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Messages posted by: ShockandAwe
Forum Index » Profile for ShockandAwe » Messages posted by ShockandAwe
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ill gladly make you my tuneup kessler
its really quite a piss off. it pretty well beats all the motivation out of you to try and improve. I remember when I couldnt get a title. Now I am good enough and I still dont get a title.

please fix this mikkel
2 fights on any given day mean nothing, thats the beauty of OB. i throttle john 9 out of 10 times when we fight normally yet he stepped up when it mattered. lots of examples of it. viper is a better fighter then me yet I have been winning more of our fights lately.. doesnt mean I am better then him.
somthing better get fixed here. or just take the titles away. I am the obf champ one minute and then I come back and I no longer am

Mikkel why did I get stripped? I defended it like 10 times last night alone.

can you fix this?

this is starting to happen all to often. 2nd time this has happened to me. not just the title but I lost all my points

thanks goldenboy
he did fight well. 8 out of 10 times is unrealistic as i went like 7-0 against john the night before. he fought better then me when it really mattered tho, I will give him that.
nice hounds monk. Which one is D.O.G.?
better not tell chrille that.
I agree sal, For how long he has played he is nothing special. there are alot of guys who will surpass him in the next year or so that havent been around long

Goldenboy, captain america hell even dion have alot more potential then viper
no shit, its a little excessive viper. We arent asking for your ob resume
every title ive won has been as good as the first. (16)
i wont switch to 3d over 2d ever. 2d is perfect for me and I enjoy its simplicity and fun factor
ill fight in it
viper is a pretty good player. Hes not as good as he should be after playing as long as he has but none the less he is good.

He has absolutley no personality though. he talks about this game like hes playing the stock market and everytime he loses a fight he just lost it all. to be honest I feel bad for the guy
Forum Index » Profile for ShockandAwe » Messages posted by ShockandAwe
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