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Messages posted by: Barrack Obama
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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It's not me.

It would be difficult for a person to fight themselves, don't you think? Ricky Hatton actually fought live bodies to get those titles.

I don't know who it is, but I'll hopefully find out in the near future.

johnbludger wrote:after you left sal I've won 7 titles.

Good for you bro. You have a lot of potential. Just keep playing so you can take over next year.
So much for your promise to not respond to my last post. It goes to show how full of it you are.

You have a rather fulfilling life? Working at McD's flipping burgers part-time whilst living with mom constitutes a fulfilling life? Good for you bro.

Now seeing that you aren't going to respond to me anymore, I'm going to take it one step further and squash this now. Good day.
Rocky Marciano wrote:Boon the last match we boxed was after I improved. Here is how it went:

THE BEAST W4 Dirk Diggler 6-9-2008

Now here is quote what you wrote:

" Rocky stop posting that you can beat me."

Sure but just showing that I am perfectly capable of beating you. It is just a fact and if you do not like it there is nothing I can do about it. Your problem - deal with it.

"show me some stats"

Well I posted some stats of me beating you like you asked.

What's your problem?

What's your point?

A 4 round split decision... How surprising. LOL
Why is it so difficult for you to understand what I'm saying?

Vargas wasn't around when I held all the belts. If he was, I never saw him when I was online. All I ever saw were some alts claiming to be him but they always refused to logon under the Main ID. That basically told me that it was most likely you or some other insecure fighter.

BTW, I agree that a champion should always exemplify certain qualities. Therefore, follow your own advice and stop creating so many IDs. How many years have you been playing this game? IMO, you have most likely been around since 2002-2003. If so, it's pretty sad that you still haven't reached the HOF level. It only took me about 3 months of playing to get to the top, and that was when all the greats were active.

Stick to one idea, stop fucking talking so much, and demonstrate how great you are. Do you have the balls to do this? No, because you know that Viper, Redneck, Boon, and many other top 10 fighters will own you and send you back to creating alts and talking shit on the forum like you're an actual somebody.

Me thinks you have too much time on your hands. Go get a job, a girlfriend, a life.

I agree with Reaper. You're nothing but a spammer these days.
Rocky Marciano wrote:"That's total BS Rocky. Why do you think I always asked which alt you were hiding under? Because I never saw you online, and I was always interested in fighting you more. "

Oh really. Which part is total BS? You ducking Vargas or you ducking Boon? Please do tell us because it is pretty much a fact that you ducked both of them and facts do not lie and can not be debated. Boon you already admitted. Regarding Vargas... stop making excuses. I saw you decline number of challenges from Vargas. Yes he was doing alts but so what? It is the same guy and "real" Vargas be it an alt or not. Besides that everyone knew/knows anyway (including you) and his alts are easy to spot I even identified him on the chat watching you cancel his challenges. See I wanted to see a good match between you two.

You never saw me online and I never saw you online because I quit the game before you came back and only boxed a match or two every now and then. Other than that you seemed to mostly log on at different times.

Only BS on this thread is your claim of not having a challenge. Your not HTF or Fatny. Your just cocky as fuck.

Hopefully when you get back you will have balls to box Boon, Vargas, Unbeaten and yeah me too.

Stop making shit up. You're making Redneck look like one of the most respected fighters around. I'm actually starting to like him more than you because at least he never invented stories.

You want facts? I was around for a solid 3 months, and you were hardly ever around. You stopped playing after I schooled your ass a few times in a row.

I think the real truth is that you're so insecure that you can't handle not being able to be consistent. Therefore, you create a shitload of alts and attempt to convince yourself that you're at the elite level simply because you can squeeze out a split decision in a 4 round fight against a top fighter every once in awhile.

I honestly don't recall ever being challenged by the real Vargas. I do remember a bunch of 2-0 supposed Vargas ids attempting to challenge me and talk shit though. However, I asked those IDs to log on under the main and they refused and simply talked shit. I'm now starting to believe that it was probably your insecure ass trying to get me into a 4 round fight.

Vargas didn't start playing the game again consistently until after I gave up the belts over a month ago.

I would suggest that you stop being so damn insecure and stick to one ID. How old are you again? Pathetic.

That's total BS Rocky. Why do you think I always asked which alt you were hiding under? Because I never saw you online, and I was always interested in fighting you more.

It's easy to say these things when you know someone doesn't play anymore. Hopefully when I get back you'll have the balls to actually box me as yourself rather than under some bogus 20-0 newb padded ID.

As far as Vargas is concerned, as I previously mentioned, other than a few 20 something Vargas alt IDs, I never had the real Vargas sign on and ask me for a fight.
Dick wrote:Hi mr. president.

You didnt have a challenge when you were champ? Then you should have fought me, you didnt fight me once ...

Vargas told me you ducked him big time when you hold the titles. I have no idea if that is true or not but I am sure it would make a good fight, Vargas vs Obama.

I never fought you because I like to fight at regular speed. You should know that by now.

As for me ducking Vargas, when? With so many alts always floating around, you can't blame me for refusing to fight guys with less than 10 fights. Those are really the only guys that ever claimed I was ducking them.
Just thought I'd drop by and see how everyone is doing.

I haven't played in over a month, and I most likely won't be back until January/February. Frankly, OB is so damn addicting that I had to force myself to take a break. I have too many things to do in my life that I had to sacrifice one of my addictions. And truthfully, I don't like playing this game if I can't devote a certain amount of time to it. That's how I get into a rhythm. When I play sparingly, my speed sucks and most importantly, my timing blows.

I didn't really have a challenge when I had all the titles, but it looks like the competition is now heating up. I look forward to making another run at it when I come back in a few months. Hopefully, other HOFers will be around by then as well.

Good luck to all of you. Yes, even you Redneck.

Rocky Marciano wrote:Now you are just being a sore loser. Your not even man enough to admit that you are wrong. Wow just wow. What a little bitch you are.

I never claimed that I was this or that a year or two ago so keep posting bs and counting irrelevant fights from 1, 2 or 3 years ago all you want. None of that matters a shit and you know it. You just don't want to admit it publicly. We all start from somewhere and improve as time goes by. All that matter is where we are now. I posted stats called RECENT AND RELEVANT head to head scores where I am now as requested. Keep whining all you want. It does not change facts.

Funny thing is that you even fail at counting old fights from around the time I started to play this game. You do not even know name of my first alt on this game.

For your information head to head does not even show all fights for some reason. Lol at you not even realising/noticing that. Here is a hint: Do you really think Reaper only fought Rocky Marciano alts 4 times...

By the way according to your logic Fatny absolutely sucks at this game. See he made lot of alts and used to lose a lot... till he improved and started to own. Wait! stop the presses!!! I kind of did the same thing (for my own reasons I am sure he had his. I have yet to reach his level and might not ever even reach it as he is in his own league compared to everyone else and that's not even my goal).


Wait why am I even posting this? You know you got served but you are not man enough to admit it and that my friend is the difference between us. There is no way you'll do that. You'll argue your agenda to the death despite it making no sense whatsoever. You are the type of person to ignore facts like you are doing now. There is no point. This is total waste of my time.

Like I wrote you are being ignored from now on. Boxing you is total waste of my time now as you go down too easy and talking with you makes even less sense since you have nothing of value to say. All you do is post some BS.

Keep posting more crap all you want and waste your time. I wont be here to reply and I for sure will not read this thread again because my friend I am done with you and this thread. Frankly said I could not care less. You can consider yourself pwned.

No offense bro, but how come you don't just create one ID and establish yourself in this game? Are you afraid that you'll lose more than win? Do you just not have the time to play consistently?

It almost seems like you love creating alts so you can defeat the top fighters in 4 rounders, and go on to say that you have the skillset to do it regularly against everyone. However, that's not the way it works. IMO, anyone with decent skills can upset a great fighter in a 4 rounder if the great fighter has no clue he's fighting someone with respectable skills. Usually, the great fighter catches on when it's much too late. This is the reason I don't like to fight alts. I prefer to know who I'm fighting because I already know what works or doesn't work against certain opponents.

From what I remember, you've always had the skills to compete at the top, so why not just fight regularly on one ID until it all clicks for you?

A few more things I'd like to add.

As Mikkel has pointed out, only he and the HOFers may cast a vote, and everyone will know when someone is HOF material. Unfortunately, at the moment no one is HOF worthy.

IMO, Nigel Benn, Black Bear, and Vargas, have been super close but they eventually retired too soon.

Now if one of those guys or anyone else for that matter were to come around today and OWN, they would be inducted without a doubt. And I don't see why that isn't possible. At their best, they were extremely skillful. Further, the only HOFers that are still active are myself, Larry, and Fatny (Well, only forum active). However, at the moment, I'm really the only one that plays. Therefore, the opportunity is wide open for those three fighters or any others to put it all together now. I mean the competition isn't what it once was so if you can't dominate the current crop, you would not have dominated in any era.

Just my two cents.
You guys are missing a few things. There are a few general guidelines we've always followed.

1. Only HOFers can cast a vote and it must be unanimous.

2. The person must be inducted when they're at the top or towards the end of the reign which exemplifies that they were HOF material.

Skillz wrote:wtf the fuck does it hav to do with DOMINATING,everybody going on and on about "to be in the HOF u hav to dominate" it shouldnt b tht way..
it shud b based on experience in the game,what you hav done for the game and skill..
because who knos Viper has been here while the best were playn and was and is still hanging around..
idk bout yall but i think Viper and Vargas shud b in the HOF aswell and Nigel Benn.

If we were to use your criteria, we'd have to induct about 20 other guys before Red. Believe me, I've been here from the beginning, and there were a lot of very good fighters to play that never made it in to the HOF because they never really separated themselves from the pack although at their very best they had the skills to compete with just about anyone. Also, keep in mind that they didn't have the convenience of fighting for multiple titles nor were they benefactors of this title tracking system which essentially records how good you are or once were.
rankings wrote:he has a solid record, a decent amount of titles and a decent amount of defences BUT... he has never dominated. He is far too inconsitent and he is never the top dog playing. The hof is the best. imo vargas, benn and black bear would have to be in before viper

This I would agree with it. I did get to fight those guys at their best, and they were all every extremely well-rounded and consistent. I think any of those guys could still make it in if they came back and put together another run. Tyrant is another guy from back in the day that I've always pulled for. At one point, he was a very skillful boxer. Where art thou Tyrant?
Red Viper wrote:Heres whom I defefeated for titles during my career with Red Viper

Here to Fight- OBW 3x, OBA and OBF.

Reaper- OBW 4x OBC 2x

Dick E. Boon/Dirk Diggler- OBC 4x

Fernando Vargas- OBF and OBC

NIgel Benn- OBF

X-treme Skilz- OBF

Barrack Obama/Sal- Tournament title

Tyrant- NA

and many more

Heres the fighters that I successfully defended my titles against- Reaper, Boon, X-treme Skillz, Vargas, HTF, Chopper, Cynic, Nigel Benn, Profsback, Dion, Redneck and many more.

Overall 33 or 34 titles with this name with 112 title defences with OBC being my most successful title. 15 with my other names.

Most of my title victories came against good fighters or probably the best that has played this game.
49 time OB Champ
19- OBC
12- OBW
10- OBA
3- OBF
1- Tournament
4- SA
2- NA
The Next HOF
Member Since 2003
The Offensive Arsenal
OB Name- Red Viper

There are a lot of very good fighters who beat all of the current HOFers throughout their careers, but that doesn't make them HOFers. It's about consistency brother.

I would first cast my vote towards some forgotten fighters of the past with great accomplishments than cast it your way right now.

As I've always said, you've got some great potential, but you must put it all together and become extremely consistent. You'll know when your time has arrived. You won't even have to toot your own horn about the HOF because a lot of people, including a few HOFers, will start talking about it. You just have to be patient.
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