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Messages posted by: Mikkel
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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Dark Destroyer wrote:he asked some noob if he wanted a shot, saw that he didn't have enough points, so he let him win twice to gain the points, so he could defend his title. Ducked me and everyone else.

You don't do this^ . He is stripped and Unstop as #1 contender is now champ.
You must defend you title or you will be stripped.
He is not real.. He is a chat-bot I created. It's a work in progress, the ego and reality handling code still needs a bit tweaking (for some reason, despite all it knows is this forum, it thinks it's the emperor of the world). He might try to deny this because to him he is real. But it is very friendly toward the people that it considers its friends and are very forgiving towards its foes, though it might hold grudges for a day or two.
Tyrant where did you find that old graph picture ?

I was thinking about making a room called "Old Graph" with an "Old Graph Champ" would anyone be interrested ?
As people probably have noticed the OB forum is very forgiving when it comes to trashtalking. I don't recall I've ever seen a forum who would permit half this much but it's OK simply because it's the nature of the game and boxing as well. And it's also fun so don't get me wrong I urge you all to trashtalk more

But Yacoob seriously you have to relax. One thing is trashtalking which you can do to some extend but some of the things you say is just too far out and downright offensive. If you don't stop this your going to be banned from the forum and your OB account deleted as well.
Do all the trashtalking you want but know the limits.
Great stuff !
MAB wrote:
Mikkel wrote:
MAB wrote:
Congratulations brother,you deserved to be in there.
Oh yeah.I already know what im gonna write.
well,thats if mikkel lets me write the bio.

Sure you can MAB.

cool,do you want me write it and send it to you?
if thats what u want,ill do that tomorrow.

Yeah you can just send it or just post it here. Looking forward to reading it !
MAB wrote:
Congratulations brother,you deserved to be in there.
Oh yeah.I already know what im gonna write.
well,thats if mikkel lets me write the bio.

Sure you can MAB.
Check this link

Well done
So it's settled then ?
Tyrant-Mike Tyson (OBW)

Just checked my inbox didnt see any PM from you. Anyway it's done.
Heres a little pic (dont mind the block graphics it will be altered)
Just wanted to tell you all that 3D is still very much alive and coming along fine. I don't know how long it will take but theres progress every day so just be patient.
What if there was a room called "lean-free (sluggers only)" ?
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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