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Messages posted by: Mikkel
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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No I mean pay per fight is like now, PPM (Pay Per Month) just thought PPF sounded cooler..
Im making OB free for some time. I can afford it at least for some time now. Maybe I'll have to make it ppf (Pay Per Fight) later but for now OB is ok. I might put up some google adds or something later so remember to click those ok ! ?.
Thanks to all of you for playing this game .

And may you all have a great great newyear !

Your wrong I care..when people vacate the titles I alway let them stay vacant for some time.
Alright fights will be scheduled between #1 and #2 contender monday so you should all work on your rank during the weekend.
We've been through this before and we tried one title again..that title was named OBW. After some time people wanted the three titles back and to not mess anything up the OBW title was kept.
I don't see any reason to go back to one title. But a "ring magazine" title would be fun .
Alot of good suggestions but we will have to focus on the basics first. Once you can actually fight and the graphics is decent the addons will come quickly, like they did with the current version.
Tyrant wrote:Just to capitalize off of what Sniper's concern is, I wanted to hint at styles as a possible feature in OB's future.

I have mentioned this a few times in the past. It would be nice to have styles at some point.

I am thinking three basic styles


Stylist may hold both gloves low, the power hand near chest and the jab hand by or below waist.

Boxer is what we currently have and/or holds both gloves up fairly high in a blocking position.

The aggressor holds both gloves near chin or chest and has somewhat of a low/squating stance.

of course more than just visual stance differences, they need simple advantages and disadvantages

Quickness (foot, lean and hand)
Power (hand and clinch strength)
Toughness (body, head, stamina)

Stylist: Ability to move and defend with ease and throw seamless punches. Can run out of gas by throwing a lot of speedy punches and doesn't react well to punches. - Best way to fight "POT SHOT, make them miss"

Quickness 5
Power 2
Toughness 3

Boxer: Good all around in speed and power. Can take a decent punch and dish out a decent punch. However does not have any major specialties so opponents will always know what to expect. Best way to fight - "BOX/JAB, mix it up"

Quickness 3
Power 3
Toughness 3

Aggressor: Has a great punch, can take a great punch and doesn't have to fight a perfect fight to win. Limited by slow hand and defense speed and can sometimes get too confident in toughness. Best way to fight "PUNCH, intimidate with pressure"

Quickness 2
Power 5
Toughness 4

That can obviously be tweaked with some sort of clearer points system. This is just an example.

It doesn't even have to include various stances. It could just be the same stances as we have now and fighters/players will have to figure out what their opponent's "style" is based on their experience in the ring.

Just something to think about.

Well Tyrant I hope it will cheer you up that all these things will come in
the 3D version. So far there's excatly these three styles and you can alternate between them by pressing the space button.
thesniper wrote:I made an account to come on for a few fights to see how the game is going. It's been awhile since I've played and I can say I've missed it.

I was pretty disappointed when I came on though. All anyone in this game does anymore is keep a distance and jab. The aggressor in the fight is ALWAYS the loser if the fighter who is jabbing is worth a damn. This game has become a boring jab match and someone who I just fought had found a way to lean down (#2) throughout the match as my glove appeared to hit him without damage continuously. I can say that my glove hit my opponents body SEVERAL times with power punches and the game fails to register any of these. You have to be at an exact distance for any of them to land and this fighter had that down to an art.

I don't think I'm going to login anymore until 3D comes out. 2D has become a boring jab fest for pussies trying to make their records better. No one comes to brawl anymore. There was one guy who actually wanted to make the fight fun and that was "Fatny." Even though I lost I had fun, and that's the reason why I play games, to have fun.

When I was at my peak there were many more players who tried to actually have a fight - rather than jab the entire fight or try to find faults in the game to use to their advantage.

Just my 2 cents.

It's tough to balance. If I put a little more stamina in the game, it won't have any significane during the fight.
So the option would be to remove it completely. Suggestions are welcome.
HTF wrote:Mikkel,

In the near future say 3D OB, will there be a option where a champ if he owns more then one title can put all of his titles on the line if the challenger is rated top 20 in all of the organizations?

Although I do see a problem with riduclous amounts of defenses... But maybe do it for tournament purpose.

I dont know- It's a detail and there's not many details yet.
Yea ok I'll make these changes on the next version. Though "free" would be a lie but I guess everyone are just using that word free or not.
OB is very easy to find in Google. I guess people are busy playing other games.
Its coming alog very fine. All the basic stuff is there and the problems that kind of made me nervous in the beginning has been solved.

A brief summary of what's completed

1) physics system 95% (including punches,defence,knockdowns, getting up from knockdows, walk forward/back, sidestepping and pivoting)
2) game logic (like scorecards, rounds) 60 %
3) Sound 40%
4) Graphics 50% (skins,ring)

The physics is a major part and might take up about 90% of the game so in reality theres not really a long way to go.

Hopefully when this is done there will be more time to add new things to OB continiously. Right now it's stalled and it might seem like nothing is goin on even though alot is happening.
I think donny and me needs some more help moderating this forum so I asked HTF if he could help out. And he accepted the position as a moderator.
Donny is doing a tremendous job but of course can't be here 24/7.
So welcome to the "staff "HTF

Hmm OB needs a bigger server
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