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Messages posted by: John323
Forum Index » Profile for John323 » Messages posted by John323
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lmao reaper u fukin fagot u tryin to hook up with some guys or sumthin by puttin up ur gay ass pics
reaper should be suspended for a little while so he can learn to act like a normal person instead of a little bitch. so that when he comes back he wont act like a 10 year old anymore
lmao reaper stop acting like ur gay ass can hook up dat girl or like u would actually talk with her. ur to busy puttin up gay ass pics of ur self and playing ob all day u disrespected fuck
im in
reaper ur ofically da biggest moron on ob. u need to realize its only a game. big deal u beat me i can careless ur a fuckin joke u play all da for da past 4 months nd brag abuot it how u beat me but dont mention dat i beat u da 1st time and u were about to cry like last time lmao. u seriously need to get a life u stupid prick
wut hapened reaper you went to work came bak took a shower and now ur bak on this game lmao
erik morales and arturo gatti
Lmao reaper u cudnt stay of this game if ur computer broke down ull probobly run to ur friends house(if u have any) and start playin on their comp this game is ur life u cant stay off it maybe we wont c the name reaper play for a few days but we will c ur stupid ass just with another name
lmao reaper do u realize that this is a game
usa nvm lol i jus saw da jk part my bad
usa i wusnt talkin bout u u fukin idiot
lol u guys need to stop crying over this game
lol all cuz u beat him u aint gna get respect. u need to stop bein a lil bragin cocksucker and then da people on dis game might hav a little respect for u.
Like i said before no1 shud hate a person over a computer game. We just dont like him cuz his a dickhead with no life dat gets on every1s nerves
Reaper ur still a ducker u just said it u only duck htf larry nd nigel but regardless duckin is duckin u fuckin looser
Forum Index » Profile for John323 » Messages posted by John323
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