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Messages posted by: Jens Oso
Forum Index » Profile for Jens Oso » Messages posted by Jens Oso
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no heck no its "ill fuck you til u love me bitch"
tyson got nothing on marciano he would be ahead then ko by right hook jus like joe louis got ko'd
haha josh gotta get a pic of me somewhere to
nope i kinda h8 that class cuz all these freakin lil kids from middle school r there 2
sup bluh im supposed to do my hw for school rite now lol
sweet sig josh we gotta make mine on saturday after biking or something
lol Floyd stops Hatton on cuts

PBF is too fast for Hatton, ricky never faced someone like PBF

in the other hand Floyd beat 2 pressure guys like hatton, Castillo x2 and a bigger stronger De La Hoya.

Castillo and De La Hoya are not pressure fighters Thats y u shouldnt compare them to Hatton. Hatton also closes the distance exceptionally well by "grappling" with his opponents and his body attack is great. Floyd would run around first then Hattons body shots will take out his legs Floyds mobility will be cut off and will be forced to fight Hattons fite.

Prediction: Hatton by late rounds (t)ko or Decision[url]
hey tyrant how did u get pics from the game on to ur signature?
GYM NAME: ChuteBoxe
DESCRIPTON OF GYM: Our Fights bought us Together as a Team

List of fighters in your gym:
(if any)
3.Jens Oso
Is there a way to capture in ring pics?

How do u make those slideshows?
how can u get a pic of ur boxer?
haha kos read this rite here

also check out our new team signature
thnx man
i like the name in oscars signature . Finally some recognition
Does anybody know how to have a pic at the end of ur msg? If so can u make a reply
Forum Index » Profile for Jens Oso » Messages posted by Jens Oso
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