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Messages posted by: Barrack Obama
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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Redneck wrote:well...i think Red Viper deserves to be in Hall of Fame. He deserves it much more than Sal aka Obama for example. Viper is a guy who always give matches to everyone...dont matter how strong these ppl are. Viper is constantly online to give shots...anyone seen Sal here to give shots? In his real active time Sal ducked many shots, too. If Viper is a champ he always give shots.
Everyone knows that Viper and i got huge trouble 2 or 3 month ago and he send a petition (that he erased later...). But it was my fault, too cause i made fun with him. Every other time he is a gentleman in OB...not like some HOFer. That is no fame what some of this guys do here...ducking challenges etc. Viper accepts challenges every day without any excuse. He got so much fights and he is a very long time on OB now. What else is this HOF? If you ask me Viper is the prototype of HOF.
And what is this shit that just HOFer can accept him as a new member? Its crystal clear that Sal for example is at war with viper never get his chance to get into this. I think all active members of OB should decide who is in and who is out.
And Sal..dont attack me cause i send this...just my opinion....


This is total BS.

What non-lagger did I ever duck during from Sept-November 2008? Look at my record. I fought all of the guys you guys rank as top fighters with the exception of Dirk, the only guy with the really bad connection. Now if you call not playing this game as actively as Viper "ducking," well it's not my fault I don't live at home with my parents and work a full-time job during the day. You too will grow up some day and have these responsibilities.

Again, I have nothing against Viper. He's just not HOF material right now and never has been. No prime HOFer was ever that easy to defeat, IMO.
Red Viper wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:
Tyrant wrote:Settle it in the ring...

Best of 7 series

It seems like Viper has a lot of hatred towards me these days. I'd love to pound him out in a best of 7 series. My prediction: Obama wins 4-0

You would win but I wasn't challenging you, I was challenging someone else, that defended you. Yeah I am against you because you keep putting me down and keep calling me a joke. You ridicule me every single time when I make a good post, because of you I don't want to be in the HOF anymore. Not only you think X-treme Skillz and Reaper are better than me but you think EVERYONE is better than me.

If I was superchamp, you would NEVER induct me anyway, so screw the god dam HOF, its sucks anyway.
56 time Onlineboxing Champion
118 title defences
19- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
6- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
Greatest Slugger in OB History
Future HOF
The Yacoob Killer
OB Name- Red Viper

I'm not against you Red, and I've never hated you. You're so obsessed with this game that you're perception of reality has been negatively skewed.

The only thing that really bugs me about you is your constant bitching. Learn to accept criticism and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Just continue to get better, STFU, and when you're truly a HOFer, you will be recognized as such.
Tyrant wrote:Settle it in the ring...

Best of 7 series

It seems like Viper has a lot of hatred towards me these days. I'd love to pound him out in a best of 7 series. My prediction: Obama wins 4-0
Dark Destroyer wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:The HOFers that are around today as well as Mikkel are the only ones that can cast a vote. It's always been that way and it should stay that way to prevent the HOF from becoming a joke.

There are a lot of very good players today that just need to become extremely consistent in order to one day become HOF. We can't just nominate popular players or players that have been here for years.

For the one millionth time, if someone is truly worthy of HOF consideration, they won't have to constantly inquire about it. They'll just know because they'll be sitting at the top holding all the titles beating just about everyone. Further, an old school HOFer like me will eventually take notice and push for their induction.

The only players that have been close to getting my vote are Fernando Vargas, Black Bear, and Nigel Benn. However, they didn't stick around long enough and let their primes slip away. Now if they come back and kick some hardcore ass, I won't have an issue casting them my vote.

I highly disagree with all of this bullshit you just said. I personally think your way of electing people into the HOF is corrupted a way to elect people. You think people like me, sugarray, Tyrant and others being in the HOF is a joke to you. This has nothing to do of me being popular and being around for years shit. I have proven skills and I am very close to be worthy induction to the HOF, but your crappy way is ruining chances for me and other people.

Why you think Vargas, Benn and Black Bear considered to be hall of famers. The only person should be considered HOF material out of three youve just listed is Black Bear. Vargas hides behind alts, what a joke. About Nigel Benn, I am better than he is and that is a fact. Black Bear is not coming back anytime soon. Vargas will hide in an alt and Nigel Benn is washed up.

Your personal vandetta against me will continue because you will keep calling me overrated, a joke, has been, washed up, garbage, a bragger and other bullshit. You may be more skilled than me but I am not going to put up with your load of crap and keep putting me down like some street punk you think I am

I think the better way to elect people to the HOF for the following rules.

1. Have 30 titles or more

2. Have over 100 title defenses or more

3. Have an 70% winning percentage or above

4. Beat the very best fighters for titles.

5. Have the majority vote by everyone in the game, not JUST the HOF'ers themselves.

I think that is a better way, your way is retarded. Doesn't matter how good I become, you will never consider me to the HOF because your a punk, plain and simple.

Heres what I think who should go into the HOF. The other people I would consider are Tyrant, sugarray Black Bear and me
56 time Onlineboxing Champion
118 title defences
19- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
6- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
Greatest Slugger in OB History
Future HOF
The Yacoob Killer
OB Name- Red Viper

So I'm washed up?, you are better than me?, let's get a few things straight. Granted I'm not anywhere near the level I was a couple of years ago where I was consistently winning against proper elite fighters and HOFers unlike the bums you consistenly lose to today, but how should me not being as sharpe I was back then have any bearing on being considered as HOF material?. With your logic if Holmes came back and lost 100 times in a row his HOF status should be stripped. Don't forget HOF status is based on prime not when people zone in and out of the game every month of so.

Your arrogance and self importance and how serious you take this game always gives me a laugh, you think you should be in the HOF, and constantly demand for respect, but you most definately shouldn't be. You lose all the big fights and bully weak opposition, the people who think you are HOF material are bums you whack out for fun and beating them badly impresses them. You have played this game without a break for years yet you STILL cannot dominate when all the vets and HOFers have vanished, people who are new to the game have come in and blown you away.

I notice you included Sugar and not me...we had great wars and I think our head to head has a reading of like 60 wins each.

I'm not on the level I was 2 years ago, but I know for a fact I could still whip your ass, because you are one dimentional and easy to hit which means you will never move on from your current level. See you in the ring.

That was very harsh but well said, Nigel.

Red takes this game way too seriously and he truly believes he's HOF material because he has those he bullies in his back pocket. However, the truth is that he is a one-dimensional fighter that would lose to every "prime" HOFer. I could seriously take years off and dominate him 20 times in a row. Wait a minute. Been there, done that.

The core reasons I don't believe he's a HOFer are:

A. I believe that out of the 500 times we've fought, he's probably only beaten me once or twice by fluke KO. A future HOFer should at least give me some problems consistently. Red has never done this. I honestly believe an active Reaper and X-Treme Skillz have more talent.

B. Red has never been a dominant Super Champ.

johnbludger wrote:lol im really the only one that has kept a title for about a week while defending everyday

I've been scoping out everyone's records and I have to say I'm proud of you, John. You're one of the more consistent fighters around right now. Keep it up.
Skillz wrote:What about sugarray? he stands up to everything u just said.
as well as bear he was consistant beating everyone for like a year b4 his retirement?

Perhaps Bear's biggest mistake was not sticking around to dominate after Fatny retired. I really wish that guy would come back.
Skillz wrote:What about sugarray? he stands up to everything u just said.
as well as bear he was consistant beating everyone for like a year b4 his retirement?

I've always liked that guy, but I personally never saw him as a HOFer because his style never really gave me problems when I was at my best. I also wasn't here when he was at his best so it's hard for me to gauge how good he really was at that point.
The HOFers that are around today as well as Mikkel are the only ones that can cast a vote. It's always been that way and it should stay that way to prevent the HOF from becoming a joke.

There are a lot of very good players today that just need to become extremely consistent in order to one day become HOF. We can't just nominate popular players or players that have been here for years.

For the one millionth time, if someone is truly worthy of HOF consideration, they won't have to constantly inquire about it. They'll just know because they'll be sitting at the top holding all the titles beating just about everyone. Further, an old school HOFer like me will eventually take notice and push for their induction.

The only players that have been close to getting my vote are Fernando Vargas, Black Bear, and Nigel Benn. However, they didn't stick around long enough and let their primes slip away. Now if they come back and kick some hardcore ass, I won't have an issue casting them my vote.
Wow. Are you guys playing OB or Hot potato? Those titles are being tossed around like one of these.

CaptainAmerica wrote:Well since ranks lazy ass isnt here(i think no more) whats the top to for 2008 not dec but the entire year(only for those who were active from jan 08 to jan 01 of 09 which doesnt included sal or anyone else who wasnt here in the beining and stayed till the end of the year!

Like Skillz mentioned, why shouldn't I be included? I think coming back and holding all the titles for about 3 months is a lot better than just winning a few titles throughout the year.

I'm hurt Captain.
Redneck wrote:come on people. Is everyone blind here? Its a fact that it is sal (i remember that Ricky Hatton told it to me once i recognized his style as sal's). Or isnt it strange that he defends this guy with every word he write? And he retired for a long time...and booom, there he is to defend this guy and his title-defenses? I thought the guys of OB got more iq to unmask people like sal doing that shit. And what does he do? He comes with one, ONE mistake i did in the past where mikkel punished me with a ban already. Thats just poor defending shit this guy does here. Please check all his answers and see that it is him, Ricky Hatton aka Salvador aka Obama. Or why does he defend this guy to the bone? lmao. See it clear my bros.

if you are consequent with banning people cheating for titles...please ban sal, too for doing this. Nothing more than fair.


Although I'm inactive right now, I do read the forum from time to time. That doesn't mean I won't respond to bullshit I see spewed on this forum. I've always been that way.
Redneck wrote:lol thx dion. But i fought him a day before 8 times in a row or something like that and the following day i watched some fights of Ricky Hatton. As i talked to him and said something like "come on man. you are sal." he said nothing...then i said "man, i recognize your style...cause we faught for hours the day before. be honest, please" he said " are right. Its me, sal." then he logged off. Maybe he cant remember that....but i do. So why he said now that he is not sal? Thats just confusing me. Thats why i wrote in my first posting "its sal and thats a fact". But so what now.....its christmas!


(damn english today is very bad again..i see it

Stop making up stories Redneck. You and I fought last week a few times and I gave you pointers. After that, I logged off. That's the last time we communicated.

You should just worry about taking this guy's titles. From what I gather, he won't be that difficult to beat.
johnbludger wrote:its kinda weird how he beats manny and weed grinder in the same round and fights weed 6 times and manny twice and leaves

he could have a friend that controlled the other two guys. thes guys does'nt look tough at all expecially manny. if you look closely at the manny fight they both take turns attacking each other

When I watched the fights, I didn't think it was the same person. Someone would have to be a pro at fighting themselves really well in order to pull that one off.

What I did notice was Ricky toying with Weed Grinder, but that could just be because Ricky is just much better.
johnbludger wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:I remember a few months ago when Mikkel would not strip Redneck even though it was clear to everyone he was ducking the best challenges. Eventually Redneck stepped up and got beat.

Even if Ricky Hatton is the same as those other alts, I don't see how he violated any rules by placing all three titles under one name instead of three. Mikkel let me do this about 3-4 months ago when I had the titles split between Sal and Barrack. That said, I still don't think it's the same person or that he had some friend playing on the other ids. I just watched the fights. Both fighters in the bouts have good skills.

I say let's see if he defends now and if he fails to he'll be stripped in 7-8 days anyways. Besides, wouldn't it be better to earn the titles the right way instead of having them fall into your laps? I think some people take this game way too seriously. Many are infactuated with these belts when the reality is that most can't hold on to them consistently.

Just my two cents.

Good point, but he defended against himself which is against the rules. Redneck almost got permanetly banned from OB for doing that

I must be missing something because in all of those championship fights, there were two guys fighting. How does that equate to fighting oneself?
I remember a few months ago when Mikkel would not strip Redneck even though it was clear to everyone he was ducking the best challenges. Eventually Redneck stepped up and got beat.

Even if Ricky Hatton is the same as those other alts, I don't see how he violated any rules by placing all three titles under one name instead of three. Mikkel let me do this about 3-4 months ago when I had the titles split between Sal and Barrack. That said, I still don't think it's the same person or that he had some friend playing on the other ids. I just watched the fights. Both fighters in the bouts have good skills.

I say let's see if he defends now and if he fails to he'll be stripped in 7-8 days anyways. Besides, wouldn't it be better to earn the titles the right way instead of having them fall into your laps? I think some people take this game way too seriously. Many are infactuated with these belts when the reality is that most can't hold on to them consistently.

Just my two cents.
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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