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Messages posted by: Skillz
Forum Index » Profile for Skillz » Messages posted by Skillz
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Edder your Mexican ! give it up lmao.
Haha hahaha. Rofl.
Although i am Sexy haha

Captain we have to fight. Your good, you beat me on my comeback acc when i sucked. we have to go sometime soon. i wna see where we are both at.
No beef just friendly fights to gage..
uhh. i said i mite come on lol.
I been kinda busy these last 2 weeks...
But i should be back in not too long.
i'd come in Silent
Yeah im that good.

COCKY ^^^^

dont feel like typing the whole thing haha.

Lmao Dion Terrance and Phillip, it's ABUT dignity it's ABUT pride.

Whatever happened to the old vet USA. miss that guy lmao.
He would be ideal for now.

and btw....

Tourney..probally 2moro if i feel like getting on OB...But ima warm up 1st cuz i havent fought in a couple days..
Lmao. Cap your hilarious.
i'll sneak ya some tickets.

1st Row
umm. yea....Maragon you havent seen me fight since i was rush lol.
That was my comeback name just to get my timing and speed back.
But now im on real acc. And i fight completely different if yall really want to do this. we can have a tourney or something like that...

Me vs You, Viper or John
really doesnt matter to me, i can prove myself.
i personally think that, its a tie between Me, Viper and John.

Reason being and neither of them can disagree.
We all trade wins and losses back and forth. Like it always goes 3-3 or 3-0 but than the next day the guy goes 0-3....

So yea..

But it was HTF.
oooooh yeah and Sal.
Classic lmao. Those were like 3 weeks ago. Check the dates.
btw. i dnt have a problem with you i just dont think your better than me.
You claim your better than me and u beat me all the time but i have never lost to you.

We can do the Best of 10. Skipping thing?? i told you lmao, i was on wireless conn. i can plug into my modem when we do our best of 10 if you really want it tht bad. Forreal.
HTF is american..
im american
Viper is american'
John is American

i kno theres some1 else im missing.

3 of 3 right there. And don't forget all the times ive beaten you on your alts. Lag and all.
Lmao. Check H2H. Nuff said.
Lol. ok?

oh well guess it really doesnt matter anyways.
Forum Index » Profile for Skillz » Messages posted by Skillz
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