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Messages posted by: Chrilla
Forum Index » Profile for Chrilla » Messages posted by Chrilla
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i dont really want too do that man....i have a tattu that can do many people pissed but i will take it off in some days but man it wont like 175 and 66 kg and growing im jsut muscle and if reaper wants some...i dont fucking care...if hes in uk sweden or whatever il fuck him upp if he accept my challenge damn english bastard...kick hiss ass and then im off too the pub and he go take his fucking tea or something
i just have 1 thing too say....MMA holds barred if he dares...i want too show him me in my true form a big nasty swedish bastard doing damage
no i live in sweden man :S DAMN but if he wnt...i can travel too UK il do it...and fight him tear his ass apart get it on tape and embaress him
im 18
why u ask eddie?
man i would like seeing reaper vs me...damn....i would kick that dumb ass of his haha what a sucka.....pound 4 pound top ugly motherfucka
lol look att the one with the guy looking like glass joe me dissing reaper haha man he was a ugly SOB
ahh okej i think i is it eddie?
cause i gave u 5 but it didnt change the stars aboove u :S
ok? do i rate your quote or you then?
ahh thx how do u do that? i dont even know how u did :S do u mean? are u mma eddie? im too...i been traning jiu jitsu and brazilian jiu jitsu since my sister got me off the street fighting instead u kno she said if your soo cocky come too traning damn she was right it was tough but i will have my first torunament in augusti
thx eddie and now off topic...yo oscar? are u a mma fighter or something u know? pro or amatur?
man i said from c too A that means where u wanna put me 1 kid said im a some says im c soo i dont know
hum......i bleive u man.... then its ok...u have the best record in KO/TKO but in the top 10 right? u cant say no too that but i congratulate u man i feel a littel bitter and envy...but the right is right u still have nr 1 but still....i have top 10 right? thx 4 answearing
man come online bitch and say that too i got the 2000 + fights u dont... soo u cant say that u got it....i got it....and man....there is many young people who dosent understand here i see...and many old fucks that are too senil too
Forum Index » Profile for Chrilla » Messages posted by Chrilla
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