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Messages posted by: Barrack Obama
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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Professor wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:
Skillz wrote:Sal is a different "Elite" i mean he's a HOFer and has the most experience aside from Viper.
As for putting "us" in the same league as him that's like saying that The #1 contenders in boxing aren't the best because they aren't champ.
All those people that are on the list are the BEST of OB right NOW.
And that doesn't have anything to do with them playing everyday because majority of the list doesn't. They just beat fighters like yall on a regular basis.
And they give other TOP fighters good fights.

And flaming is posting random dumb shit to start arguments and etc...

I agree.

Even though I'm a HOFer and a proven great fighter, that doesn't mean you guys can't compete with me. There's a big difference between a HOFer and non-HOFer current elite fighter. A HOFer has proven himself through consistency, dominance, skill, titles, etc. On the other hand, you have a non-HOFer current elite fighter (most of the guys on the list/potential future HOFers) that would probably wipe the floor with most inactive HOFers. However, that doesn't mean they can compare themselves to that individual.

To explain if further, Buster Douglas knocking out Mike Tyson didn't make him a great fighter. We all saw what happened after he scored the victory of a lifetime. He wasn't consistent and later got owned several times himself.

And yes, that list is OB's current elite. Although I'd also include Nigel Benn somewhere in there. It looks like he's been more active these days, and once he gets it going, I believe he's going to be a handful for everyone.

Thing is, their aren't elites. Vargas, Ricky and Rocky are the only elites playing the game right now.

BTW, who is Vargas playing under now?
Professor wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:
Skillz wrote:Sal is a different "Elite" i mean he's a HOFer and has the most experience aside from Viper.
As for putting "us" in the same league as him that's like saying that The #1 contenders in boxing aren't the best because they aren't champ.
All those people that are on the list are the BEST of OB right NOW.
And that doesn't have anything to do with them playing everyday because majority of the list doesn't. They just beat fighters like yall on a regular basis.
And they give other TOP fighters good fights.

And flaming is posting random dumb shit to start arguments and etc...

I agree.

Even though I'm a HOFer and a proven great fighter, that doesn't mean you guys can't compete with me. There's a big difference between a HOFer and non-HOFer current elite fighter. A HOFer has proven himself through consistency, dominance, skill, titles, etc. On the other hand, you have a non-HOFer current elite fighter (most of the guys on the list/potential future HOFers) that would probably wipe the floor with most inactive HOFers. However, that doesn't mean they can compare themselves to that individual.

To explain if further, Buster Douglas knocking out Mike Tyson didn't make him a great fighter. We all saw what happened after he scored the victory of a lifetime. He wasn't consistent and later got owned several times himself.

And yes, that list is OB's current elite. Although I'd also include Nigel Benn somewhere in there. It looks like he's been more active these days, and once he gets it going, I believe he's going to be a handful for everyone.

Thing is, their aren't elites. Vargas, Ricky and Rocky are the only elites playing the game right now.

I have to disagree. Let's take a look at the definition of "elite."

Def of Elite: The best or most skilled members of a group.

Therefore, if we have about 20-25 active members in this game, I'd opine that the elites are the top 5. If we have 50 active members, then we could stretch it to the top 10. Just my two cents.
Skillz wrote:Sal is a different "Elite" i mean he's a HOFer and has the most experience aside from Viper.
As for putting "us" in the same league as him that's like saying that The #1 contenders in boxing aren't the best because they aren't champ.
All those people that are on the list are the BEST of OB right NOW.
And that doesn't have anything to do with them playing everyday because majority of the list doesn't. They just beat fighters like yall on a regular basis.
And they give other TOP fighters good fights.

And flaming is posting random dumb shit to start arguments and etc...

I agree, and here's yet another way to put it.

Even though I'm a HOFer and a proven great fighter, that doesn't mean you guys can't compete with me. There's a big difference between a HOFer and non-HOFer current elite fighter. A HOFer has proven himself through consistency, dominance, skill, titles, etc. On the other hand, you have a non-HOFer current elite fighter (most of the guys on the list/potential future HOFers) that would probably wipe the floor with most inactive HOFers. However, that doesn't mean they can compare themselves to that individual.

To explain if further, Buster Douglas knocking out Mike Tyson didn't make him a great fighter. We all saw what happened after he scored the victory of a lifetime. He wasn't consistent and later got owned several times himself.

And yes, that list is OB's current elite. Although I'd also include Nigel Benn somewhere in there. It looks like he's been more active these days, and once he gets it going, I believe he's going to be a handful for everyone.

I think a lot of those guys have very good skills. I see a lot of potential in many of them. My edge is basically experience, which they too will accumulate over time.
Red Viper wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:I agree with Fatny. This thread sucks.

Red, I wouldn't be trying to put people down to make yourself feel better. I mean look in the mirror. You've been playing this game religiously for close to a decade and it's taken you ages to actually become a top player. Not saying you haven't improved greatly, but it took you close to a decade to do so and you're also benefitting from the fact that many of the greats to have ever played this game are no longer around. Therefore, it's not fair to put Profsback or anyone else down. It's not Prof's fault OB isn't his life.

What the fuck are you talking about, you think I suck. I am still in the top 10 since I created the "Red Viper" name back in 2005, punk People like you make me sick. Your making the HOF like a dam joke so I don't want to be in it. I am not going to kiss your ass to just get an fricking induction, that is not fair at all. I am tired of your bs. Why I can't I put Profsback down if he continues to put me down, huh. He disliked me since I put down and owned Yacoob to death. You say its not fair, too fucking bad. Profsback thinks hes better than me in real life and in here, no he isn't. I can put anyone down whatever I dam well please because I am sick and tired of people putting me down and I haven't did shit to them, now I am returning the favor. Pieces of shits like Yacoob, Ray Johnson, Chopper81 and others contiune to put me down, what I am supposed to do let them, FUCK NO, I won't because I am not putting up with their crap.

I made this post because I am trying to prove but you don't give a dam.

For Ray Johnson, you think your so god dam better than me you son of a bitch. You put me down since X-treme Skillz's video. What you are going to do you piece of shit, nothing. Your a waste of life and time, plain and simple.

For Fatny, this guy loves to copy my post but I don't have a problem with that.. Why give a good personality to pieces of shits that don't respect me. Some people don't deserve respect from me. Yacoob is the main reason that I put people down because I am sick and tired of people calling me shit, I am fucking sick of it.

You think I have no life Prof, actually I do have one because I got more important things in life than this, which are college related. I like playing this game because its fun, but its NOT my life. If you don't believe me, than FUCK YOU.

I will continue to put Profsback down if he continues to call me shit. Listen here Sal, you may be more skilled than me but I don't respect you at all. Why, because your a punk that thinks hes better than everyone else that is not in the HOF. Redneck was so right, your screwing my chance becuase your bullshit vandetta against me. If you don't like what I am saying than FUCK YOU. You can go fuck yourself for what I care because I am tired of your garbage.

Now I am done with this thread, good riddance.
60 time Onlineboxing Champion
118 title defences in all
19- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
8- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
Greatest Slugger in OB History
The most hardworking fighter in OB
The Yacoob Killer
OB Name- Red Viper

When have I ever said you suck? How many times do you have to hear that you are a top 5 OB fighter right now? I personally think you just like to hear people praising you constantly.

I never said you couldn't put anyone down, particularly if someone has been putting you down. All I'm saying is that it's stupid to call people "busts" just because they aren't as good as you or aren't in the top 10.

You take this game way too seriously Red.

No, you don't have to kiss my ass to get my vote for the HOF. Simply, consistently kick ass. I think if you were to spend more time fighting and less time bitching, you'd already be there. Instead, you'll continue to whine about how this person thinks you're crap or how that person doesn't give you respect. Fuck them. Worry about your own shit, grow a backbone, and build some confidence and self-esteem already.

Finally, I don't have a personal vendetta against anyone on this game. That's just misplaced paranoia on your part.

Skillz wrote:Why does everyone keep saying tht OB is every top fighters life?
Most of you who say this play just as much as me if not more...
i play like 45 mins a day most of the time and im still pretty good.
And i only fight like 5 times a day....

im tired of hearing "Ohhh im not good cuz i have a life" everyone has a life cuz if we didnt there would be wayyyy more people online all the time.

From my experience, if I only fight a few times a day, I'm good but not great. Now if I fight about 10-20 times a day for a full month, that's when I feel like I'm at my best.

Pretty much every HOFer was addicted to this game prior to becoming a HOFer. People were just so active back in the days.

Hence, many players usually say that they aren't as good as they could be because they have a life and don't have as much time to play. And there is some truth to that.

I agree with Fatny. This thread sucks.

Red, I wouldn't be trying to put people down to make yourself feel better. I mean look in the mirror. You've been playing this game religiously for close to a decade and it's taken you ages to actually become a top player. Not saying you haven't improved greatly, but it took you close to a decade to do so and you're also benefitting from the fact that many of the greats to have ever played this game are no longer around. Therefore, it's not fair to put Profsback or anyone else down. It's not Prof's fault OB isn't his life.
Rocky Marciano wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:
Rocky Marciano wrote:"239 posts in 5 months isn't a lot"

It is a lot HERE and that is all that matters my friend.

"I don't post that often, well at least not as much as you do."

Not only it is a lot HERE but it is also way more than I post. You can find your own original claim I was replying to you quoted above. Stop making BS claims out of your ass. You are wrong again.

"What's that saying?"

It is saying you were WRONG in your original claim that he was up in all 3.

Now stop talking pure BS and just admit it is you making all those alts.

I'm sure you have a lot of forum posting alts. Hence, that would put you above me for sure.

Stop being so paranoid Rocky. If you want to look at the King of Alts, look in the mirror.

Actually I have only really use this name to post on these forums so you are wrong again. Other two names I have used to post here have less than [insert some small number here, I dont have time to check] posts in total. Since you did not make any BS claims (well you did not do any claims) on your last post I consider this discussion to be over. Next time please check the facts before you get all heated and start posting... Have a happy weekend!

Always trying to get the last word in, eh?

Sure Rocky. You only have one forum name, one OB name, etc. We believe you..........................................

Look at us. Two grown men bantering over meaningless online stuff. This discussion is over because I have to get back to work and make some money.
Rocky Marciano wrote:"239 posts in 5 months isn't a lot"

It is a lot HERE and that is all that matters my friend.

"I don't post that often, well at least not as much as you do."

Not only it is a lot HERE but it is also way more than I post. You can find your own original claim I was replying to you quoted above. Stop making BS claims out of your ass. You are wrong again.

"What's that saying?"

It is saying you were WRONG in your original claim that he was up in all 3.

Now stop talking pure BS and just admit it is you making all those alts.

I'm sure you have a lot of forum posting alts. Hence, that would put you above me for sure.

Stop being so paranoid Rocky. If you want to look at the King of Alts, look in the mirror.
Rocky Marciano wrote:Your just too funny Salvador. You rant to Red Viper about this and that and how he should carry himself when you are exactly the same. Red Viper gets all angry when he feels he is not given credit he deserves and makes a posts all in red. You made a post and some people, including me, replied not agreeing giving reasons why they disagree with you. Ever since you have been posting a lot (well you were posting a LOT before that too) whining acting all hurt feeling you were not given credit you think you deserve. Seriously where is the difference? There is none.

Wait! I admit I am wrong. There is a difference! Red Viper makes his post all in red while you use plain black.

You are not in any position to talk to Red Viper the way you have been talking to him. Also Red Viper is entitle to make his post the way he does and it is none of your business.

By the way Weed was not up in all 3 fights. You are wrong again but that's hardly surprising. Facts have never been your strong point. You always fail to check facts and talk out of your ass not having a clue. This is not the first time

"I don't post that often,"

Oh please. Do I really have to (again) dig up the fact of you making close to half the post and threads in OB in just few months than I have made in about two years.

Registration date: 13/08/2008 19:11:13
Number of messages posted: [239] Messages posted by Barrack Obama

Created topics: [20] Topics created by Barrack Obama

Registration date: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Number of messages posted: [521] Messages posted by Rocky Marciano

Created topics: [48] Topics created by Rocky Marciano

LMAO! 239 posts in less than 5 months. Seriously Salvador just stop with the BS please. You talk a lot but always get shown wrong by facts. Why an earth wont you check what you are talking about before making these posts of yours...

ps. Why don't you just man up and admit it is you behind all those alts

Once again, we get the same ole' BS from Rocky attempting to divert attention to someone else. It gets old Rocky.

I'm too happy in my real life to let any online stuff rile me up for real. That's yet another misperception on your part.

239 posts in 5 months isn't a lot considering that I've had a boxing discussion forum for close to 10 years where I've probably logged about 100,000 total posts. Therefore, you get your facts straight.

BTW, Weed fought you 3 times. He KOd you in one round (he was up obviously), then in 12 (you were actually up on two cards), and then he KOd you in 5 (he was up on all cards). What's that saying? You're only as good as your last fight. Morever, he WON all three. Stop making excuses.

Rocky Marciano wrote:"Wasn't Unbeaten one of your alts?"

Quite funny I was just about to ask the same. I retired the guy by schooling him in a title match. He kept ducking me for weeks and finally got courage to accept my challenge. Unbeaten, Ricky Hatton etc. are all same guy in my honest opinion and again yes I do think it is you behind those alts. However, you will of course deny it.

"Anyways, Lion King, Weed Grinder, and Manny Pacquiao took the titles from you and Vargas."

Vargas got lagged to hell by some alt. I dont care enough to go check which one it was. I was there to see once the lag tricks. They boxed maybe once or twice. Big frigging whoopy doo. Couple of matches mean... shit. As a bonus it does not matter since all these alts popping up are by same person plus maybe his friend. Lion King ducked me. I never boxed him since he never accepted. Manny Pacquiao same story- ducked me. They are the same guy (and his friend or something) anyway. I was not really even playing and only popping up once every now and then. Despite me being rusty as hell Weed managed to lose close to all rounds and then put on download (or something else) to lag it to hell. I can do the same to let's say Fatny but that would not exactly count, would it?

"I remember reading the forum where he (Vargas) announced his retirement and Dirk pointed out that it was probably because he had just gotten schooled by Manny Pacquiao. I watched the fight and you could see the frustration in him."

LMAO. Get a clue Salvador and please stop trying to figure out why other people do things they do. You never get it right. Vargas does not have time for OB at the moment. Other than being busy with work and other more official things he was also going trough and maybe still is some troubling issues in his life. He'll get back when he can.

"I think it's funny how you always talk about being able to beat everyone.

I never talk about being able to beat everyone. That's you writing your typical BS. Period. I can hold my own and lose to some people time after time. Larry is a good example. Now since this is not the first time you come and write BS like this for you: I c-a-n n-o-t b-e-a-t e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. Please try to get that and never ever claim such thing again. End of story.

By the way why do you even care so much if you are not even playing the game? It should not matter to you since it does not concern you. You seem to post awful lot... Now why dont you just fess up it's you behind all those alts.

I think a lot of your theories must stem from personal experience. Maybe Unbeaten was your friend or something. I really wouldn't doubt it.

And the lag excuse is as old as America. People tend to only lose when there's lag. They're so unbeatable that they can't lose unless lag affects them. BTW, Weed beat you 3 times and he was up in every fight. Rewatch those fights.

I don't post that often, well at least not as much as you do. Funny how this seems to be of great concern to you. I guess you just want to clear up the fact that your alts don't lose unless lag kicks in. Yes Rocky, you are the modern day OB, Rocky Marciano, undefeated for eternity.

I basically chime in when I see stuff worth responding to.
Rocky Marciano wrote:"The nobodies he beat were guys whom I believe took two titles from Rocky and Vargas, two very good fighters in their own right."

This is simply put not true. I am afraid you are talking about something you do not know about Salvador. Vargas never lost legit to anyone else but me. Yeah for sure some alt lag trick Koed him and then immediately logged off to avoid rm. Does not really count, does it?

I GAVE Vargas a title and left which was also the reason I gave him a title in the first place. Later on I came back. Vargas was getting frustrated both with people not giving him title shots (those alts) and new alts (same guy) using lag tricks to tko/ko him. I asked for my title back and Vargas GAVE it back to me. Then he wanted to box for real for his second title and we boxed and I won. He retired from OB for now but he will be back when he again has time for OB. Now the reason why he left is a combination of people not giving him title shots and not really having time for OB at the moment.

At some point I TKOed this alt guy hogging the titles taking one of his titles. He retired that alt and make new ones. I suppose I got lag trick KOed by one of his alts at one point, just like Vargas got and for sure the guy logged off immediately It really was a nice trick and I fell for it in a position where he lost ever single round. It really did not matter that much anyway. See in the end I had to go again because of not having time to defend and play and I GAVE one of my titles to Boon as x-mas gift So I left with a title and picked a guy to give it as a gift.

Also this Ricky Hatton has never given me a title shot. I asked for one and he declined despite me being rusty and playing on bad computer. I dont blame him since he has been making lot of alts for a good while and I had pleasure of TKOing those alts of his few times.

"I use to think it was Vargas but from the looks of it, he actually retired Vargas. Maybe it's Ashton? Greg Haugen? "

I used to think it is you and still think it is you my dear Salvador.

Wasn't Unbeaten one of your alts? You have so many that one can never keep track. I saw Unbeaten fight before and he had the same ping and style as you so I think it's safe to say it was you. However, you will of course deny it.

Anyways, Lion King, Weed Grinder, and Manny Pacquiao took the titles from you and Vargas.

I remember reading the forum where he (Vargas) announced his retirement and Dirk pointed out that it was probably because he had just gotten schooled by Manny Pacquiao. I watched the fight and you could see the frustration in him.

I think it's funny how you always talk about being able to beat everyone, but yet you're always on alts so you can never prove your claims. The only alts you claim are the ones that do gets wins once in awhile, but not the ones that get owned.

I think you're story and theory is way off and you're also scared to fight on one ID because people will see that you aren't really as good as you claim to be. It's because in the end you won't be able to look at yourself in the mirror knowing that you can't consistently defeat the top 10 guys. So you'd rather beat someone like Viper on an alt and then claim you own him when in actuality he'd probably beat you 8-2 in a 10 fight series.
Dark Destroyer wrote:Ok so this guy is clearly a alt and he has probably masterminded the greatest padded superchamp status of all time.

He has made a alt at a time where there the following boxers were not active:


He then knocked out unknown fighters to get in the top 20 in all 4 divisions. He ducked any real credible challenges and only fought people he could beat. He won 3 titles by waiting for the easiest person to become champion then proceeded to beat them....he then goes offline. he fights a good opponent Viper (he knows he has a style to beat him with) and beat him to win the 4th title after completely nut hugging the other 3.

If you look at his record, apart from Viper he has beaten nobodies, he has mad an alt and beat people at the right place right time, my question to the OB this the most genius padded record, not to mention padded superchamp status of all time?, discuss.

I don't know bro. Looking through his record, he's fought and defended against most of the current top 10. You really can't fault someone for the fact that many very good fighters are retired. He's basically cleaned up what's currently here.

The nobodies he beat were guys whom I believe took two titles from Rocky and Vargas, two very good fighters in their own right. Sure they were alts but nonetheless he defeated them. I even heard a few people say that he was the one that retired Vargas and possibly even Rocky.

Let's take a look at his record.

Wins and title defenses over

Red Viper
Captain America

I'm sure he won't earn your respect until he fights and defeats/loses to you several times, but until then it doesn't seem fair to say he padded his way to the top. I've watched some of his fights and it's not like he's not good.

I use to think it was Vargas but from the looks of it, he actually retired Vargas. Maybe it's Ashton? Greg Haugen?

I always go for the KO within the first 2-3 rounds, but if I run into someone that is surviving the rounds, I start to box from the outside so that I don't run out of stamina. Sometimes if I'm winning a fight like 8-0 and I notice I'm running out of stamina, I will purposely give up a round or two just to accurately pace myself. It just really depends on the situation, quality of the opponent, etc.
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