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Worst Jokes  XML
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Joined: 23/02/2008 17:33:27
Messages: 465

Who in OB makes up the worst jokes

I nominate JOHN

Who do yall nominate?

Captain America (W)2623 (L)1325
Phenom (W)821 (L)290
Total (W)3444 (L)1615(Currently)

Titles Won=67(Currently)

Title Defenses=121(Currently)

"If I got a keyboard that works I'll play OB"

Pioneer of the kill-off "CA Combination" (Haymaker+small Hook)=RIP


Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

haha ur funny

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]
Red Viper


Joined: 19/04/2006 14:08:34
Messages: 603

I nominate Yacoob for the worst jokes in OB History becaue all he does is post retarded stuff which are not funny at all. All he makes jokes is about gays, transexuals, pedofiles and other make believe BS, none of his jokes are funny, its offensive. Thats why I hated and owned this scumbag for four years. His fighting skills are really the big joke of him. So the joke is really on him.
52 time Onlineboxing Champion
115 title defences
19- OBC
12- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
4- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
Greatest Slugger in OB History
Future HOF
The Yacoob Killer
OB Name- Red Viper

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 25/12/2008 15:08:40

Active as of right now

Was one of the minority that broke Rocky Marciano's defense in half.

Won a title by KO'ing the opponent with only Uppercuts

The Greatest KO Artist in OB History

120x Online Boxing World Champion

More than 270 defenses.

Multiple time undisputed champion

Real close of becoming superchamp

I am the punishment of God…
If you had not committed great sins,
God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you- Genghis Khan

Respect yourself and others will respect you- Confucius
To see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or of principle- Confucius

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Joined: 15/08/2007 12:45:05
Messages: 1254

omg who votes this is dumbest post?? ME! wtf is this about its dumb dude seriously

Paul Dion


Joined: 22/11/2006 14:30:30
Messages: 963
Location: Manchester, England, UK

What do snowmen eat for breakfast?


I think I have the worst joke right there!

I guarantee at least one of you smiled at that though!!!


- Paul Dion Junior: W320 L165 (KO319)
- Join Date: 2006
- Status: Active

- 7 time OBW World Champion
- 3 time OBC World Champion
- 1 time OBF World Champion
- 1 time Tournament World Champion

- Style: Elusive Defence and Counter Punch
- Signature Punch: The Dion Double Hook
- Signature Taunt: The Dion Crouch and Point

- Paul Dion Promotions record: 5-7



Joined: 23/02/2008 17:33:27
Messages: 465

Cause john was makin some horrible jokes and i thought i would taunt him by making this post

Captain America (W)2623 (L)1325
Phenom (W)821 (L)290
Total (W)3444 (L)1615(Currently)

Titles Won=67(Currently)

Title Defenses=121(Currently)

"If I got a keyboard that works I'll play OB"

Pioneer of the kill-off "CA Combination" (Haymaker+small Hook)=RIP
M. A R A G O N

Joined: 16/06/2007 20:34:40
Messages: 478

Paul Dion wrote:What do snowmen eat for breakfast?


I think I have the worst joke right there!

I guarantee at least one of you smiled at that though!!!

Let me break this joke down for you and tell you why it doesnt work.

1. How the hell can a snowman eat? unless he is Frosty the snowman
2. if he could eat how the hell could he move his arms to catch snowflakes?
3. nobody can survive off of snowflakes, it provides a little water and thats it.
4. What the hell else are they gonna eat if the above are possible?
5.What the hell does he have for lunch and dinner? nobody knows.

thats why dion is correct at this joke.

if you want a real joke just let me know.


Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

CaptainAmerica wrote:Cause john was makin some horrible jokes and i thought i would taunt him by making this post

well thats stupid plus i didnt say any jokes besides that dumb 1

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]


Joined: 15/08/2007 12:45:05
Messages: 1254

LMAO! bigmac i was laughing at how many hells u sai lol



Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

I nominate captain america for the most retarded post ever made

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]


Joined: 15/08/2007 12:45:05
Messages: 1254


el capillo

Joined: 27/02/2007 17:06:16
Messages: 269

*small venue behind the ocieana in kingston, a guy about 5'3 comes on stage dressed in the most cheapest rhinestone suit he could find. stumbling to the microphone*

HEllO ladies and girls, welcome.
my name is ike bungu or ikeke bugnu dasa dorin
thank you so much

i saw the news before i came on and just noticed how many terrible things are going on in the world

anyone heard in the news about that two-seater Cessna plane crashed into a cemetery in richmond? it's terrible, search
and rescue workers have recovered 1826 bodies so far and expect that
number to climb as digging continues into the night.

anyways on the way to the venue i saw across the street there were 2 blondes who walked into a would of thought 1 of them would of seen it?

you may not believe it but im a docter by trade *chuckles from the crowd* no true. i had a guy last week who said to me that he has a cricket ball up his arse!!!. i said to him "hows that?" he said cried "oh dont you start"

thank you so much you are a lousy audience i will be here all week

Ike Bungu

PDP record
edder- tech draw 6
trpche-win ko3
jigsaw-win ud
mikkel-win tko2
prof-win tko 7
viper-lose ko1

"ill taught them i'll teach em. after now i knock him out like i said before, i'll be the guy and after i beat him i'll show him his mistakes"
-oba champion
-world most overated fighter ever
-worst right hand in the game
-even worse still jab in the game
-horrible finisher
-blue cobra

Red Viper> El Capillo is your post name


Joined: 09/02/2008 07:58:54
Messages: 191
Location: Sweden

two sandcornes meets in sahara and then oen fo them says too the other = i think we are sorunded xD

OB ID: Chrille
Nicknames: Chrille,Chrillah dah Killah,The Chrill Pill, Vitamin C and CWA = Chrille With Attitude
Titles held: 6 OBA 1 OBW 1 OBF and 1 Tournament Champion
Join Date: Oktober 2006
Class:from C too A
Status: Half aktiv
Aggressive Style: Ko Them Fast
Defensive Style: Defense and Counter Attacking
Current Objective: Show that im not a C-fighter
Record :Won 2040 Lost 714 Ko's 2019 Draw 6
Quotes: I dont have any predjuice...i hate you all.
Im not a pussy your a pussy your pussy.
I Just Killed Kenny, Aint im a bastard?
Win over u every fucking day every fucking way Chrillah da killah is here too stay

Best KO Ratio Based On 2000+ Wins

1 Red Viper 99.09%
2 Chrille 98.96
3 Catfish 98.28
4 Reaper 98.07%
5 The Sniper 96.19%
6 Nigel Benn 95.88%
7 Black Bear 95.58%
8 Fernando Vargas 93.74%
9 USA 92.26%
10 Monkeytail 92.24



Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

theres 3 girls a brunette, blonde, and a redhead.
They were speeding and the cops was chasing after them so they drove off and found 3 bags on the side of the road.
They went in the bags.
The police found the car and found the 3 bags.
the brunette said meow so the cops thouht it was cats
the redhead said ruff so they cops thought it was dogs
the blonde said potato?!?!?!? cops are like WTF

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]
Paul Dion


Joined: 22/11/2006 14:30:30
Messages: 963
Location: Manchester, England, UK

So me and my English buddies were on a road trip in America,
In the state of Ohio...we came across a town...the sign said...
"Welcome to Wakawooe" buddies and I argued about how to pronounce the town..."waka-woowee" or "wa-kawooeh" ... so we pulled over to a fast food place for lunch...we said to the blonde waitress.." friends and I are arguing about how you pronounce the name of this place...can you pleasee tell us how to say it?"...

The blonde waitress leaned forward and said slowly...

"Burr-gerr .. King"


- Paul Dion Junior: W320 L165 (KO319)
- Join Date: 2006
- Status: Active

- 7 time OBW World Champion
- 3 time OBC World Champion
- 1 time OBF World Champion
- 1 time Tournament World Champion

- Style: Elusive Defence and Counter Punch
- Signature Punch: The Dion Double Hook
- Signature Taunt: The Dion Crouch and Point

- Paul Dion Promotions record: 5-7

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