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Messages posted by: Barrack Obama
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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I'm not going to get active again until the dust settles. I want someone or a few fighters to start threatening to become a superchamp. That's when I'll come into the picture again.

You guys better hurry up though. Fatny was saying the other day that he's coming back in a few weeks. That's when things are going to get really interesting. We'll see how long it takes him to regain his previous form. It'll be tough too because most of the time it's hard to regain that form all over again quickly. It may take awhile or he may actually be the exception to the rule. He may surprise us. We shall soon find out.

Judging from my experience, the top 5 can all pretty much beat each other. It just depends on who's having a really good day and who's having a bad one. There are even a few fighters from 6-10 that can beat the top 5. However, there are some people that are a bit more consistent against the overall competition and that's what makes them top 5.

Off the top of my head

1-5 (no particular order)

Nigel Benn
Red Viper
Rocky Marciano

6-10 (no particular order)

Captain America
Mad Skillz
(insert your name here)

Since Fatny has left, nobody, including myself, has been able to dominate the way he was dominating before he left. That takes a lot of hard work. Sure, I can win the majority of the time, but I don't play enough to stay at the peak level.

The competition is finally heating up.

Redneck wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:
Redneck wrote:Who i am? No liar!

Are you sure about that?

Do you recall when you promised you'd fight me for the split title that one night? Or how about that one time you swore you weren't Coco and all of the other 140 something ping alts?

me? i never lied. i was online to fight you for that title-thing. Some nights for three (!) hours. You came in later....not my fault at all. I always told everyone my name if i use an alt. Ask the ppl here...i always say things like "i am redneck" if i use an alt. And who do you think you are calling me a liar? You just been caught in a lie. lol.


You're lying through your bright yellow teeth right now.
Redneck wrote:Who i am? No liar!

Are you sure about that?

Do you recall when you promised you'd fight me for the split title that one night? Or how about that one time you swore you weren't Coco and all of the other 140 something ping alts?
Since there were a lot of people online tonight, I quickly put together an 8 man tournament. The participants were Hulkster aka Vargas, Rush, Captain American, John, Paul Dion, Rocky Marciano, Red Viper, and Xtreme Skillz.


Rocky Marciano vs Paul Dion - Rocky Wins 2-0
Vargas vs Captain America - Vargas wins 2-1
Rush vs Xtreme Skillz - Xtreme Skillz- Xtreme Skillz wins 2-0
John vs Red Viper - Red Viper wins 2-1

Rocky Marciano vs Xtreme Skillz - Xtreme Skills pullz off the upset 2-1
Red Viper vs Hulkster aka Vargas - Redviper pulls off the upset 2-1

Championship Match for all the marbles

Xtreme Skillz vs Red Viper - Xtreme Skillz win 2-0

Congratulations to Xtreme Skills. He pulled off 2 great upsets tonight and proved that when he's on it, he's a force to be reckoned with. Congrats.
Redneck wrote:hm...remember the postings that i said "he is sal...and thats a fact". You answered with postings like "no i am not sal" etc.
So you are a liar. I dont respect liars.


I couldn't let you guys know at that time, and I don't care whether you respect me or not. Who do you think you are?
johnbludger wrote:so me and reaper where the only guys that beat Sal? thats an honor

I was high as a kite during those fights.
Mikkel wrote:I promised you once that I would bring back the old OB1 version and as soon as I get a little extra time I'll do that.

That would be great. It would bring back a ton of memories. Thanks Mikkel.
Skillz wrote:
sandy1 wrote:My name is sandy and I am a proud alt!

My kid plays OB too and likes to create names once in awhile which we'll use. I've been using Sandy for awhile now though.

Usually they are the names of spongebob characters.

I don't play OB enough to make a serious title run, my kid and I fight often where I'll intentionally lose (my kid is only seven), and I also lose quite a bit since I'm rusty all the time from not playing regularly so the spongebob alts work for me.

Most of you duck me anyway so now you have an "official" reason! JK

Sorry. If your nnt want tht exposed lol.

That's a pretty good guess. I remember Mogray having children.
Rocky Marciano wrote:Nice work Salvador.

Congrats and come back when you have time again.

Btw. were those other alts yours too (Lion King, Unbeatable etc.)?

Funny thing is that I wasn't those IDs. It's weird because Lion King immediately offered me a title shot after he saw me online. He didn't even care that I might be an alt, probably because he was an alt as well.

I don't know much about unbeatable. For awhile I actually thought it was you. haha

Alright everyone, many of you have speculated that I am Ricky Hatton. Therefore, I must now come clean.

I am in fact Ricky Hatton.

A few months ago, I gave up all the titles because I didn’t think I’d have much time to continue playing consistently. Plus, I didn’t think it was fair for me to hold all the titles while only being able to play OB in the evenings a few days a week. As some of you may know, I work about 10 hours during the day 5-6 days a week.

After taking a month off completely, I decided that I’d create a new name to shake off the rust before starting to play again under my regular accounts (Barrack/Sanchez). Further, considering that I enjoy a good blunt from time to time, I didn’t want to play high as a kite on my main accounts because although it’s fun, I’m not quite the same fighter when I’m under the influence.

Well, one thing lead to another and now I have all the titles again (3rd time overall).

First off, I want to apologize for being rude to some of you when I first created the Ricky Hatton account. However, in my defense, I didn’t want to give away who I was by keeping it cool with everyone. It would’ve been too obvious by shooting the shit with all of you whilst being perceived as an overall nice guy.

As you can see, I haven’t been very active lately because every time I login late at night, there’s hardly anyone else online.

Therefore, I’m going to once again give up the titles and stay out of the title picture for awhile. I’m actually curious to see if any of you can become a dominant Super Champ with me out of the picture. I want to see if Viper, Vargas, Rocky, Nigel, or someone else can begin to dominate the current players. I’m already a HOFer so now the opportunity is yours.

So once again, I apologize to everyone. Good luck and I’ll see you all in the ring.

Most people know you as Rocky Marciano so why not just create a brand new account for that name and run with it?
Paul Dion wrote:
Kessler wrote:I'm gonna join in on that policy. If a fighter has less than 50 fights I'm not gonna fight them. Cuz its pointless if you win or lose, nobody knows who you really beat or got beat by.

I have used this policy almost all of the time...I want everyone to do the same...if there is a "new guy" with less than 50 fights...with more wins than losses...I kinda think its gotta be an alt!!! So if they wont tell me who they are I don't fight Ricky Hatton...I think I'm the only guy on here that has not fought him...he used to call me out on the "in game chat" ..this was back before he was a "super champ"...he used to be like "PAUL DION I CALL YOU OUT..LETS FIGHT" ...but he refused to tell me his true identity...he claimed to be new but had a ridiculous record of something like 20-1.

Let's all join this policy of not fighting will be good for never the future the top 20 in the rankings might be 25% the same person on alts lol...C'mon Redneck join the club and get rid of all those alts! At least Redneck admits it's him...he doesn't hide his identity most of the time so that's a bit better! lol

As far as Redneck is concerned, I don't think he has a choice. I mean it's pretty hard to hide under any account when you're the only person on OB with a 140 something ping.
Tyrant wrote:There's absolutely nothing wrong with ambition. That is an ambitious undertaking and I respect that.

However, just be you. Pick a name and build a legacy on it. Who cares if you have losses? Just build your legacy and be proud of who you've fought under that name.


I totally agree.

BTW, do you still play? If so, who are you?
Rocky Marciano wrote:Disclaimer: This post is bit of frat so stop reading now and save your time if you can not handle bit of frat.

In the past I kept making alts, LOT of alts. There was a specific reason for that, that reason being me trying to achieve 100-0 record without ducking anyone.

Fatny once told me that my goal is near impossible to reach. As time went on I realized that he is more than correct. Each time I started a new alt and got so far... in the end I got either freeze koed, lagged to hell, tricked in some other way (BS), challenged by Fatny or just plain out lost legit.

To cut the story short here is the deal: I returned last Sunday to OB2D. Before I retired I noticed that there are two people making lot of alts. After my come back I noticed that these two people are still creating alts. First one has ping around 40. Lets call him Mr. A. Second one has ping around 90. Lets call him Mr. B.

I have myself been guilty of making alts. Now it got old which is part of the reason I am stopping doing that for good. The other reason has more to do with being on the other end and experiencing this alt invasion.

Now Mr. A and Mr. B have been making alts, LOT OF alts. I have beaten good number of those alts. Both of them just keep creating new ones acting like they never even got beat the first 20 or something times. Now that is just stupid and get also really old really fast.

Now I am going to create one last alt to be my main and that is it. Also that being said I will have my own policy of NOT boxing any alts whatsoever. If a guy with alt wants to box me, shot at my titles or whatever he first has to reveal his identity. Other than that I am could not be less interested and NO AMOUNT OF WHINING ON INGAME CHAT is going to change that so save your breath Mr. A and Mr. B.

Regarding the end of your post, "Welcome to the club." I have a policy of seldom fighting alts, particularly for titles. I just don't like the fact that if I beat the alt, I won't really get any credit for it because my record won't reflect who it really was although I may have a general idea.

I don't understand why you've never just created one ID that we all know is you. Is it because you don't want a record reflecting a number of losses? Does it make you feel better to have a record of 25-2 as opposed to 200-40 or something?

It's also pretty hard to get true recognition for your skills if we don't see the documentation. Therefore, if you're goal is to become Super Champ and later a HOFer, it would be best to stick to one or two accounts and make those accounts legendary. Good luck bro.
I was thinking about this the other day. How many of the old school greats were able to successfully transition from the original version to OB2D? In other words, how many of the original OB greats have been great on this version as well?

Here's my list (in no particular order)

Larry Holmes: For those of you who've seen him display greatness on OB2D, you should've seen him on the original version. This former OB2D Super Champ was IMO the best all around fighter on the original version. He also happens to be one of the greatest all around fighters to play OB2D.

M.A. Barrera: MAB is the guy that introduced me to this game back in 2002-2003. He and I had such a fierce rivalry that it only served to make us both better. He was extremely good on the original version but did not fully come into his own until OB2D. He's one of the greatest sluggers to ever play.

Salvador-Sanchez: I became a HOFer on the original version after just 3-4 months of play, no joke. When I first started playing, there was only one title and it was held by Muhammad Ali, a slow connection fighter at the time with a ping of about 300-400. After becoming obsessed with OB and after having failed in numerous title bids, I finally rested the title from Ali and went on a mad run. After that, I soon became a HOFer and a top 3 fighter. Boy did we have some battles back then.

When OB2D first came out, I hated it because I missed the original version. However, after constant playing I finally became a Super Champ under Happy Killmore. After that I stopped consistently playing for many years, and came back last year with the goal of becoming Super Champ again. Luckily, I managed to accomplish the feat once again.

HOFers who were never able to fully shine on OB2D

I hope these guys don't take this as a knock, but there are several HOFers that for some reason or another were never able to make the full transition.

Labratory: On the way up he was our whipping boy but after about 6 months he became a total beast. At one point, this guy fought about 100 times a day. LOL IMO, in his prime, he was the best OB1 fighter ever. His speed and boxing skill were totally unreal.

However, on OB2D he never really made much of an impact and just gave up.

Mike Tyson: Mike Tyson was always in the top 5 on the original version. Back then he was extremely active and one of the few guys that could give Labratory problems. He was a definite HOFer on the original version.

However, on OB2D, he has never become a Super Champ and looking through past top 10 archives, I don't believe he's even been greater than borderline top 5 at any one point. I wish he'd become active again so he can attempt to become an OB2D Super Champ for the first time.

Now many people will say that Fatny is the greatest ever, but I must disagree. While Fatny is probably (although I believe one can make a case for a prime NewGuy) the greatest to play OB2D so far, he wasn't around for the original version. Therefore, I personally have always given the nod to Larry Holmes.

Let me explain why.

Larry Holmes was at times the best fighter on the original version and later no worse than top 5. On OB2D, he has also had his great moments, holds the Super Champ accomplishment, and from what I've heard he was #2 to Fatny on this game for awhile.

It'll be interesting to hear thoughts from others who were around as far back as 2002-2003.

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