

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper lmfao @ you updating that post. You a comedian

  • @Faker said in Farewell my friends:

    @The-Sniper lmfao @ you updating that post. You a comedian

    You always have to have the last word. Enjoy :)

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper No one's been playing the game for ages and you just decide to reply to something 18 days late. It's whatever you can say whatever you want. If you had good intentions you would have just left in peace. But alas, take care Sniper. You were a great fighter with a dangerous punch. Good stuff. Take care man, Peace

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