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Messages posted by: Chrilla
Forum Index » Profile for Chrilla » Messages posted by Chrilla
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HTF wrote:another retarded topic. damn I get tired of locking these and deleting these. I am sure the 2 other mods agree.

Chrilll lalalalala or what ever your name is. Your not a pure KOARTIST you got some good decent wins. But you claim you defended the against the greats??

Im not a pure Ko artist i can admitt that but a tko have the KO in it man....and i dont say i have defended it against the greastests...but im not fucking bad man....and i will fight u or who ever wants it if they dare and like larry holmes said no 1 fears me...and i dont want them either too do i jsut wanna fight and get better.

In that list I saw Reaper an some others that are obvously bums.

yeah then a bum like me can be in it right? :S

IMO A KOARTIST or best KO RATIO or any thing doesnt have to have a 99% ko ratio. If that was the case I could create a ALT and go 300-10 with 300 kos.

man it cleary says the onbes with over 2000 wins man....soo dunt pull that upp

But I think a dude that is a top 5 player with atleast 70% ko ratio could be the best aswell. A guy that is good wins title defends and beats good players. A guy that steps up against the best and knows he might lose a few rds but can always come out with the huge ko.

i fight i have won over many greats i have won some titles....i wish i could fight mroe grats and win mroe titles but it aint easy when all are retiring.

sterlihalla wrote:anyway chrille u have padded most of your record nigel benn has said you wont get in so just leave it at that.
I padded 13 fights because i was gettin pised of with the ranking system when it was bugged then i admitted it then got my ranks stripped but the difference is i got them back without padding because i dont have to pad or go on alts like most people do these days.

man u have padded mroe soo dont say anything man...i dont fight myself ffs :S and im getting better...every time i see a good fighter i fight....even if i lose...i dont pad i meet everyone that challenges me like a real champ do....but...if i wont get it...then il understand...if nigel says soo...then i udnerstand
and reaper man....u have padded alot bums too and im padding on u...your just lucky and u know that...the great reaper lol
LOL catfish and reaper u fucks shoudlnt say anything man...reaper has the paddiest record ever and fat fish u wont even fight me? i have challenged u like 10 times this month your just pussying out..... cause u know i will gut u like a fish and don king he is the one who is right no 1 has pure records...and i havent padded that damn much i have wins over many good players...and if the rest of the soo called good players wouldnt be chickenshits and meet me then wel see but i dont have any alts...i have this 1... but man catfish i dont think that u deserv it either...but i wont complain if u would ge tit...u feel me?
hum there is that u have too have over 2000 wins and i have u shoudlnt fight yourself i havent i like the answear cause u are honset...but im the 6 time champ man....and i have defeated greats like reaper,unstopp,tyrant,creo,boxa,rocky and more and it isnt easy getting good fights nowaday cause the most good fighters are retired or inactiv like yourself holmes and im really trying too get better and i will do anything too get my rec...cause there only stands 2000 + wins and i got that and the nr 1 is red viper he has 39 that isnt on ko but i got 21 that isnt on ko soo

and if u would be nice please answaar on these arguments too man

thanks //Chrille
I want an honest answear and no bullshit Will i get the record on Highest Ko Ratio...cause i have erned getting betetr evertime i see a good fighter online i fight him..if he dosent fight anyone that challenges me soo i think that i should get the rec what do u guys think? honeslty now and no bullshit
red viper is good...but he has limited teqniuqe and defense but he has power and speed
nr 1 red viper and no other than red viper
I have the 2000 wins now...get my damn record upp cause if Reaper can be on it soo can i...and im nr 1 now in hegest Ko % i have fought many good too get this man please i beg u all...dont do the wrong here ....please i have earned this record belive me like everyone else has
u ducking?
man unstopp please get online i must have my title
get online now man im going too get my title
1 of the activ today is me cause there isnt many with over 1500 fights.....and im getting better
good excuse...but man everyone here knows im a good fighter
man i was kidding with u damn u cant take a joke huh? ps then u would be the best champ if we count noob hooks
Forum Index » Profile for Chrilla » Messages posted by Chrilla
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