Warning: Don't fight alts. the exit cheat still exists.

  • @BedroomBully
    You're a liar and delusional. Enjoy. Keep justifying your psychosis. Bye.

  • brah, aint nothing to justify, besides your lag KO you got outboxed, and tried to cheat again its a FACT. so go get a better internet or stop cheating on purpose...

    PSL if you kiss mikells ass enough maybe hell put your mediocre ass in HOF like faker.

  • @BedroomBully said in Warning: Don't fight alts. the exit cheat still exists.:

    brah, aint nothing to justify, besides your lag KO you got outboxed, and tried to cheat again its a FACT. so go get a better internet or stop cheating on purpose...

    PSL if you kiss mikells ass enough maybe hell put your mediocre ass in HOF like faker.

    I'm not a cheater and have never been accused of it. By anyone but a fool in hiding. Later

  • ummm you did lag KO me, and you did start lagging the fight after getting your shit pushed in..... OK
    on top of that made a thread complaining LOL

  • @BedroomBully I have never lagged a fight in my life. Keep believing your own made up BS to make yourself feel better. Troll

  • i talked to others they all said the same about you... so keep staying delusional fool LAGBOI

  • @BedroomBully cool. Glad you feel good about yourself for quitting.

  • do you feel good about yourself for cheating? and right after getting your ass kicked so you go back to cheating again? and after that going on the board to complain? :D pathetic fool

  • @BedroomBully there is video evidence you cheated. All you have are unfounded accusations.

    I'm done arguing. Goodbye troll

  • too bad video evidence dont show lag? right that works on your favor BITCH

  • @The-Sniper Don't argue with stupid people. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. - Buddha

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