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Messages posted by: Jens Oso
Forum Index » Profile for Jens Oso » Messages posted by Jens Oso
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me and josh gotta talk about it in person well tell u by l8 tommorrow or sunday for sure ok....
ty mikkel pretty sweet eh kinda hard to make though
thats wat i said but he said he not... so y is his sig BxA's sig ???
haha too bad pacquiao owned him 2 times straight and forever damaged him... thats wat hes gonna do to barrera too
i think he responded on the wrong forum lol
eddie i got ask josh... so dont be so sure man u guys got bad blood
ya he did and i wanted griffin i only wanted our gym to be chuteboxe cuz it sounds better than militech fighting systems or team punishment and cuz i like wanderlei shogun to but griffin more
haha love the fro wat is that sideburns? blood sux...
ya... bluh u gotta change ur sig bluh the flag is all crooked and so is lol
no can do eddie
thats y they call me jens u wanna get a sig like dis kos?
hahaha check out my sig
kuyajosh wrote:how many accounts do you have??

for real though haha how many do u actually have though?
y does everybody got a "sexy reaper" sig thats hecka messed up
Forum Index » Profile for Jens Oso » Messages posted by Jens Oso
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