Cannot start the game...
Hello! I'm completely new to this age-old, seemingly historic online boxing community. Whenever I try to launch the run.bat file however, I receive the error "Could not find or load main class boxing.MainFrame". I would love assistance with this issue, whenever someone could provide it. Thank you!
Ok I will look into it now
It works again you just have to redownload it.
Thank you a lot! Much appreciated. Have a good one.
One last thing I have to ask is, does the game have any bots or artificial intelligence to fight against at the moment? If so, how do I access it and if not, is it planned at any point in the future? I appreciate your help immensely.
Sorry there is no AI right now, there used to be but it's kind of buggy atm, and it really sucks as well.
I'm working on a new game where AI is high on the priority list (I can't beat it myself, though others here did).
I'll put a link up to that game very soon. Singleplayer is ready in that game, but multiplayer is not finished yet.
Well hopefully that link is up as soon as possible, I appreciate your hard work immensely. Thank you for the help, and good luck on your project!
@VGJ Thanks :)
Same thing happening to me atm I redownloaded it and same thing happened what should I do?