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Messages posted by: Barrack Obama
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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I'm looking for 12-16 players that are interested in competing in a tournament that will garner the winner a cash prize. My rules are pretty basic.

1. I will manage the tourney and will not compete in it.

2. I reserve the right to select the 12 players. If I get more than 12 applicants, I will select players according to skill level. In other words, don't expect noobies to be selected.

3. Fights will only count when I'm there to monitor them.


I will put up a cash prize between $25-50 USD. The winner will also have the option of using that money to purchase something on Ebay. That way I can just pay for the item and have it shipped to an address of their choice.

The point of this tourney is to encourage more of you to be active with an incentive out there for your continued participation. Good luck.
Redneck wrote:ok OBAMA. I am online again for exact half an hour. I am waiting for you in our title-room. If you read this come to OB and i give you a shot.
Look at message-time. Exact half an hour. Then i must go.


Well I saw you online within 5 minutes of this post but you once again bolted. So much for fighting me.

I ended up having some good wars with X-Treme though. GFs Xtreme.
Redneck wrote:i dont duck

What are you doing right now?
I just saw him online a few minutes ago and wouldn't you know it, he ducks me yet again.

el capillo wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:
el capillo wrote:marquez cant work southpaws, struggles against negative outboxers and can be dropped by a decent puncher

casa has all of the above

Marquez can't work southpaws, eh? Marquez TKO 11.
yeah becuase marquez was beating him easy..... it was an even fight in the 11
i didnt see much of marquez's face in that fight due to casa's left hand always visiting it.

it was clear he couldnt box a southpaw . he could box pac who stands very square up and is very aggresive thus you can counter him if you have the skills...which marquez does.

when i said negative boxer i mean guys who have a negative output and put more effort into defence and awkwardness and counter shots...usually on the backfoot...pac was aggresive and looked a mug in the later rounds when his momentum went.

and it was clear that if joel would of landed a simlar shot that juan wouldnt be the victor.

anyways this proves nothing. casa is shot and had looked horrible against corrales 2 years ago.

No one has ever looked this great against Casa so stop trying to spin it.

Both guys fought pretty evenly but Marquez was slowly breaking him down. Even Casa said after the fight that Marquez owned him by picking off his shots.

Funny how Casa is old and shot after he got KTFO for the first time in his career, but you picked him to win this fight.

Let's not forget that Marquez is no spring chicken himself at 35 years of age. Stop acting like he's in his prime.

JMM, the natural Featherweight, should be given props for becoming the first fighter to ever put Casa away in his best division. Eat crow my man.
Redneck wrote:YOU are the joke. I was online during my last message and this one here now. But no OBAMA was online. Just posting shit here at the forums...
I hope your Champ-Days dont last so long. Red Viper for example was the real better Champ...he was online often and gave shots.
You are just a little noob smelling on the Champ-titles. Go home!


Surely even 6th graders are taught to read in Special Needs courses.

Reread what I wrote yesterday. I work during the day so I can't play from work. Sure, I can post during breaks/lunch, but there's no way in hell I'm going to play when I could easily be distracted at work. And believe me, when you're the boss, there are many distractions.

Again, I've managed 20 defenses over the past 2 weeks against many of the game's best fighters while you've managed a few. No comparison.

You're a joke Redneck and everyone knows it. I've come to accept it as has everyone else.
Redneck wrote:Obama, Obama....Taunt God is not me. You guys are really funny! Taunt God is Paul Dion you hillbillie.
Damn shit...whats wrong with you? Ask Dion and he will give you the information. Even dumb Edder knows that Taunt God is Dion. Maybe it would be better for you, Obama, to come online more often to defend your titles. Then your information would be more up to date. tssss.


The last time I checked, I've defended my titles over 20 times during the past 2 weeks.

Meanwhile, you've only defended your paper strap twice during that same period of time.

You're a JOKE.

Well he ducked me once again by hiding under Taunt God last night. I probably should've let him win a round or two so he'd garner the courage to grow some balls and log on under his Redneck id.

I think everyone just needs to ignore the guy until he gets stripped. He's quite a joke.
Redneck wrote:i think you are no worthy Champ. I was online today many Obama. You attacked me without why should i give you a shot?!
I got a new offer here. I give all Top-Ten ranked guys a shot. Who wants a shot? I give shot and if this one wins he give me one rematch. He wins the rematch, too...title is lost for me for this day. You can challenge this one..if he gives you the shot, ok. But maybe you should not attack him before asking for shots and not writing postings like "Unified" before its real.
So all you Red Vipers, HTF, Rocky Marciano, Choppers etc. Challenge me here with a posting. I will be on tomorrow minus two hours from message-time. I will be online for at least two hours.
Challenge me and be there. The first posting get the first shot.
Just one rule...No Edders allowed for shots.


Some of us actually have to work for a living. You'll learn this when you graduate from the 6th grade.

Like I said, I'll be home in a few hours so if you have the balls then step up to the plate. Stop making excuses. You're the one who said you were going to whip my ass.

Fact is that you're avoiding me like the plague. You can deny it all you want but that's the truth. Everyone knows it.
Redneck, stop talking and let's do this. I'll be online tonight at 8:00 P.M. Pacific Time, USA time.

Here's how it's going to work. Standard title match rules apply.

You get a shot at one of my titles. If I win, we move on to yours. However, if you win, I get the rematch. If I win the rematch, I keep my title. If you win the rematch making it two wins in a row for you, you keep the title.

The same rules will apply when I fight for your title.

Hopefully, you're serious about whooping my ass, because that's something I would surely love to see.

The ball is now in your court.
HTF wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:
HTF wrote:I havnt seen Sal fight in a very long time.But if he is any thing like he was back in the day it will be a easy match.

Well I look forward to facing you because the last few times we fought, I won. Yes, you were out of shape but so was I.

ah we probably wont fight. I am not going to be fighting much. I was just letting peeps know that your probably beat redneck easy if your any thing like yourself.

My bad. I thought you meant that I'd be an easy fight for you if you were to fight me today.

What have you been up to? You were the shiznit many years ago after I stopped actively playing. Your speed was insane. You just gotta get into it again.

However, if you don't come back, it's understandable. I lost my desire to play for many years. Life can get hectic when you have children, a demanding job, and an equally demanding girlfriend. LOL
Redneck wrote:now tell me Obama aka dumb are you?
The last time i was online there were 2 other with exact same ping as mine online. Not behind every name with my ping is Redneck.
You are a funny guy Obama. I am looking forward to beat your ass...or i am looking forward to watch your ass getting kicked from HTF or Rocky. Both are much stronger and more "unbeatable" than you. Paper-Champ.
watch your fight-history...i won several times against you.


You talk a lot of smack for someone that won't even accept my challenges. I'm through talking though. We'll let our fists do the talking in the ring.
HTF wrote:I havnt seen Sal fight in a very long time.But if he is any thing like he was back in the day it will be a easy match.

Well I look forward to facing you because the last few times we fought, I won. Yes, you were out of shape but so was I.
Rocky Marciano wrote:Your insane Barrack.

Since when has retiring from this game meant not posting on these forums?

In any case I just came back just to do one thing.

It's nice to see that the old lions have awakened.
Rocky Marciano wrote:I'll knock them both out

For someone that's retired you sure do post a ton.
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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