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Messages posted by: Yohncc1
Forum Index » Profile for Yohncc1 » Messages posted by Yohncc1
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When I get bored I stop playing. I don't throw fights and have no plans of doing so.

I like the idea of different rings for different venues. The 3D image is sharp. I think the belt should be yellow and not green though. I would also like to see a referee in the ring if it isn't too much trouble.

Thanks for the links Mike. I will check them out.

I will keep in mind what you said Fatny. I appreciate what you had to say, however, I'm anything but new on here. I have been on longer than most. I just don't see a need to spend 5 or more hours a day on this as I have a life and other interests outside of Ob. With that having been said, Tyrant, I have nothing but respect for you, but you don't know me and shouldn't judge. Same goes for you Paul. Ray Johnson, unless you a doctor, don't try to dianose people. It's isn't cool. As for Jiggy and Oscar, seeing as they are so close well we know what they are doing together when they are on here. Awwww Isn't it nice that they can reinact scenes from their favorite movie - Brokeback Mountain? As far as you AOF if you had bothered to check the records you would see that we have never fought. With your lousy attitude it's no wonder. You may be a very good fighter, but your sucky sportmanship only cuts into your image.

Seeing as I have gone as far as I can in single player and have started increasing the difficulty of the people that I fight, I have decided that in order to improve I need someone to help me. This does not mean bashing or name calling as the kids who have no life on here like to do. If you are srious let me know. If not, ignore this message and say nothing about my skills because you muwst be insecure if you are so afraid that I will improve!!

My philosophy is sound Skillz.

You guys are missing my point. I'm not saying that it's not legal. I'm saying that it's not sporting. It's just like getting Koed when you get knocked offline. If you think that's right then fine. I don't! I also don't think that it's right to be deliberately hit by someone for the specific purpose of a cheap KO. It's a bunch of crap!!

Oscar, it don't mean a thing if can't handle slow ping. I see you are as bad in math as you are in English. I challenge your Borokeback butt to fight me.

Thanks Mikkel.


Maybe he can fix the server problem Sugar. Oscar before you speak about my punctuation or what I watch at least try to get to know me because your I.Q. is falling faster than you when you box.

You better check your facts before you assume things about online people that you don't know. 10 was your I.Q. before that comment. Say something else dumb so it can drop some more like your pants do when you watch Brokeback Mountain (your personal favorite).

Someone of your intellect I'm sure would have trouble understanding me.

How come my server is still inopertable?

First of all, not everyone is. Secondly you have never fought me. Thirdly, I'm far better than you realize Oscar. You are the funny one. if you don't believe me just look in the mirror.
Forum Index » Profile for Yohncc1 » Messages posted by Yohncc1
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