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Messages posted by: Skillz
Forum Index » Profile for Skillz » Messages posted by Skillz
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Wow Prof. LMAO
its a shame i semi-retired. i would have had a title by now
But ill b back soon.
So..Viper i was right.
Stop going off records.
Red Viper wrote:
Skillz wrote:Yo0 this don't make no sense.
The post for "Top Busts of all Time" has like a bunch of replies and like 6 pages.
But my post for the "Top Fighters of all Time" gets no replies.
Which is a positive post. lmao soooo corrupt.

Why, because my post is more accurate thats why and I am conituning to update it. No need for a thread like this.

Plus your thread is not very accurate because your forgetting Sal and Greg Haugen. Both of them are better than Unstoppable. Then, others created dumb and useless posts about the top 5 as well, so I basically answered your question. You listed Sugarray but hes not in the HOF. I think Lab and Greg Haugen are better than Sugarray.

Greg has a 2-0 advantage over Unstoppable, so he gets the nod for the fifth spot.

Heres the real Top 5.

1, Fatny
2. HTF
3. Larry Holmes
4. Salvador-Sanchez
5. Greg Haugen
61 time Onlineboxing Champion
118 title defences in all
19- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
9- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
One of the greatest Sluggers in OB History
The most hardworking fighter in OB
Another OB Legend
A die hard martial arts films fan
The Quest for 10,000 wins for one account
OB Name- Red Viper

Yo sound retarded.
We've been thru this so many times.
Alot of the best fighters aren't in HOF.
Haugen??<<NO. ill give you Sal, and i forgot Lab. But i was gna make it Top 10 anyways. when i edited. if it got hits..
Your post is a drama post, and it's sad thts what ppl reply too.
Yo0 this don't make no sense.
The post for "Top Busts of all Time" has like a bunch of replies and like 6 pages.
But my post for the "Top Fighters of all Time" gets no replies.
Which is a positive post. lmao soooo corrupt.
The Lunatic is not a bust..
He played OB strictly for fun and not titles and what not.
he rarely even asked for a shot.
He's a good old timer..
Not that many more losses than wins either..
I wouldn't come back from longgggg breaks like HTF takes either.
on a main acc.
Atleast till i partially get my skills back like i did with Rush..
HTF wrote:Like I said only if you fought aswell as you run your mouth you might have chance or even better yet a decent record.

shut Prof down.
Professor wrote:Hype down.

johnbludger wrote:EVERYONE BE HERE February 13 4:00 PM TO 12:00 A.M EASTERN STANDARD

i can' out all v-day.
i came on yesterday nite at like 8:45 he was on.
Left got back on at like 10:30 he was on but afk.
How did Rocky get DQ'd??
he be online.
sadtruth wrote:John and skillz this is very very very sad. you post these lists 6 times a month. Stop Nobody cares. the top players know who they are. just because a stupid list is made doesnt change the fact.
you guys do this to reassure to yourselves and everyone else that your good at a game. you dont see fatny, htf, sal, nigel or any of those guys making stupid lists once a week.

I wonder why?

John you honestly need to fucking get a life

All that ive posted is all-time Top 5...
im not counting old fights.
And you have been here for lyk 2 years now.
That is getn old its time to take a step up.
No not really.
And i beat top fighters more than you.
No no no no no.
John when did you ever become better than me??
when did viper become superior?
Forum Index » Profile for Skillz » Messages posted by Skillz
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