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Messages posted by: Skillz
Forum Index » Profile for Skillz » Messages posted by Skillz
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Sooo i lose to you majority of the time? do we hav to do H2H again?
i havent even fought in like a month.
I came outta retirement for a month and a half and did more than you've done in your career. I barely even rate myself and if i did it wasnt at the top.
So sssh. your pathetic.. and ugly btw.
Sssh. So now your saying Sal doesnt spam?
tsk tsk. i quit this discussion.
Lmao you have to have skill to spam. (effectivly while sustaining a little Defense)
Thats y only a couple ppl can do it effectivly.
I.E, Vargas Sal HTF Skillz...
Overrated = John..No offense your supposed to be like the BEST. right now. you had so much potential and havent lived up to it yet.

Underrated = Captain America or Me.. various reasons. (not Viper cuz, your not underrated some ppl just dont like you.)
it makes it funner. Keeps away the ppl tht bore for 8 rounds than try to KO in last 4. You have to fight ur fullest for all 12.
Plus it makes the game funner.
Nothing else about the game is really realistic why should tht be?
Paul Williams
It just matters what your style iz. There will never be an agreed answer.
Sluggers love it, Boxers hate it.
YES ! ive always wanted this.
i might even come back sooner now.
Keep it more stamina plz lmao.
Fatny wrote:she's mine but i also fount one for you, there:

I think i threw up in my mouth.
Are you fucking kidding me???
Vargas can't go 12?? dunce.
Viper i give you this, you are the most underrated fighter and ur good.
but the thread has a point. that your clearly missing.
Prof..Vargas is usually at work when he fights so that's probally why he only goes 4 sometimes.
Viper. i wasnt trying to make a mockery of you.
i was making a mockery of the fact tht ppl are so draw to negative stuff..
But since u brought tht up. Your always crying about how u get no respect and blah blah. It doesnt matter.
And for the record Vargas is better than you, he plays sporadically and you play every day all day.
Mikkel wrote:I need to put the original obv1 back

catfish2 wrote:I like sexy Larry and all, but i don't think putting Larry up as the #1 OB fighter just because he's been here longer is very fair ya know.

i Put him number 1 because he's been at the Top without a doubt for EVERY era of OB, no matter coming off retirement or at full force.
Lmao. Arctic. No it's not drama, it's to see peoples opinion on the best OB fighters of all time. Post more for the vets.
Im just saying how funny it is to see people respond so much to negative and not positive.
Probally just the server.
Because i never lagged EVER b4 around 04-07.
But when i came back now in 09 i skip all the time.
I have the exact same connection (verizon) and modem with better PC.
But now i skip all the time..
Forum Index » Profile for Skillz » Messages posted by Skillz
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