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Messages posted by: Yohncc1
Forum Index » Profile for Yohncc1 » Messages posted by Yohncc1
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I agree with you AOF. Are you willing to train me or are you just talking?

Oscar, before you tell anyone that they make no sense you should learn how to spell. No wonder India and China kick our butts. Thank you for your admission as well.

I will look into that one. If true then OB boxing should reflect that instead of giving the fighter an automatic KO.

I like your idea, but one should not have to become a clan member in order to receive help to elevate their level. As long as I like someone i will let them train me. I will even take advice from those that I cannot stand if I think it will help me develop into a better boxer.

In a real fight it would be a disqualification. Just because something is legal it doesn't make it right!!

You missed my point. What I'm saying is that when this occurs it makes it so the other boxer cannot get up giving the boxer who knocked the automatic Ko. If you don't believe me look at a particulr boxer who has a lot first round Kos that he might otherwise have because of that. That isn't right as I have stated.

I'm glad you are back too, HTF. We need more classy boxers to settle the Ob ruckuses.

I would too but I become bored easily sometimes.

I have been playing for over three years. I don't do it often, hence my low ranking

This is the first time I have ever seen it go for this long.

I don't know. It won't log me on. I don't know if anyone else is on. Maybe we should make a post about that.

It may be legal but it is about as right as hitting someone who gets knocked offline. Admit you do that too while you are at it!! Hopefully Mikkel can fix this so it will not be a problem.

Here's a good example of another cheating boxer. At least he admits it!!

My second pet peeve of OB boxing (next to server difficulties) is hitting a guy delierately while he or she is going down in order to get a KO. This constitues cheating to me. My message to those doing it is to stop or what goes around will come around on you. Besides if you have to cheat to win how good of a boxer could you really be. I may not be as good as most but I am a sportsman first and foremost!!

I agree with Oscar. The server has been good for the most part with me though.
Forum Index » Profile for Yohncc1 » Messages posted by Yohncc1
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