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Messages posted by: Barrack Obama
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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Dick wrote:Sal yur a ducker. A true champ fights everybody.

A true champ should fight everybody with a good connection.

Like I've told you before, I don't have the patience to sit there and fight you for 10 minutes per round in a lag filled jab fest. It gets really annoying. Get your connection fixed and you'll get shots just like everybody else.

Now you're saying a true champ fights everbody, right? Well I simply have a problem with fighters that have lag. Redneck on the other hand fights no one that he knows stands a chance to defeat him, which are about 10-15 guys in this game. Keep stroking him off because it shows how unintelligent and unreasonable you are.
Dick wrote:Obama, what gives you the right to tell Redneck against who he has to defend his belt when all you do is duck me?

True champs like Reaper (terrible person but good fighter), Fatny and Red Viper defend against everybody. Including the ones that have bad connections. That makes them true champs.

Bad connection fighters have no say. That's the way it's always been.

Back in the day we had one person that had really bad lag and they never earned respect until they obtained a good connection. Hence, until you upgrade, stay out of this.
Redneck, goldenboy was online when he posted that. Goodness you're pathetic.
Log on now and fight people then.
Give a real challenger a shot. We see you logged on to the forum and in OB you're logged in under Winterfist, one of your many alts.

Earn some respect and fight Goldenboy, followed by Edder, and then me. Heck, I'll be happy if you just fight those two. Grow some balls dude.
I have to say Paul, that was a nice interview with Goldenboy. You bring a much needed spark to this community.

If you'd like to interview this veteran in the near future, hit me up.
Josh "Hyper Boy" Harley

Josh "Hit em' Up" Harley

Josh "Shotgun" Harley

Josh "I Ride A Kickass" Harley

Josh "The Hunter" Harley

Josh "Hothead" Harley

Josh "The Golden Head Hunter" Harley

Josh "Barack Obama" Harley

So far we have 11 people. We need at least 1 more person to possibly get this tourney going soon.

Current applicants
Dream Kid
Paul Dion
Big Mac
Jens Oso
Paul, if you really want to promote, you should promote the fight between me and Redneck. Angry/Avoided HOF Veteran vs The Up and Coming Redneck

The other day we agreed to fight the next evening but you never showed up. I was online for about 3 hours defending the titles left and right. You can check my record and confirm this.

I was also online yesterday defending the titles but again you didn't show up.

I'll be online again tonight.
So much for fighting me, eh Redneck? Now you're going to defend your title against someone that you know you can beat. Sad.
I'm a Senior Analyst in the local government's Revenue Division.
Just log off. That's a cheap way to get a title.
Tyrant wrote:Why are you retired folk afraid?

Count Tyrant in Sally

What's up Tyrant?

Why don't you post on my forum anymore? Depressed since PBF retired?
Just curious to know what you all do. I think Tyrant and I are practically the only ones that work for a living. Do the rest of you still attend high school and college? I'm a geezer per this game's standards, I know.
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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