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Messages posted by: Skillz
Forum Index » Profile for Skillz » Messages posted by Skillz
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We've been scared of this day for years now.
It's finally here and im sad to see this, but i have no problem with paying like $10 a month and i dnt even play anymore..
There generally more ppl on the forum in these "Drama/Flame" posts than on the actual game itself..kinda sad.
Lol, that's a bad response for a new player.
You could've atleast said "it's not prime time" or something haha.
ill join. as my final hoorah.
Tis is why i retired again..
Boxing always.
But i will admit MMA is entertaining, my fav fighter Rashad Evans..he's from my hometown !
Ehh most conterversial as of now goes to..drum roll please?
Red Viper ! lol many people dont like him and theres always a verbal war in his posts.
Professor wrote:
Skillz wrote:Sooo i lose to you majority of the time? do we hav to do H2H again?
i havent even fought in like a month.
I came outta retirement for a month and a half and did more than you've done in your career. I barely even rate myself and if i did it wasnt at the top.
So sssh. your pathetic.. and ugly btw.

You're hideous and fat. And btw please do the H2H. Because I own you. You post shit from like 3 years ago when I first started and say "see i own u im betta lol" Fuck outta here. I'm like 8-2 against you since the school year started. You came back and won one title, and got owned by me and others. Your shit. Give it up.

Haha 1 title. Go take a nap,
Fat?? haha u sound stupid u fuck ah wud show u a recent pic but ah kno how yall homo's go.
8-2? we fought like 3 times and its 2-1 you.
Yo dumbass been here for years n still fuckin trash won like 10 titles your fuckin garbage.
Wow all these years?? n its your 1st time
Cant believe that..but congrats.
The game isnt realistic at all...
It's good that he's changing things within the game.
Good work Mikkel, hope to see more changes to come.
Have patience..You will have lots of replies with help by tomorow or sooner.
May i suggest you play 2D for now?
Ehh. i didn't know that.
I was basing it off when i was last active. Sorry lmao
Impressive resume btw.
Lol Nigel i certainly am not. I don't even play.
I didn't mean it that way...I'll explain.
B4 you and John did the Superchamp Unifying. People only considered you like 5. Than when you won that People immediatly put u at 1 (untill Fatny came back)
That's kinda what i mean.
Not so much as ur overrated but nobody is really overrated that i could think of and your the closest thing because of tht.
Yeah..he's fast tho.

But uhh i think im coming back fully today. My 360 just got Red Ring..
And it's the weekend..No basketball today lol im back..
sterlihalla wrote:Most overrated - Nigel benn
Most underrated - Larry holmes

Agreed. No offense Nigel, your great but not number 2..
Forum Index » Profile for Skillz » Messages posted by Skillz
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