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Messages posted by: slugger
Forum Index » Profile for slugger » Messages posted by slugger
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HTF its on man i'll be in the ring waiting for you.YOU PRICK
i think when you jab someone the opponent should freeze when he gets hit by it.The jab should be important just like real boxing
right hands are powerful in real life so im ok with the setting
OR try safary it works good for me =)
If its toe to toe i give it to toney.
what is the website that you go to
it does int work it says The requested resource (/applet) is not available.
I !!DONT!! no how to get back on 2d can some one tell me the website on how they get back in i really appreciated
Mikkle i worked my way back up from zero man it took me weeks.Than won the belt by beating anderson silva and defended it immediately can you please put me back were i was ill appreciated man i mean i dedicate my self to this game.
redneck i think u should stop boixng in ob2d ur just so lower class and been in the game for the longest soooooo retire u no wats good for ya
sorry im a moron
mikkle it will be great if u create some type of adverstisement for ob2d. It will defenitely gain a vast amount of population.
AND sniper it was int like mikkle was gonna give u the championship by posting this statement
im not science so get tht thruw ya head.ya are always assuming someone is another person.
poor science dude.mikkle i quess the 8 day rule has been tossed out the window how are u going to break ur on rule
Forum Index » Profile for slugger » Messages posted by slugger
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