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Messages posted by: Barrack Obama
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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Mikkel wrote:Why dont u two just get it on ? or is this prefight hype ?

I'm always down, but he's never on "Redneck" when I log on. It's always some alt with the exact same ping.

Rocky Marciano wrote:" Too late now. I just did it."

Well congratulations. I did not expect people to give you shots.

Now you just have to clear out of the mess of multiple titles existing in few rooms. You know it just does not look perfect the way it is now.

"Anyways, you should stop hiding other alts and comeback. You're a very good fighter so I have no clue why some of you continue to fight under alts."

What do you mean? I have been retired for some time now.

I figured that since you ranked yourself so high recently that you were still active, particularly since you said we have been trading wins. However, I haven't fought you in ages or at least I don't believe I have. I've actually improved drastically since the last time we fought.
Redneck wrote:fight the best you can Obama. I try to win...if you win, fine. I dont duck. The only time i went offline was when my lil brother was in holiday and he slept and i cant hit the buttons like i normaly do in fights. I got no problem to fight you in fair conditions. So stop acting like you are are not Fatny.


I actually don't believe I'm unbeatable, but I'm confident that I'm close to unbeatable against you.
Redneck wrote:You are talking shit here Obama. I won the title in a title match against Hamed. I defended the title after this match against Hamed. I gave shots to different...for example edder (i was just ranked behind 20) and Chopper.
I own the title of this room before you. It was me and Catfish. I think you defeated Catfish? Ok..but stop talking shit like the title does not belong to me.
And if Mikkel is so unfair and strip me...well, then i cant do anything against it. But you are no honourable Champ Obama. If Mikkel strips me you just bought your title in this room.
And Obama....
"Actually there should only be 5 titles but right now there are 6. The last time I checked, I have 5 of them. Like I said, your title is just a glitch in the system. You'll be stripped in a day or two."-->STOP LYING TO GET ME STRIPPED AND GET THE TITLE!!!!

We're not stupid Redneck. You're constantly hiding under alts to avoid fighting the tough fighters, and when you are on Redneck and you see me log on, you bolt quicker than lightning.

I'm so sure that I'll beat you with ease that I won't throw a punch for the first 5 rounds. That means you'll be up 5-0 before I start trying. Do you feel confident with that handicap Mr. Ducker?
Mosley had no business allowing Mayorga to be that competitive with him. Mosley looked like crap in this fight. This is the same Mayorga that De La Hoya destroyed with the greatest of ease.

Mosley's bad performance basically tells us he's further past his prime than we could've ever imagined. Margarito is going to own him if and when they fight.
HTF wrote:good job,

But doesnt one account have to own them all? haha. Any way one my alts unified and it never counted

Nice to see you back Sal.

good times

Hey HTF. How's it going? Good to see you again.

You should get back into the mix and begin kicking ass again.
Redneck wrote:dont be angry now. i just said that this is not unified the belts. You just own 4 of 6 belts right now. So your posting is nothing worth.
And to check your character i challenged you a few days ago. I challenged you with an alt. But no shot for me. lol. Not just on one didnt gave me one two days in a row.
So you shouldnt point with your finger to other Players. And if i see you online i gave you a shot and you give me one back if i lose. Thats the rule. I followed this rule. But i read you did not follow this honourable defeated The Champ Chopper and gave him no rm.
So watch your mouth. I am not Ducker-King Edder.


Actually there should only be 5 titles but right now there are 6. The last time I checked, I have 5 of them. Like I said, your title is just a glitch in the system. You'll be stripped in a day or two.
Mikkel wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:I won the title off Chopper about 5 hours ago, never lost it in a rematch, and now it made Edder the champ. The worst part is once again all of my points got stripped. Can you please restore me as champ? Thanks.

What do u mean ? you are still champ in oba

It's all good now because Edder fought me and I got the title back.

The script basically stripped "Salvador-Sanchez" and gave the title to Edder. I then fought Edder under Barrack and beat him to regain the title I should've never been stripped of. Hopefully I don't get randomly stripped again. I'd like to lose a title fairly before giving it up. Thanks for looking out anyways Mikkel.
I'm just disappointed by a lot of the people that currently play this game. There's too many duckers and insecure people playing right now. It's a damn shame because that only degrades the quality of this game.
edder1234 wrote:No mikkel!! pls lmao

Are you serious Edder? Funny how paper titles change people. It's also funny how you logged off as soon as you saw me an hour ago.
Redneck wrote:not really unified. You share two titles. One with me and one with this title-ducker edder.

Your title doesn't really count because it's a glitch and you keep avoiding me like the plague. Edder doesn't really own that title because I won it off chopper. It's not my fault the script is screwed again.
Mikkel wrote:Is killmore an alt according to your defo ?

It would be if it were a secret but it wasn't. Most of the top fighters of that time knew.
I won the title off Chopper about 5 hours ago, never lost it in a rematch, and now it made Edder the champ. The worst part is once again all of my points got stripped. Can you please restore me as champ? Thanks.
Tyrant wrote:updated the list in history of OB forums

Thanks Tyrant. BTW, I was Happy Killmore so technically I've done it twice. Also, when I became undisputed under Killmore, Mikkel had just added the regional titles and they were all pretty much vacant. Don't know if that matters.
chopper81 wrote:the lack of a reply says it all

I'm right here. It's not my fault you logged off.
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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