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Messages posted by: Red Viper
Forum Index » Profile for Red Viper » Messages posted by Red Viper
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johnbludger wrote:I dont really lift weights. I do these exercises here.

Monday 3 sets

Jumpingjacks 35-40 reps
pushups 20-25 reps
situps 45-50 reps
tricep left/right pushups 15-20 reps
Cliff Scalers 25-30 secs
Roll ups with jump 25-30 secs
crab with knee lift 25-30 secs

Tuesday 3 sets

lateral squat jumps 10-15 reps
kicker left & right push-ups 5-15 reps
Mountain climbers 10-20 reps
Glute Bridge Leg Lifts 12-24 reps
alternating plank lifts 12-24 reps

Wednesday- No exercise

Thursday 3 sets

pushups 20-25 reps
single leg lateral hops left & Right 10-20 secs
single leg forward reach left & Right 10-20 secs
scissor kicks 25-30 secs
Scissor bicycles 25-30 secs

Friday- 3 sets

Man Makers 8-10 reps
Situps 35-40 reps
Twists 25-30 secs
Side Plank left/right 25-30 secs
spider crawl 25-30 secs

Saturday- Abs training

Jumpingjacks 35-40 reps
High knees 30 secs
Drop down jumps 30 secs
Down knees 30 secs
Rest 30 secs then repeat 3 more times\

Sunday- No exercise

Then next monday start more exercising. I do it like that. 2 days workout, 1 day rest then 3 days workout, 1 day rest. Just mixing it up. I need more weights and I need a bench. I dont know what supplements to use. I have heard of sytropin and creatine. My friends use creatine to build lean muscle and have an increase in stamina. Now sytropin I've seen in infomercials, it said that it will burn 6% more fat and gain 13% more lean muscle then the normal working out.

That's definitely a good workout plan, but as the supplements watch out which one you use because some can be bad for you.
BlackBear wrote:I mostly lift weights john... that sounds good viper but isn't your workout way too long? I mean i train for a maximum of an 1 hour n 30 mins and i make sure i cover all areas of my muscles.

My workout routine is the following:

Monday - Chest
Tues - Legs
Wed - Arms (Including both Biceps and Triceps)
Thurs - Cardio/Abs
Friday - Shoulders
Sat - Back

I aim usually for each muscle for around 5 or 6 exercises and tend to do around 4/5 sets of 12 reps max and going down whilst im increasing the weight. For example 70kg bench of 12 reps then next set would be 10 reps but increasing the weight slightly.

I was wondering if anyone would like to share their weekly routine with me and give me tips on the best way possible to increase more size. Also if you are on any supplements that show great gains.

I like working out long. One of those days, my class ends at 10:45, so I have 4 and half hours ago to kill. Killing half of the time just make the day go quicker.

I do all five body parts except the bike all in one workout day. So on strength training days I do about 25 to 30 exercises.
I have been working out for a long time now. I do cardio two days and strength training/abdomen two days. For Cardio, I do 20+ minutes and go up each time. For Strength training I do between 2 hours to 2 1/2 hours.

Here is what I do

I do 6-7 chest exercises

8-9 Shoulder Exercises

5 Tricep exercises

9-10 Bicep Exercises

6-7 Abdomen Exercises- My College gym only.

That is my workout plan.

BlackBear, how many exercises you do every time you work out?
Definitely not me, I've been over the hill for a while.

The best fighter of his month or possibly this year is definitely John.
johnbludger wrote:I won the title and defended successfully. Viper, Sickness told me that his connection kicked off after he won the title and he couldnt get back on. I'll give you a shot Viper. Ill be on tommorrow and ill give everybody a shot. ill be on around like 2 or 3. I have football practice at 4 so ill be on around 7 pm afterwards.

I see, I thought he ran but i thought wrong. Thanks for the offer, but I don't have the time tomorrow, maybe the weekends I'll fight for it.
johnbludger wrote:Viper cares, he wants that revenge.

Not happening because I just started my senior year of college, so I will be doing a lot of reading and writing for the next four months.

I might play on the weekends, but not during the school week. If Sickness appears on a weekend, then I might take it from him. The Revenge will probably be a while.
He fought Ken Norton first, that is how he got to me. That coward will lose it sooner or later.
If you see this guy and beat him, DO NOT REMATCH HIM because he will run with the belt, like he did against me.

So, I am giving everyone the heads up.
Dick E. Boon wrote:I have the same problem when using IE, I use Safari browser or Opera to play OB.

Internet Explorer is very slow. I use Mozilla Firefox because it is a lot faster than Internet Explorer. Using a browser that is faster than Internet Explorer is a good move.
Since the game is back, I will continue this list and will probably make a new list in the near future.
I was the last person to hold all the belts before Mikkel closed it to one title room.

So does that count as an undisputed champion?
Nick P. was my first account and I was bad

My record was 600 something wins with 955 losses
Dick E. Boon wrote:I fully agree with you viper!! Now please help me to notify all the old players that OB2D is back again! Please send the message to all the payers you know.

Hope to meet you in the ring soon again Viper!

Ok, I hope you do the same.
Good to see this game to come back.
thegoldenboy wrote:Hey guys, just saying whats up.

I have the toughest fight of my MMA career this saturday.

my opponent is a Purple Belt In BJJ as well a very, very good wrestler

this will be on the fight network down the road, I will get footage and pictures of the entire thing for everyone.

so you guys can see the behind the scenes and what not of a fighting event.

heres the lineup

wish me luck, drop a comment at the bottom, ill check it before I get my hands wrapped


Good luck in your match. To beat him, just exploit his weaknesses and hurt it even more.
The Legendary Warrior of OB
The God of of Knockout Power and Destruction
121 Time Online Boxing Champ
270 defenses
Defeated All Comers in Title Matches
Semi- Retired- Will return for a few months at the End of April
Class- Elite/A+
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