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Messages posted by: Barrack Obama
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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Unfortunately, only HOFers may cast a vote. That's always been the rule.

IMO, Red is about a year or two from HOF status if he continues to improve. However, at the moment I don't believe he's ever been HOF material.

Usually a HOFer is someone that totally dominated for a certain period of time. However, a future HOFer could be someone that was clearly the #2 or #3 for a certain period of time, and was only not as good as the other 2, which happened to be HOFers.

At the moment, I just don't think Red's consistent enough to be considered. But I do agree with Fatny, that he has pretty good skills.

In regards to Vargas, I was never here during his best run, but I do remember him being an extremely intelligent fighter in the ring. If he's still around, he should make a comeback and start kicking my ass regularly. That'll definitely earn him my vote.
And everyone is sick of your illiterate, spamming, ducking, cachaculos, mamavergas ways.
Redneck wrote:@reaper
@ barrack and dick
well barrack...see i was serious. I rated you as number one cause you unified the titles once. If i tell you know that goldenboy is easy if i got a average-good day you or he will write i am wrong. It would be a neverending story again. If it is your opinion...i accept it. Everyone can send his topten here. And goldenboy top ten? Come on now..he got some skills on good days, thats all. I tried to be serious and rated two guys higher than me ( the funny thing is that you are one of them. maybe i am not constant enough..on good days i beat all of you but fatny)...what do you do? attacking me again. I am sick and tired of this.
same to Dick (and dick...its not cause of your lagging that you are not in this top-ten. Its because i never fight i cant really say you are top-ten or not. I dont know your skills. So how can you know how good i am? thats funny.)


Actually you have never beaten me, and I don't think you're as consistent as some of the other guys who have managed to take me out on those rare occasions. For that reason, I'd also rate Captain America way above you as well.

BTW, keep in mind that you would not have a title right now if I didn't vacate all of them.

Redneck wrote:Champ: still Fatny...he is not here at the moment but he would still kick all of your asses.
1. Barrack
2. Redneck
2. John
3. Hurricane Ike
4. Trpche
5. Jens Oso
6. Mikkel Kessler
7. African Assassin
8. edder1234 (if he got his good day he is on the first five positions)
9. Big Mac
10. Rocky Marciano and Vargas (both could be on the first positions..but they are not often online)

thats all folks and thats the truth. If someone is missing his name...there is a reason why you are not was once a very good fighter but now just a shadow of the past, one ducks like hell and is absolutely overrated and the other one got good and bad days. I dont write the names here.


You aren't serious, are you?

IMO, I don't even think you crack the top 5 and Goldenboy is better than you. Not surprisingly, he's not even on your list.
Paul Dion wrote:
Barrack Obama wrote:Can anyone please explain to me why Rocky is always rated so high when I never see the guy fight every month? Which alts is he fighting under? I'd like to see what he looks like these days. I think many of you may be giving him credit for alts that aren't his.

The Smashing Machine

Good Fight

(A few others I can't think of)

I just looked up those IDs and they haven't been dominating anyone recently.
Paul Dion wrote:I have a certain strategy that I am working is very defensive...but also is only useful in a 15 round title fight though...or in some cases a 12 round fight.

It's basically luring your opponent into thinking you are hurt...let them hit you to the point you are in the red...keep doing this...BUT DON'T..I REPEAT...DON'T let them knock you down...this is vital...
Once they have you in the red multiple times and don't knock you down...they usually get restless and throw A LOT of punches...make sure when they have this "attack surge" make sure you defend and don't get hit...
A good way to lure the opponent in is to crouch a they instinctivley go for the body hook...but after crouching for a second, stand back up... move back...cross arms...move back and fourth..don't just stand still, keep moving...even wiggle your head a lot!!! JUST DON'T STAND STILL!!!

Ok...if you follow those instructions, and survive up until the 10th round...this is when you implament the second phase of strategy... by the 10th round...your opponent should be really gassed and tired...your stamina bar should be full... this is the time where I tend to counter punch...and then follow the counters with forward moving and pressure... lots of punches in bunches!!! Keep this up until you knock him out...

A lot of you will disagree with me and say it's a lame tactic...but it worked for me against a lot of fighters...however it doesn't work against smart only use this tactic against aggressive fighters that like to attack!

Hope that helps!

I believe you tried this on me the last time we fought. All it lead to was a 15-0 points victory for me. You gotta use offense to win this game bro. For the most part, the best fighters ever were offensive machines.

I think it looks silly if you're just in it to survive and say, "So and so didn't KO me. This is a great accomplishment for me."
Can anyone please explain to me why Rocky is always rated so high when I never see the guy fight every month? Which alts is he fighting under? I'd like to see what he looks like these days. I think many of you may be giving him credit for alts that aren't his.
I have decided to vacate all of the titles, unrank myself, and start from scratch again. Life has gotten a bit busier these days so I haven't been able to play as much as I would like to. There are many of you that deserve to compete for these titles without having an old vet stand in the way all of the time. Hence, I'm sure you'll all be content to hear this news. Hopefully more of you will begin playing again.

Dirk Diggler: I honestly can't say I dislike you. I think you're really a good guy, but we just have differing opinions on the whole connection thing. Nevertheless, I give you credit for actively participating in this game and never quitting. You're definitely hooked on OB. Enjoy the new OBW title.

Mikkel: Please make sure all of the #1s get their titles. Thank you.

See you all in the ring.

I guess nobody wants free cash. This will be postponed until at least 12 people show a solid interest in having me set this tourney up.
ShockandAwe wrote:I agree sal, For how long he has played he is nothing special. there are alot of guys who will surpass him in the next year or so that havent been around long

Goldenboy, captain america hell even dion have alot more potential then viper

I don't know if I'd go that far. Viper does have good skills.

He has the right idea in terms of pressuring with mad offense. The problem is that he needs to work on his defense more and on his overall boxing skills. Only then will he become very consistent.

I don't know how motivated you guys are to keep getting better, but Red plays so much that he'll just continue to improve, even if it does take another year or two. For such a great display of persistence, I give him a ton of props.
Red Viper wrote:Heres my best Memories

Recently defeating HTF for the OBW title, then successfully defended it.

Defeated Vargas for the OBC title and successfully defended it.

Held two titles for more than a week- OBC and OBA.

Destroying Yacoob and ripping him into pieces for three years straight- thank god hes gone, if he wasn't he would be beaten even worse. This created the biggest ownage to one fighter against another in OB history.

Finally won a tournament.

KO'ed Barrack Obama for the tournament title.

Defeated Reaper for the OBW/OBC titles and successfully defended both of them.

Defeated Boon for the OBC title and successfully defended it.

Defeated many HOF'ers for titles during my career.

Defeating Labratory

Defeated Nigel Benn for the OBF title

Defeating Rocky Marciano in a grudge match, 3-0 all in less than two rounds

Became one of the first and gretest South American champion after Mikkel vacated it years ago.

Won my first title by defeating Kicknass for the SA title- was the Red Destroyer when I won it.

Defeating Tyrant for the NA title.

Defeated Larry Holmes for the OBA title
49 time Online Boxing Champion- all of my accounts
18- OBC
12- OBW
9- OBA
4- SA
2- NA
3- OBF
1- Tournament
Greatest Slugger in OB History
Greatest KO Artist in OB History
Member Since February 2003
One of the few fighters that took Barrack Obama's Tournament belt.
The Champion of The Green Monster 1st annual 16 man tournament
Will be a future HOF
I am the guy that Destroyed and Owned the so called Great Yacoob.
OB's Greatest Underdog
OB Name- Red Viper

No offense Red, but you really have to stop tooting your own horn.

I mean seriously. How can anyone who has played for almost 6 years brag so much? With all of those fights, you should own this game by now.
My fondest memories would have to be of when I first began playing the original version over 5 years ago. M.A. Barrera introduced me to the game and within three months I was at the very top. After that, it was hell staying there with all the competition around. I mean everyone was playing at least 3-4 hours a day, several three times that amount.
Ok. My apologies for the delay.

Those that are still interested in participating, please confirm. Those that are not currently in the tournament but are interested in participating, you may submit your request to join via this thread.

The tournament will pay out $50.00 to the winner, and $25.00 to the runner-up.

If possible, I'd like to set the tournament up for this Sunday or Tuesday of next week. Since this tournament is paying out prizes, everyone should make an effort to show up on the scheduled date.

Good luck.
Aren't you Redneck?
Tyrant wrote:Hey MABBY. Thanks for stopping in. Hope all is well and you return soon!

MAB hasn't posted in this thread in almost 1.5 years. Am I missing something?
Forum Index » Profile for Barrack Obama » Messages posted by Barrack Obama
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