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Messages posted by: Red Viper
Forum Index » Profile for Red Viper » Messages posted by Red Viper
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What can I say? I just happen to appriciate my own skills and know I have beaten everybody but Fatny silly. My game is very technical and what I call a complete game. Very good defense, very good boxing and very good slugging. I use these skill very intelligently, which frustrates some players as they are used to opponents rushing in only to get KO'ed when in red. It drives some people mad as they realize I am not going to fall into some stupid trap and/or am not going to make any stupid mistakes. Attack when you can afford it and can deal effective damage - fall back when it is a losing deal for you. Yet despite all this I dont make it any higher than this. While some of the other fighters might have more holes in their game, they make it up by having extreme skills in other areas they are able to take advantage of.

There is no way in hell you deserve to be in the OB ALL Time top 5, not even close. If you were, I would be ranked above you.

Surj wrote:I remember when all viper could do was uppercut lmao and he would still catch your ass

Yep, the last fighter that I have nailed with just all shorts uppercuts was Reaper. Before he went down on the mat, I nailed him with four short uppercuts and axed his head off in seconds.
Been there done that. He beat me a few times, but I have beaten him a lot more, here are the stats. I am not sure he fights anymore or much.
Redneck wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
Dick E. Boon wrote:Rick James the musician?
She's a very kinky girl, the kind you don't take home to mother ....
Great music.

Close, but it's this Rick James, an old vet.

That line up there is from his signature song. MC Hammer ripped off this song's tune, pretty much.

Here is the link.

Viper. Where the fuck are you? Retirement is for losers....come back and fight series with me again. I need that training from you. You were always able to give me skills for the other fights and i never enjoyed fights more than against you. Come back now.

Not right now because I got a lot of work to take care of first. Maybe on the weekends, but not during the week.
Dick E. Boon wrote:Rick James the musician?
She's a very kinky girl, the kind you don't take home to mother ....
Great music.

Close, but it's this Rick James, an old vet.

That line up there is from his signature song. MC Hammer ripped off this song's tune, pretty much.

Here is the link.

I do because I used to fight him a lot back in the day with numerous accounts.
Congrats John. That hard worked definitely payed off.
Not this week nor next because I got a lot of work. I have a test to study and a big assignment. So, I might be back in a couple of weeks. But it is going to be on the weekends.
Rocky Marciano wrote:You can beat the living hell out of Red Viper, totally outscore him, mop the floor with him and yet he still refuses to give up. In fact it is quite annoying to totally destroy him for 11 rounds only to see him finally land one of his 5000 combos he throws in a fight. Other 4999 miss, eat all his stamina but the last one lands in round 12 and KO's you.

...and that's when you cry and ragequit!

Quite annoying indeed.

Been there and seen that. Good thing I took care of that rivalry long ago Took me a while to admit that it is much safer to floor him for good.

What was your alt before you last fought me? If your last fight against me was on "Rocky Marciano", then I am afraid that I beaten you twice that night, you fucking little punk.

Dick E. Boon wrote:Id like to add Red Baron. My 2 year old hits harder and has better defense than this monkey.

Red Baron was always easy. He had improve some, but not enough.
johnbludger wrote:
Mikkel wrote:I have no idea, ask him. Whats so special about those ?

Good quality video. It had a bunch of good KO's and combos by Fatny, Larry, Sal, Unstoppable, USA, Viper, HTF, MAB, Tyrant, Sugarray, LAB, and a few others. I've seen it before and those KO's were crazy. If done some crazy KO's but those were insane. Ummmm if never met dope mexican. I wasn't playing at that time.

I remember that video, as well. Kikin is That One Dope Mexican. I used to fight him a lot on my Texan Red Wolf account.
May return some time
120+ World Online Boxing Champion
Over 270 defenses
The Greatest KO Artist of All time.
Dick E. Boon 2 wrote:Why to have more than 1 belt with about 12 regular players? Right now you are the Champ Captain, enjoy it, defend the belt and you might end up as fighter of the month September on my list. I watched your 2 KO wins over John and I was impressed. Keep up the good work.

On a side note, is Red Viper still fighting?

I haven't fought lately because I am very busy with school work. I have a lot more reading and writing this semester.
May return some time
120+ World Online Boxing Champion
Over 270 defenses
The Greatest KO Artist of All time.
I just voted.
johnbludger wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
johnbludger wrote:I dont really lift weights. I do these exercises here.

Monday 3 sets

Jumpingjacks 35-40 reps
pushups 20-25 reps
situps 45-50 reps
tricep left/right pushups 15-20 reps
Cliff Scalers 25-30 secs
Roll ups with jump 25-30 secs
crab with knee lift 25-30 secs

Tuesday 3 sets

lateral squat jumps 10-15 reps
kicker left & right push-ups 5-15 reps
Mountain climbers 10-20 reps
Glute Bridge Leg Lifts 12-24 reps
alternating plank lifts 12-24 reps

Wednesday- No exercise

Thursday 3 sets

pushups 20-25 reps
single leg lateral hops left & Right 10-20 secs
single leg forward reach left & Right 10-20 secs
scissor kicks 25-30 secs
Scissor bicycles 25-30 secs

Friday- 3 sets

Man Makers 8-10 reps
Situps 35-40 reps
Twists 25-30 secs
Side Plank left/right 25-30 secs
spider crawl 25-30 secs

Saturday- Abs training

Jumpingjacks 35-40 reps
High knees 30 secs
Drop down jumps 30 secs
Down knees 30 secs
Rest 30 secs then repeat 3 more times\

Sunday- No exercise

Then next monday start more exercising. I do it like that. 2 days workout, 1 day rest then 3 days workout, 1 day rest. Just mixing it up. I need more weights and I need a bench. I dont know what supplements to use. I have heard of sytropin and creatine. My friends use creatine to build lean muscle and have an increase in stamina. Now sytropin I've seen in infomercials, it said that it will burn 6% more fat and gain 13% more lean muscle then the normal working out.

That's definitely a good workout plan, but as the supplements watch out which one you use because some can be bad for you.

yeah I know, I might use creatine, my friend has been taking it for 3 months now and he said that he received great results since he started taking it.

Good idea
BlackBear wrote:Sounds good john.. You should start doing more weights man get your overall size much bigger depending on what u wanna do though.. I tend to use gaspari nutrition 'Real Mass' or 'Myofusion' to gain a decent size along with Gaspari 'Size On' which is creatine.. This has worked really well for me.. I gained size and strength and gave me a real boost to my workouts.. But it's kinda slowed down now since im off that and not on anything. Supplements are great to use would get your ideal size much quicker unless your diet is right then u wouldnt need it.. Anyone know much about use of steriods?

Steroids are very bad for you and should be avoided like the plague. Professional athletes use a lot of steroids, especially football and baseball players.

Besides getting super ripped, steroids shrink your testicles, bad posture, bad odor, damage your liver, raise LDL (bad cholesterol), high blood pressure, kidney and cardiovascular problems, weaken immune system and it will kill you. Some athletes took steroids and they died from it. for more information about the side effects of steroids.
Forum Index » Profile for Red Viper » Messages posted by Red Viper
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