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Joined: 18/07/2007 21:33:26
Messages: 45

Ali would win but it might be a good match to see

OB name:TKOknockout and TBOS Bernard Hopkins
Class:B or C idk
objective:to be a champion
signature punch:TBOS left hook and TBOS uppercut

Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

Anonymous wrote:
Larry Holmes wrote:Tyson was not washed up in the Douglas fight he was just not in a very good shape. And even if he was in shape are you not allowed to lose a fight ?
Ali also lost fights as I recalled.
Tyson bounced back with very good wins over Ruddock.

The Tyson that lost to Holyfield was a completely different fighter. He wouldn't have beaten Ali.

But the Prime Tyson is a different thing.

Anyone who says that Ali could handle Tyson "with ease" are ignorant and are just joining the latests trend, to diss Tyson. They obviously don't know anything about Alis career.
Ali almost lost to Dough Jones and went 15 rounds with George Chuvalo and was unable to hurt him. Henry Cooper almost knocked him out.
So how on earth can you say that Ali would handle a Tyson at hist best "with ease" when he couldn't easily handle fighters far from Tyson level. Try to use your thinker man !

Hey now lets also not forget who got knocked down by ol' Chuck Wepner too!!

poop that was me
mike watson

Joined: 11/06/2007 19:03:15
Messages: 208
Location: south west (because we count less)

Anonymous wrote:

Hey now lets also not forget who got knocked down by ol' Chuck Wepner too!! what a joke he was an old old man getting tripped over by a slugger....he was not hurt not stunned and it was a right hand to the body...and besides did you see what he did to wepner after bloody murder BLOOOOODY MURDER
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Ali has better technique. I think Ali would win by rounds if he managed to stop Tyson attacking too hard. If tyson hits him constantly with damage, tyson could win. Nobody could win with 'ease'.
mike watson

Joined: 11/06/2007 19:03:15
Messages: 208
Location: south west (because we count less)

Larry Holmes wrote:Tyson was not washed up in the Douglas fight he was just not in a very good shape. And even if he was in shape are you not allowed to lose a fight ?
Ali also lost fights as I recalled.
Tyson bounced back with very good wins over Ruddock.

The Tyson that lost to Holyfield was a completely different fighter. He wouldn't have beaten Ali.

But the Prime Tyson is a different thing.

Anyone who says that Ali could handle Tyson "with ease" are ignorant and are just joining the latests trend, to diss Tyson. They obviously don't know anything about Alis career.
Ali almost lost to Dough Jones and went 15 rounds with George Chuvalo and was unable to hurt him. Henry Cooper almost knocked him out.
So how on earth can you say that Ali would handle a Tyson at hist best "with ease" when he couldn't easily handle fighters far from Tyson level. Try to use your thinker man !

i totally agree that ali would have more trouble on his hands than people think but your examples are truly odd picks.
doug jones knocked him down(didnt stun him one bit) and ali totally mopped the floor with him.and in that he was a young man learning his trade he wasnt the dangerous man we saw later in his career.and besides de la hoya got knokced down early in his career, james toney,chris eubank all men with titanium chins have been knocked down early on career wise.

and chuvalo going 15 what chuvalo is possible the strongest chinned heavywieght of all time...closly followed by oliver mcCall. look at the foreman-chuvalo fight and look at chuvalo he wasnt hurt at all but took alot of shots so it got stopped while he was standing.his first response to the ref when it was stopped was "are you nuts"! he was never decked never hurt to go 15 rounds is typical when fighting him.

and enry cooper had maybe the hardest left hook never to win a title. and in that he came back and wooped him till his eye looked like tomato soup.

ali wasnt a god...but he was better than what your making out.

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my piece
mike watson

Joined: 11/06/2007 19:03:15
Messages: 208
Location: south west (because we count less)

i think ali stops tyson after tyson wins the first few rounds. tyson wins first 3 rounds with his rampaging style but his reach and hieght will give him away when ali throws those jabs and crosses after a while tyson defence will lossen and he goes out of the normal slipping stance to a boxing stance using his jab...people forget how damaging tysons jab was it was quick destructive and could hit you again right after again and again. when in the later rounds ali comes foreward takes the fight to him and tysons defence ,speed, power will go down the drain he has puffeed out and will get tagged non stop. in the lewis- tyson fight tyson wins the first rounds but gets caught later on...he was incredibly out of prime but the same goes with the tony tucker fight when tucker jabs him and tyson cant respond.

ali wins he aint gonna get koed he aint gonna get out worked and he wasnt going to get out hustled the only times that happend was. spinks I and the holmes- ali and if you knew anything you would see that he was an OLD OLD man by then

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Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

He didnt totally mop the floor with Dough Jones. He won by scores 5-4, 5-4,8-1 and it was 1963 Ring Magazine Fight of the Year.
I dont make him worse than he was but I dont wanna make him any better as well.


Joined: 05/01/2007 22:58:45
Messages: 190

Ali would win

Tyson didnt punch as hard as Liston or Foreman

Ali took there punches with ease

So Ali Round 8'ish KO

Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

chopper81 wrote:Ali would win

Tyson didnt punch as hard as Liston or Foreman

Ali took there punches with ease

So Ali Round 8'ish KO

Who cares about how hard you punch? Tyson punches hard enough to knockout everyone in the world if he connects right. You're not taking Tysons speed, accuracy and stamina into account here, you base everything on punching power.
George Foreman might hit 25% harder (or so) than Tyson but Tyson threw 3 accurate very hard when George threw 1 sloppy superhard. So what is best ?
Btw it is not even proven that Liston or Foreman punches harder, to me it doesnt look like it really and there's no way to prove it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 17/08/2007 11:51:33



Joined: 31/05/2006 17:11:31
Messages: 364

tigerwoods wrote:Who would in a fight Muhammad Ali (in his prime) or Mike Tyson (in his prime)?

i think tysons smart pressure style definately is capable of giving ali problems. He used smart head movement to avoid long straight punches while at the same time creating an angle for his power punches. At his peak he had incredible speed, and wasnt a mere slugger, he had great accuracy/placement, and timing on his shots. If he catches ali at any time it could be over.

However i still believe an ali at his physical peak, in the 60s (opinionated), with the incredible agility, stamina and handspeed would win over a long UD. Back then he was just too fast, and with his longer reach he could just jab/tag him and run. I know he got caught by Cooper, but against a deadly opponent of who he would fear, he would be focused to do the job like he did against others in the 60s.
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

How many rounds?

Joined: 30/01/2007 01:38:10
Messages: 953

i dont think anyone could predict.. lol. could go either way at any given point.
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

goldenboy88 wrote:i dont think anyone could predict.. lol. could go either way at any given point.

Lol, i don't know much about boxing. Other then glove goes in opponent.
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