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Messages posted by: themadman
Forum Index » Profile for themadman » Messages posted by themadman
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if you dont care then why do you reply, and no it does not make it any ezier if you dont use it, if anything, you keep using that hook and your gonna get ko'ed
stop replying to my posts, your a professional a-hole you say it yourself, why would i listen to someone who tries to control a persons way of playing the game, when its in the game, it doesnt matter what you say, its a part of the game, and i proved its not for noobs, the way i use it, and since your so ignorant let me explain it to you, the flynig hook is a extra range put into the game with the other ranges, by not using that move, you are keeping youself from using all ranges and moves in the game and you are limiting yourself and you are limiting others so you have a hmm more ez time fighting people by saying you a noob if you use the hook, why because it knocks you out? its a freakin powerful hook, who doesnt use hooks in boxing, man please someone help this guy, he is so blind and controlling
im supose to know what you been doing this past week? i dont even know who you are, but by looking at the picture you leave behind on everyone of your posts says it all, your a professional what??? i rest my case
missouri, US. Mainserver

i cant log on to it please help someone anyone
im banned from the 2d, i dont know how to make or get a new ip adress, im on a router, i got more then 3 people that play on these computers, so i cant just cut them off, and why am i banned in the first place, i dont get no warning, told anything on why, and im a changed person, i dont even talk to people hatefully anymore, please let me come back, this game is like a drug to me and i must play it
you know its true professor and who is your online boxing names you used on here, im sure you already know and been ko'ed by the double hook and thats why your pissed
i never understood how people can get banned or kicked for talking crap in boxing wether its a game or real life, because there isnt enough people playing to ban people for talking crap, since its already at a very low amount of people and talking crap is a part of fighting, all the best fighters talk crap

mike tyson,muhammad ali,larry holmes,lenox lewis,rocky marciano,roy jones,benard hopkins,oscar de la hoya and the list goes on and on
i always felt that i should be in the HOF because, i could beat and still can beat anyone in this game, i been playing since this game came out, just had all kinds of different names because of the pay to play times, everyone fell to my double hook ko, at the time i started it, everyone said that was for noobs and wouldnt use hooks and hated me for it, but in fact in real life im 6ft 230lbs raised a boxer and developed a iron fist and it would only take 1 hook to ko anyone in this game im sure, so i dont understand why people acted like a flying hook was so cheap, when you would lose so much staminia and power for using it and you could get knocked out if you got caught while using it, and i have caught all the best players in this game throughout the years with the double hook ko

i always thought HOF was about legendary people that have beat all the greats in their prime and been in it for a long period of time

i also notice on this game, you can beat someone up over and over and they never give credit where credit is do, if they dont like you, they will never say you are good
heres what happen, i was just boxing someone and little bit of argueing, but with out no curse words are harmful sayings and then someone i dont know who, was making changes in the game, like 1 month ago, and then im all suddenly banned after a couple of fights after an update
The update included banning the IP's of accounts with certain harmful and/or sexual keywords. 'madman' was one of these keywords.

what is up with this and fine i wont use it even though its my real life nick name

can anyone please tell me how i change my ip adress

how come the admin cant just unban my ip and i can change my name???
i have no idea why i was banned on the day that someone was doing updates to the game, and then all suddenly im banned, and never have been able to get on since, please let me come back, this is 1 of my most favorite games ever

Forum Index » Profile for themadman » Messages posted by themadman
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