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Messages posted by: Barrack Obama
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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chopper81 wrote:Funny how someones attitude changes when they get what they wanted i could have accepted challenges from others but hey i waited for you as i said i would now ur going on about my daughter u yellow bellied fuck grow some balls what about my shot at ur title i just fought and didnt lag seems a bit odd i only lagged against u and ur boyfriend edder

You're the one who has anger management issues. I'm cool with everyone until they start acting immature towards me and show me no respect.
chopper81 wrote:I wasn't aware of the cause being from me and after the fight u said was it me or you that lagged so obviously u wasnt sure either fact is i gave u a shot as i said i would and u abused the situation hardly the characteristics of a good champ so as far as being recognised as a superchamp errrr not in my book . . . ur a superchump and should be giving ur throne in the wall of shame

Fix your lag and I'll be right here.

Do I care what you think? Of course not. You hardly ever play and when you play and win a title via a fluke, you hide for a week. I don't know how someone so cowardly could live with themselves. What kind of an example are you setting for your daughter?
chopper81 wrote:Point is i had you hurt.f i was playing to win i would have closed u down and gone for the knock out FACT. I stayed away to signal that i wasnt interested in a fight under the laggy conditions FACT. When u carried on with your selfisish act and i got knocked down i could have got up FACT but i didnt the ultimate FACT that i wasnt playing to win rather trying to let u know that i wasnt up for a lag fest.I'm not denying you would have beat me on an even surface but i thought you had more about u then forcing a fight under lag conditions obviously i thought too highly of u and ended up paying the price.

Well I didn't cause the lag, you did. End of story.
chopper81 wrote:took care of me haha its ok i will be champ again whether its a day a week or a month away and guess what BROTHER i wont be giving u shots i dont mind losing if its on a fair playing field but the likes of u are scum

Like I said, you're the one lagging. It's not my fault. Just accept it. I'm better anways. The last time we fought before today I easily beat you. And despite your attitude, if you stop lagging fights, you'll get shots again in the future. I'm not a ducker like you.
chopper81 wrote:check where i had u hurt i left u and tried to signal to log off best i could so how did u play to win if i played to win i would have got up when i was down u coould see i was ready to get up your logic makes no sense

My logic is fine. You can't even type a coherent sentence. Therefore, you should point the finger at yourself.

Point is that you tried to lag the fight and when it backfired you quit and now you're making excuses. Nice try.
chopper81 wrote:watch the fight look at thew begining of the fight i backed off from u then u attacked
i got ur energy down u backed off i stopped chasing u again to show that i wanted too leave so no it wasnt a fair fight u know it

No one online right now has lag, only you. You are causing your own lag so don't bitch when you get beat at your own game. Now go take care of your daughter because I just took care of you, Son.
chopper81 wrote:He did it with a cowardly act superchamp my ass

It was a fair fight because we both had lag and you fought to win. Not my fault you quit after you got put on your ass once. Get your connection fixed, and I'll beat you 3 times in a row to satisfy you.
Rocky Marciano wrote:You want to unify all titles.


If I find the time I'll come back and take a title from you Obama and stop you from doing that. Yeah it's not easy by any means but don't think for a second I can not do it. You are not Fatny.

Too late now. I just did it.

Anyways, you should stop hiding other alts and comeback. You're a very good fighter so I have no clue why some of you continue to fight under alts.
chopper81 wrote:Shouldnt be recognised as a super champ my comp was lagging yeah my bad i stayed away to show sal i want gonna fight be he continued to fight

It's not my fault your connection is extremely laggy. Ask Edder, he suffered the same lag against you.

Regarding the fight, you were attempting to KO me since the sound of the first bell. I hurt you in the middle of the ring to the body and you began back peddling. I eventually put you down and you quit because you knew the end was near. Sounds like a fair fight to me. It's not my fault you gave up.
Mikkel wrote:SO its not an alt if you tell everybody its an alt ?

For me the definition of an alt is when an experienced player hides under another name. They fight under the ID and pose as someone else. When asked if they are that Main ID, they deny it vehemently.
Mikkel wrote:ISnt obama an alt ?

No, everyone knows it me and I've never kept it a secret since day one.
For what it's worth, I was finally able to unify all of the titles. I now have all the titles with the exception of the double titles split in OBW. We all know Redneck isn't fighting me any time soon but it doesn't matter. Unlike other so called champions, I will defend against anyone that's ranked online provided you're not some cowardly alt. I like to know who I'm fighting and people should have the balls to show their real identities.
Redneck wrote:Here is Redneck! I always believed you are a kind person Obama...why do you attack me now? I own a title and defended it. I know that you are still better than me...but i really dont care. I know Fatny is better than me...but who the hell is better than Fatny?
The Point is that i give you a title shot...and i know that i lose it. But i dont glue to the titles..if you are the best one that wants the titles at the moment i give you the shot. But be honest...if Fatny really wants the belts you got no chance, too to own them.
So we should all be honest. There is only one Champ for all the Titles. His name is Fatny and not Obama or Redneck or Chopper.
And Obama...stay on your kind Character and dont let the titles destroy it.


Well, I just find it cowardly to have a title and hide behind alts to protect it.

I would ask you to stay on your kind character and don't let a title turn you into a ducking paper champion. Defend your title regularly.
I'll be honest. It was really intended towards Redneck. Edder and I caught him hiding under an alt. There aren't many guys with a consistent 140 ping. The worst part was that he was saying he was TRPCHE, but wouldn't log on under that ID to confirm it.

Would the real TRPCHE please stand up and clear this up?

As for you, I'd like to fight you ASAP before you get stripped. I noticed that you haven't defended the title yet and your time is almost up. Let me know when you'll be on tomorrow, and I'll be there for sure. I work but tomorrow I work from home.
It's funny how some people play the game a lot until they win a title and then BAM, they disappear or become inactive. What really is the point?

I personally don't want the the titles if I can't defend them successfully. In other words, if I get beat twice for a title, then the person who defeated me deserves to keep it. Yes, I'll want a shot again, but I most likely won't be asking for another shot for several days.

I guess some people are content just seeing their name up at the top of the ratings page under the designation of "Champ" even though the reality is that they are not exemplifying such qualities. I guess some people don't mind being labeled "paper titlists."

I guess I'm just pissed because I want to unify all the titles, but I've been getting ducked for the past 4-5 days.

P.S. Yesterday Edder and I caught a certain individual hiding under an alt so that he wouldn't have to defend his title. This was extremely sad.
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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