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Messages posted by: ShockandAwe
Forum Index » Profile for ShockandAwe » Messages posted by ShockandAwe
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i want to get interviewed
I'm rusty as hell but still probably better then most
yea ill fight whomever.
Hey guys the title kind of explains the topic. thanks alot
oscar you should throw me in the background as well
Hey everyone most of you don't know me. I only played for 2 weeks and that was 4 months ago. but I am back
dude thats tight thanks alot man. your a pro at that.
Hey oscar.

could you make me one with quinton jackson. and make it in gold and black. and underneath have it saying Shock and Awe
id be b- or c
or with de la hoya
oscer if you could make me one. that would be sweet. a pic with roy jones and the colors green and silver and write shock and awe one it somehow. that would be tight. thanks man
lol im not that little. im almost 20
ill join your clan was what i meant to say
ill play
this is me
Forum Index » Profile for ShockandAwe » Messages posted by ShockandAwe
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