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Messages posted by: Red Viper
Forum Index » Profile for Red Viper » Messages posted by Red Viper
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Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:Congrats already John! I´ve seen you have had some fights in the last couple of days. Maybe we can fight for the belt when we meet online. It would be an honor to defend the belt against a classy champ like you, a future HOF´er. If you beat me, please be a little more active

Hes definitely a future HOF, but Sal's bullshit rules had destroyed many people's chances and it shows a lot of favoritism. So, I have an idea that I could make a shrine for people that are not in the HOF but definitely deserved to be honored.
I am starting to get the hang out of these settings it just takes practice. The best thing to avoid is getting in the corner or you'll get KO'ed.

What is the top 10 as of right now?
Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:In one of my best performances ever I stopped Yacoob in 9 gruelling rounds. Yacoob was as dangerous as ever but I came in prepared. Thx Viper for training with me yesterday!

No problem, I am definitely past my prime. It's someone elses turn to dominate this year. At least I kO'ed Vargas, yesterday not sure how though.
The Legendary Warrior of OB
The God of of Knockout Power and Destruction
121 Time Online Boxing Champ
270 defenses
Semi- Retired
Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:Will you help me prepare for him Viper? Yacoob is an A class fighter, he is a superb boxer. He is chinny but with the actual settings the power punchers aren´t what they used to be. It´s hard to beat him on points. I am gonna have to take him out.

Yea Viper I remember you shut Yacoob up in the past, thats why I want you to spar with me and help me prepare for this upcoming event. I want you to tell me everything there is to know about him.

I can do that, I might be on in a few minutes.
The Legendary Warrior of OB
The God of of Knockout Power and Destruction
121 Time Online Boxing Champ
270 defenses
Semi- Retired
Redneck wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:You are our lady in red! Chris once told me he dedicated this song to you

That is a little too soft for Redneck, try something like this,

It's either this


or this

The Legendary Warrior of OB
The God of of Knockout Power and Destruction
121 Time Online Boxing Champ
270 defenses
Semi- Retired
Entrance Music-

you are the man viper. And absolutely true. Thats real music and not Chris de eyebrow-brother of reaper...lmfao.


Chris de burgh is not that bad, but he isn't my type of music. Metal is and still is always my type of music. At least, De Burgh is a lot of better than that rock, pop, rap and mainstream bullshit, we have today. All of that mainstream pile of shit needs to be extinct.

If your into black metal like I am, than watch this because 99% of the bands in this video are very good and most of them are one of my favorites.
Yaccob is a kind of fighter that will create a lot of noise, he defeated numerous elite fighters in the past. So be prepared. I had to deal with this guy for four years, even though I won the war.
The Legendary Warrior of OB
The God of of Knockout Power and Destruction
121 Time Online Boxing Champ
270 defenses
Semi- Retired
Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:You are our lady in red! Chris once told me he dedicated this song to you

That is a little too soft for Redneck, try something like this,

It's either this


or this

The Legendary Warrior of OB
The God of of Knockout Power and Destruction
121 Time Online Boxing Champ
270 defenses
Semi- Retired
Entrance Music-
Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:Viper, great you are back. I havent fought a few days myself but before that I was pretty active. Well OB2D is all about boxing now, it's no longer a punchers game. I predict you will have a hard time becoming a top 5 fighter. No disrespect though, we all know you are a future HOF'er!

I don't mind these settings but, I know Mikkel changed the stamina. I might be back in the ring tomorrow for a week or sometimes might show up at night.

Yeah my years are behind me now, so I'll just fight for glory and honor. I am going to find a way to get another belt in my resume.
The Legendary Warrior of OB
The God of of Knockout Power and Destruction
121 Time Online Boxing Champ
270 defenses
Semi- Retired
I was away for a few weeks because I was busy with exams. So were there any major changes to the game while I was gone?

I might be back in the ring for some of the time.
The Legendary Warrior of OB
The God of of Knockout Power and Destruction
121 Time Online Boxing Champ
270 defenses
Semi- Retired
johnbludger wrote:
Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:Whats wrong John?

a) Girls
b) Angry dad because you dont do good at school
c) Frustration for not getting inducted soon enough into the HOF
d) Bored because there was no one on your level for approx. 6 months
e) None of the above

A) yes
B) I have 4 A's and 2 B's, so this is a no
C) No
D) Bored yes, level doesnt matter to me
E) OGT coming up, gotta study for this

Good luck with your OGT's and good luck with school.
There is always one KO God and they just met their poison"
Over 120 time Online Boxing Champ
Knockout Victims include Yacoob, Rocky Marciano and many more.
Crybabies and pompous people shall die
Over 260 title defenses
Status- Semi-Active; only play when I have the time.
OB Name- Red Viper
Redneck wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
Redneck wrote:
Red Viper wrote:This is game is good, but it is a lot more challenging than before. When your cornered, you are basically screwed.
There is always one KO God and they just met their poison"
Over 120 time Online Boxing Champ
Knockout Victims include Yacoob, Rocky Marciano and many more.
Crybabies and pompous people shall die
Over 260 title defenses
Status- Semi-Active; only play when I have the time.
OB Name- Red Viper

come online to OB2D viper. i see you online on the forum. I wanna see how good you are with the new settings.

I am not that good with these settings because if your cornered, your defense can be non-existent.
There is always one KO God and they just met their poison"
Over 120 time Online Boxing Champ
Knockout Victims include Yacoob, Rocky Marciano and many more.
Crybabies and pompous people shall die
Over 260 title defenses
Status- Semi-Active; only play when I have the time.
OB Name- Red Viper

i understand what you mean viper. Because we got very similar boxing styles. You remember that i often went into my corner, defended everything and then countered sometimes without ending. But with the new settings its useless to defend yourself in the corner (you lose stamina and your powers are not able to regain to do the payback).
Thats why i am trying to change my style completely with this new settings. I think you got to do the same viper. Your style is useless with this new settings (as boon power in the punches anymore).
But i am sure that you are still one of the best viper. Thats why i hope to see you soon again in the ring.


I see, but Boon seemed to be the only one can defend from these settings because he probably mastered this settings already. He might be able to beat john if he fights like this.
Redneck wrote:
Red Viper wrote:This is game is good, but it is a lot more challenging than before. When your cornered, you are basically screwed.
There is always one KO God and they just met their poison"
Over 120 time Online Boxing Champ
Knockout Victims include Yacoob, Rocky Marciano and many more.
Crybabies and pompous people shall die
Over 260 title defenses
Status- Semi-Active; only play when I have the time.
OB Name- Red Viper

come online to OB2D viper. i see you online on the forum. I wanna see how good you are with the new settings.

I am not that good with these settings because if your cornered, your defense can be non-existent.
There is always one KO God and they just met their poison"
Over 120 time Online Boxing Champ
Knockout Victims include Yacoob, Rocky Marciano and many more.
Crybabies and pompous people shall die
Over 260 title defenses
Status- Semi-Active; only play when I have the time.
OB Name- Red Viper
This is game is good, but it is a lot more challenging than before. When your cornered, you are basically screwed.
There is always one KO God and they just met their poison"
Over 120 time Online Boxing Champ
Knockout Victims include Yacoob, Rocky Marciano and many more.
Crybabies and pompous people shall die
Over 260 title defenses
Status- Semi-Active; only play when I have the time.
OB Name- Red Viper
Since OB2D has been resurrected, this topic shall resurrect as well. So I will continue this list.

So far the front runners in this lists are hit man and GerardoQ.
Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:
Mikkel wrote:Couture you were right to close the thread..Redneck stop starting a flame war each and every goddamn time and learn to respect the authorities.

Befehl ist Befehl Redneck!

Viper, when are you on to fight? Id love a good old brawl with you!

I was there yesterday because I had more time, If my college closes down due to a heavy snow storm, than I might show up again tomorrow.
There is always one KO God and they just met their poison"
Over 120 time Online Boxing Champ
Knockout Victims include Yacoob, Rocky Marciano and many more.
Crybabies and pompous people shall die
Over 260 title defenses
Status- Semi-Active; only play when I have the time.
OB Name- Red Viper
Forum Index » Profile for Red Viper » Messages posted by Red Viper
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