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Messages posted by: monkeytail
Forum Index » Profile for monkeytail » Messages posted by monkeytail
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Just seen the the fight at full speed. As i see it Calslappy never really gained much by then, but RJ Jr. gained alot more. This fight should have happened 10 yrs ago. Once again. But legends are made by their ledgers and the names on them, be it past prime or not.

On a side note, Calslappy does have impressive slaps past prime fighters

And to those who talk about the $$$, that's been a big problem of the fighters in the era of today. It's all about $$$. Oscar Dela Hoya is another cancer to boxing.. With that said though Oscar did fight the best when he was at his prime..

on top of that this win is meaningless RJ is 4-7.. Let's see if Lacy can beat JT seeing that Lacy is the one that made him a star???
HTF wrote:
monkeytail wrote:I prefer to remain bitter and cling to my religion and guns. The only positive thing that I can see that will come from this is being able to say. "I told ya so" in 4 yrs.

As long as he doesnt mess with my guns aswell he will be ok.

For the good of The United States of America, I hope you are right.. This is one time I hope I am proved wrong.....
Fatny wrote:calzaghe wide ud in a fight much easier then the hopkins fight

He lost that fight. Many slaps were counted as punches landed.
RJ jr. by UD or late KO. More likely a decision. Once Roy understands that Calslappy can't hurt him, RJ should give him a boxing lesson. 100 slaps per round won't get the decision against RJ's flashy combo's.

I prefer to remain bitter and cling to my religion and guns. The only positive thing that I can see that will come from this is being able to say. "I told ya so" in 4 yrs.
Barrack Obama wrote:




I don't think he lost but he didn't dominate Hopkins. Most of the punches he landed were pitty pat slaps.

Power punches are considered everything other than a jab. Therefor the 116 power punches that Hopkins landed were more convincing than any number of slaps from Calslappy be it 187 or 287. Slaps should not be counted in compubox.
Barrack Obama wrote:
Redneck wrote:Here is Redneck! I always believed you are a kind person Obama...why do you attack me now? I own a title and defended it. I know that you are still better than me...but i really dont care. I know Fatny is better than me...but who the hell is better than Fatny?
The Point is that i give you a title shot...and i know that i lose it. But i dont glue to the titles..if you are the best one that wants the titles at the moment i give you the shot. But be honest...if Fatny really wants the belts you got no chance, too to own them.
So we should all be honest. There is only one Champ for all the Titles. His name is Fatny and not Obama or Redneck or Chopper.
And Obama...stay on your kind Character and dont let the titles destroy it.


Well, I just find it cowardly to have a title and hide behind alts to protect it.

I would ask you to stay on your kind character and don't let a title turn you into a ducking paper champion. Defend your title regularly.

Never in a million years, did I think I would ever agree with anything that came from Obama. Be it a OB boxer or himself in person, but I must say that Redneck, You are making poor use of the name. A true Redneck, especially from West BY God Virginia would fight anytime anywhere without preconditions......
Plz start acting like a real REDNECK. Thank You sir!!
Professor wrote:Its because HTF is inconsistent trash. Fatny is so good people just resort to reminiscing on the times they were the best or making ludicrous arguments.

HTF is the best at all different styles so he is better!

LOL, his title record tells the story, his inconsistency is laughable. Comparing his title record to Fatny makes him a joke. He had his superchamp belt taken by a B fighter. Fatny had his superchamp title taken by ........o wait.

Or the funnier argument: Fatny mastered the x's and y's. You take them away and he wouldn't be invincible.

LOLWUT? He mastered the game, and neutralizes styles with reflexes and fluidity. If that makes you sad then go cry to your mommy.

No crying here Profs. im just stating that MR. Fatny would have problems if just one of the factors that he has mastered would be changed, because he doesnt have a plan B or C to fall back on. Or maybe im just more into exciting fights either way both HTF and Fatny are/were great.
Squeezed (Lemon?) Head wrote:He doesn't play the game,
He's worked it out.

When he played, he was a good player but he was getting tough matches every other time against good players.

Then he worked the game out, and nobody could be arsed apart from you Larry.

He is running on technacalities and consistancy, eventually the other guys just go "can't be arsed"

Modify a few elements that are very A/B like and not open ended that style goes back to being free thinking.

Take for instance another game he likes, poker.
You can't "work" that game out, you have to play as yourself and the skill comes from real time instinct momentum and other varients and of course luck.
He knows this, that's why he maintained this game the way he did, fueled by probably caring about the game from liking proper boxing.

agreed. he understands the system. knows how it works, and understands that if he just fights this basic style he will win. HTF is still the best in my opinion. He could fight any style. Back to fatny, yes he is the greatest when it comes to this config, but remember back when a person could dominate a fight by leaning cause of the reach? Thats what lemon head is saying change the x or y factor that h.e's mastered and if he adapts after that then i'd say he is the greatest.

No offence Pappy...
Donny_king wrote:I'm not an Admin I'm a Moderator, if Mikkel has a problem with the way I do things then he can strip me of that status and I won't complain or argue one bit.

Unlike some people I don't actually like seeing all this crap, this is all advertisement for OB so you making threads just to argue in and you replying with the blahblah crap isn't helping is it. "Oh look idiots are arguing on OB", what do you think the guy about to start playing is going to think ? "Oh I'll go straight on, I can't wait to have an argument"...

Think about it this way, it's you who is getting annoyed, only you are in control of that so is it my fault I have to tell you to calm down or is it your fault for not being calm ?

I'm always the bad guy, anyone got a tissue ?

1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:This fight doesnt make sence to me either Just for the money.

Manny might as well make money seeing that "RICKY HATTON" is unavailaible protecting his legacy....

If Manny loses then Hatton is good to go to be the best ever out of Manchester and Europe cause he will for ever have an excuse not to fight him......
Dick wrote:Yes, congruits to Goldenboy. We didnt do a rm though, but it is ok. I think the rm rule is stupid anyway. He beat me so he is the new champ. I wish Goldenboy the best.

Notice there was no bitching, whining or complaining? Lag or not Mr. Dirk Diggler has class...
The Great Yacoob wrote:Monkeytail
obviously you like penis 2 huh?
its understandable why'd you take sides with a dickhead

like having one. sure do. nakusumi says hi and she wished u had one also, but for some reason you could never co0nsistantly tease her monkey. therefore she left OB even though you begged her to stay and even said fairwell in one of your 100 plus retirement threads.

Barrack Obama wrote:
Dick wrote:Dear Mr. Obama,

If it was possible to upgrade I would be the first one to do it, but I cannot. I live in Bolivia and here it doesnt get any faster. It sux, I know. But hey I can be beaten with lag too, proven by many fighters. I called out Yacoob but I know he will not accept my offer. He knows who his daddy is.

Regards, DD

The problem isn't whether or not you can be defeated on that lag. The issue is, who wants to even try under those conditions? Secondly, you have an advantage over most because 99% of the regular players play on a regular connection. I know I personally don't want to sit there and pick and peck for 2 hours. Let's not kid ourselves. It's not the same when the fight is fought under the slow connection conditions. It almost feels like one is fighting in mud. And this sucks for good fighters like Yacoob who rely on speed and good boxing skills.

Win or lose, I enjoy playing this game under the normal conditions. You should really trying to seeing it this way instead.

Styles makes fights. The true champions could/can fight under any conditions. If my memory serves me correct HTF started off as a lagger suppossedly couldnt compete at top level with high speed connection, but yet he dominated for a period of time. Cynic is another prime example lag or not under both conditions he could hold his own. So with that said give Dicj his dues cause a true champion should be able to defeat a lagger if he really wanted to show what he was made of.

i never remember people complaining alot about the old lagger, I mean Hagler.. Many people felt he was one of the best.

Yacoob, you enjoy talking smack why not beat Mr. dick on his connection? (You are the GREAT ONE? YES?)
I'd so both lose by DQ bout the 7th rd, cause after the announcer tells about the the local hockey scores, the entire crowd leaves to go watch a real fight.
Forum Index » Profile for monkeytail » Messages posted by monkeytail
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